Title: Some statistical mechanics
1Some statistical mechanics
- How can we analyze the data generated from an ab
initio simulation? - Wed like to calculate thermodynamic, measurable
quantities free energies, enthalpies, entropies,
etc. - From these we can predict, for example, binding
FEs for drug design, FE pathways for ion transit
through channels, etc - FEs are difficult to calculate due to entropic
2Solvation Stat Mech Tutorial
- This lecture will rely heavily on our book The
Potential Distribution Theorem and Models of
Molecular Solutions, by Beck, Paulaitis, and
Pratt. - Well label the Potl Distn Thm --gt PDT
- The focus is on the chemical potential, which is
the partial molar Gibbs FE
3A Theory for Mu
- Originally developed by Widom in 1963
- Well use the Helmholtz FE and give the old
fashioned derivation from the canonical ensemble.
You can also derive this from the grand
canonical ensemble, in our book.
(Well consider a one component system to keep
things simple, easy to generalize to multiple
4PDT contd
- TD/SM calc of mu (monatomic fluid here)
5PDT contd
The average in the second term means the solute
is not coupled with the rest of the solution
during the averaging. Also we can pick any point
in the solution to do the averaging, or average
over all points.
6PDT contd
- The first term is the ideal contribution to the
chemical potential which is a function of the
number density and the thermal de Broglie
wavelength - Notice that in this derivation we utilized
Boltzmann statistics but there is still the n!
there which is due to the indistinguishability of
7PDT contd
- At equilibrium the chemical potential for a given
component is constant everywhere in space. But
the number density and the last term can vary so
as to add up to that constant (in an
inhomogeneous system)
8PDT contd
- The last term is the excess chemical potential
and has to do with the interactions of the solute
with its surroundings. - What happens if we have a molecular solute?
Exercise derive all of the above formulas step
by step
9PDT contd
- Above, in the first term, is the internal
partition function for the molecule in the gas
phase (or vacuum really) at some temperature T - That can be calculated by quantum chemistry for
example - In the last term the double brackets signify
statistical sampling of the solute in vacuum and
the solvent in the condensed phase, but
uncoupled. Then those uncoupled configurations
are overlaid and the interaction energy is
10PDT contd
- Lets go back to an atomic solute, like argon as
an example. Rearranging the PDT, we see - Thus, at equilibrium, the density and the
insertion probability are proportional - If there are mainly unfavorable (positive)
interaction energies, then the density will be
low, or if there are many favorable interactions,
then the density will be high
Exercise derive the above formula for the density
11PDT contd
- We could imagine an inhomogeneous system of a
biological bilayer membrane, with charged or
polar head groups interacting with water on each
side and a nonpolar domain in the middle - Then the free energy profile for an argon
solute will be unfavorable in water and near the
head groups, but favorable in the nonpolar region
12PDT contd
- Formula for inhomogeneous systems
- Here the potential is an external potential
imposed say by distributions of charges in the
Exercise derive the Nernst formula for the
distribution of charges between two phases kept
at different potentials
13PDT contd
- Partition function perspective
Exercise derive the inverse formula below
14PDT contd
Exercise prove this formula
15Solute partitioning
- Imagine a water sample with vapor above it
containing some Ar atoms, what is the solubility
of Ar in water?
16Chemical equilibrium
- Basic equation
- Then plugging in our formula for the chemical
potentials - If theres no interactions with the solvent (that
is were in the gas phase) -
Exercise derive these chemical equilibrium
formulas from the PDT
17Enthalpies and entropies
- How do we get (partial molar) enthalpies and
entropies from the chemical potential?
Temperature derivatives
Exercise prove these formulas and show that the
same formulas hold for the excess quantities
18Quasi-chemical theory
- This gives a way to partition the excess chemical
potential into various manageable parts - It partitions the FE into inner-shell and
outer shell parts. The nice thing is then that
we might use different approximations for those
two regions, say quantum chemistry for the inner
shell and a classical treatment for the outer
19QCT contd
- Basic quasi-chemical idea
20QCT contd
- The outer-shell part can be further partitioned
into a packing part and a long-ranged interaction
part. - Important to note, this partitioning is exact, no
approximations yet - Next well derive the QCT
21QCT contd
- We use an often helpful trick in statistical
mechanics of multiplying and dividing by the same
thing, then rearranging
Here UN is the interaction energy for the N
solvent molecules. Now multiply by
The interaction energy labeled with HS is for a
hard sphere molecule of the size of the inner
shell radius.
