Title: Balance between family
1Balance between family professional
lifeCompany kindergarten Why, what for?
Seminar on gender aspects of company
- Manuela Martin, Works Council
countries with more than 400 sites and approx.
29,000 employeesSales EUR 8.6 billion in 2005
Europe 56
The Americas34
Pharma Chemicals
4Deficits in Child Care in Germany
Opening and day-care hours The list of deficits
from parents point of view
Opening hours not long or flexible enough
Too few offers in emergency situations
Too few full-day child care offers
All in all, corresponding to needs
Upper bar Agreement of working single
parents Lower bar Agreement in total
Surveyed 1,001 mothers and fathers with children
between 0 and 10 years old in household
March 2005
5 Employees by age Hanover site
6Female Employees With Small Children
- Comparison Plants in BE, DE, FR, NL
- in Hanover
- Higher proportion of women (gt 50)
- Lower employment rate
- Longer maternity leave
- Hardly any full-time work
Disadvantages in the conciliation of Professional
Private Life
7Initiative of the works council
- Need from the employees
- Create a group with employees
- Design a strategy
- Diskussion with management
After ten years o.k.
- 1st Quarter 2003
- Survey of need
- Conception/search for suitable operator
- Financing
- Construction application
- 2nd Quarter 2003
- Contract with operator
- Negotiations with authorities
- 3rd Quarter 2003
- Conversion activities (preparation of building
and grounds) - Plant agreement
- 4th Quarter 2003
- Conversion activities/Fixtures and furnishings
- Operation permit
- OPENING (12.12.2003)
9SolKids Child Day Care Center
- Open since December 2003
- A mixed age group
- For 25 3 children (Pilot project of
place-sharing) - For children from 1-6 years
- Opening hours 730 1730
- Flexible care hours
- Closed 10 days /year
- Support in emergency situation
- Booking of additional hours
10Advantages for Parents
- Fast return from maternity leave possible
- Care hours are adapted to the working hours
- No double travel times (workplace and
kindergarten) - In case of emergency, immediately close to child
- Flexible booking of hours
- Inner peace, less stress
- Parent networks
11Extension 2006
- Expansion into childrens house (opened March
2006) - Opening of the extended inside and outside areas
- With two groups since 1 March 2006
- 15 Nursery places (1 3 years old)
- 21 3 places (2 6 years old)
- 5 Governesses 3 Child-care nurses
12Integration in the Company
- SolKids Committee
- questions of the Child Day-Care Center
- 2 Works Council and 2 company representatives
Acceptance procedure and issuing of places - Contributions, pedagogical concept
- Company Agreement, Care Ordinance
13Family-Conscious Personnel Policy
- Solvay offers
- Flexitime regulations without
- core times
- Part-time agreements
- Tele-workplaces
- Combined Tele/Office workplaces
- Child day care centers near the
- company