Title: The 10th Knight International Symposium on Online Journalism
1The 10th Knight International Symposium on
Online Journalism April 17, 2009
Diverse Business Models in Online Journalism
Are We Trying Hard Enough?
Katie King, Creative and Development Editor MSN UK
2MSN Leading UK portal
- 29 M uniques Feb 09 (Comscore)
- News, Cars, Money, Entertainment, Technology are
in top three in category - 25 plus channels
- 25 year-on-year page view growth
- Emphasis on original content, social media and
video - 35 editorial staff
- 40 plus editorial partners
3Information, community, conversation
4(No Transcript)
5MSN UK Ad-Funded Creative SolutionsEngaging and
informing users on behalf of our clients
6Value for clients and MSN UK audience
- Content, technology, promotion, SEO
- Top quality editorial
- Sophisticated performance metrics
- Cross platform (mobile, Hotmail, Messenger,
Spaces, Xbox) - Ability to target audience
- Client specific solutions
- Connect to audience through web 2.0 functionality
7Embraced by UK news industry
8Questions to contemplate
- What will be the future role of advertising
agencies? - Will the chaos scenario of decreasing ad spend
play out?
9Thank you!