22QCT contd
Exercise go through all these steps in the
23QCT contd
- What are the 3 terms in the excess mu?
- First is the inner shell (IS) term. x0 says
what is probability that IS region is not
occupied with any solvent while the solute is in
the sampling. Well see later that this is like
a chemical binding contribution. - p0 is the probability that the whole IS region is
unoccupied with solvent. This yields the outer
shell (OS) packing contribution. - The last term is due to long ranged interactions
of the solute with the solvent. As written it
involves sampling with the HS (hard sphere)
solute involved, that is all solvent molecules
are pushed away from the solute.
24QCT contd
- Lets look at the IS term. It is minus the work
to push the solvent molecules out of the IS
region away from the solute. We can express it in
chemical equilibrium language. - Here S is the solute, W is water, and SWn is the
complex in solution
25QCT contd
- Then
- But note that the sum in the denom truncates
sharply -- we can only pack so many solvent
molecules in the IS. - We can rewrite as
26QCT contd
- We define an equilibrium constant
- So
- And we get
- Thus
Exercise go through the steps of this derivation
27QCT contd
- Notice we can combine the last two terms
That combination is the total OS excess mu.
Exercise check this formula
28QCT contd
- Now we focus on an ion in water, and suggest that
likely the solvation structure around that ion is
dominated by one or two structures. Maybe it is
a K ion and there are 4-6 waters around it. - There is a nice trick to view the problem in a
different way, using our chemical approach - We look at the IS term and say that one term in
the sum dominates, and is much greater than 1.
29QCT contd
- Now lets look at our equilibrium constant
The equilibrium constant in the last line is in
the gas phase
30QCT contd
- Now we notice that when we assemble all this to
get the full excess mu, the OS terms cancel
exactly, and we get - The only approximation here was to say one term
in the chemical equilibrium dominates! - We can try this for several ns and see which is
most stable in terms of FE. - What do we need to calculate to implement this
Exercise work through all these steps
31QCT contd
- We need to calculate the gas phase equilibrium
constant for the complex. That could be obtained
from a quantum chemistry code such as Gaussian,
NWCHEM, etc. - We know the excess chemical potential of water in
water, about -6 kcal/mol - BUT we have created another problem, what is the
excess mu for the ion/water complex?
Asthagiri and Pratt, Chem. Phys. Lett. 371, 613
(2003). This paper examined the Be2 ion in water.
32QCT contd
- The assumption of Asthagiri and Pratt was that
the IS chemistry should be handled accurately,
but the solvation FE of the whole complex in
water could be treated with a continuum solvation
model. - Alternatively that FE could be more accurately
estimated by MD simulations of the complex in
water. - At any rate, Pratt et al have computed very
accurate solvation FEs of (mainly positive) ions
with this approach.
33Be2 data
Appears n4 is most stable complex
34QCT contd
- We can also calculate x0 and p0 directly from
simulation, see PRE 68, 041505 (2003) for AIMD
water mu models. - What about the long-ranged part of the OS excess
mu? - We can develop FE bounds for that term, which
turn out to be helpful
35Long ranged term
- Ways to express the long ranged term
Exercise derive the above two expression for the
lr part.
36Cumulant expansions
- Cumulant expansions express approximations to the
log of the average of an exponential - Now we expand the log
37Cumulant expn contd
- We get
- Similarly
- From these two expressions we can derive upper
and lower bounds for the long ranged part of the
OS term
Exercise confirm the above cumulant expansions
38Long ranged bounds
- Approximate expressions for the long ranged part
The fluctuation term is a variance which must
be positive. Thus
Exercise discuss why these averages give bounds.
39Long ranged bounds
- If the sampling is largely gaussian, then we can
average these two approximations to get a good
estimate, since the fluctuation terms cancel
This average of mean-field terms is easy to
calculate and converges quickly. The larger is
the HS radius for the IS, the more gaussian the
sampling becomes for this OS term.
40Data for CH4 and CF4
D. M. Rogers and T. L. Beck (in preparation)
41Data for water
D. M. Rogers and T. L. Beck (in preparation)
42Data for Na and Cl-
D. M. Rogers and T. L. Beck (in preparation)