Title: ?????? ?????/?? (i.e. ????)
1???????????/??(i.e. ????)
- ???
- ????? ?????
- ?????? ?????????
- 2008/5/10
2Scientific Methods Binding together of Facts by
Ideas ???? ????????
History of Science Perpetual Sequence of
Conjectures and Refutations ??? ????????
3- ???????????
- ??????????????
- ??????????
- ??????????
- ????? ?????? ?
- ??????
- Punch Lines
Picassos Don Quixote
Rodins Thinker
5- ???? (Vs ???? )
- ?? How Science ought to be done
- ?????????????
- Nature of Truth (Vs Truth of Nature )
- Operating System (Vs Software)
6????? (????????) ????? (????????)
8????? (e.g Mastermind)
?? ?? ????
- Theory ?Observation one-to-one
- Observation ? Theory one-to-many
???????? Pythagorus, Galileo, Descartes, Newton,
Bacon, Herschel, Whewell, Berkeley, Mach,
Popper,Feyerabend, Lakatos, Kuhn ..
11???? (Anything that works ??)
12- Induction(??) Vs Axiomatic(??) Approaches
- e.g. Newtons Theory of Light (I) Vs Newtons
Laws of Motion (A) - emphasis on data/facts (I) Vs creative
imagination (A) - Common objectives explain known phenomena and
make predictions of new ones - Modern language Bottom-Up (I) Vs Top-Down
13- Axioms of Newtonss Theory of Mechanics
- Every body continues in its state of rest, or of
uniform motion in a right line, unless it is
compelled to change that state by forces
impressed upon it. - The change of motion is proportional to the
motive force impressed and is made in the
direction of the right line in which that force
is impressed. - To every action there is always opposed an equal
reaction or, the mutual actions on two bodies
upon each other are always equal, and directed to
contrary parts.
14(No Transcript)
15- Law (??) Theory (??)
- no clear border-line in general
- descriptive see that (Law) Vs explanatory see
as (Theory) - Theories incorporate Laws via deduction
- Laws can outlive Theories
- e.g. Boyles Law to Kinetic Theory Keplers Law
to Newtons theory of Gravitation - effective theory (a la onion) explain
predict at certain scale without understanding of
underlying mechanism , using theoretically
non-derivable fundamental constants to
parametrize our ignorance - e.g. fluid mechanics (viscosities, densities etc
as fundamental variables, without involving
molecular physics) - i.e. all scientific theory are effective at
16Physics Holy Grail Theory of Everything
17 All Theories are False Some Theories are More
False than the Others . (Karl Popper) But .
refutation (??) ? rejection (??)
i.e. Theories approach but cannot, in principle,
achieve "necessary truth " that which is, is,
and cannot not be " (Aristotle)
18- Criteria of Acceptance / Gauge of Progress of
- Facts (experimental/observational confirmations),
facts, more facts ! - Survival of the Fittest
19- Confirmation weights
- Reproducibility
- Internal consistency
- Unversality
- Testability/Falsifiable range of possibilities
of falsification - Predictive power, esp. to the extreme range
- Extension of understanding to new regions
- Knowledge of boundaries (limits of validity)
- crucial experiments differentiate competing
theories - Progress of Science Progressive incorporation
of past knowledge into new framework - New theory converges to old ones in asymptotic
region - River-tributary , with rapids analogy
- e.g. Newtons Theory included Keplers Law,
Galileos Law of free fall, motions of tides ..
etc - A continuing process with occasional revolutions
- Normal Vs Revolution Science
20(No Transcript)
21(No Transcript)
2210-9 !!!!!!!
23- Limitations in Theory
- Are they reality, final, complete, and permanent
? (NO) - Hypothesis, Laws, Theories, Realities not
distinct (e.g. atoms) - Idealized/Simplified give predictions (real
world) only after modelling/making assumptions ,
and specify initial/boundary conditions ( from
mathematical forms to numbers !! ) - Sometimes based on first-principles/axioms
which cannot be proven. - Chaos System unpredictable infinitely
sensitive to initial conditions - Quantum cosmology Only One Universe to Observe
- Can it be investigated with Scientific
Methods ?
- Facts cannot prove a theory to be completely and
absolutely true. Theories can only be shown to be
empirically adequate.
24(No Transcript)
25e.g. Are Feynman diagrams realities ?? If so,
physics or mathematics ? .
i.e. agreement between ideas facts to 6 digits
(parts per million) !!!!
26Beyond Scientific Methods . ??????
. if a thing is not a Science, it is not
necessarily bad. For example, Love is not a
Science. So if something is said not to be a
Science, it does not mean there is something
wrong with it it just means it is not a Science.
( Richard Feynman )
27- Distinguish / Identify / ??
- Science Vs Non-Science
- Good Science Vs Bad Science
- Genuine Science Vs Pseudo-Science
29Scientific Trainings (????) , At the End of the
Day , are ..
A Signal-to-Noise Problem Judgement
30 Science has only One Command Contributions !
Bertolt Brechts Galileo
????????,???? !? ???? -- ????