Using Maps - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Using Maps


List. Set. SortedMap. Map. Hashtable. The Map interface I. Basic operations: ... you want the keys of a map to be in sorted order (e.g. phone book, dictionary) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Using Maps

Using Maps
A simple map Hashtable
  • To create a Hashtable, use import
    java.util. Hashtable table new Hashtable()
  • To put things into a Hashtable,
    use table.put(key, value)
  • To retrieve a value from a Hashtable, use value

Example use of a Hashtable
  • import java.util.public class HashtableUser
    public static void main(String args)
    Hashtable table new Hashtable()
    table.put("one", "un") table.put("two",
    "deux") table.put("three", "trois")
    System.out.println("two -gt "
    table.get("two")) System.out.println("deu
    x -gt " table.get("deux"))
  • two -gt deuxdeux -gt null

Hashtable constructors
  • Hashtable()
  • Constructs a new, empty Hashtable with a default
    capacity (11) and default load factor (0.75).
  • Hashtable(int initialCapacity)
  • Constructs a new, empty Hashtable with the
    specified initial capacity and the default load
    factor (0.75).
  • Hashtable(int initialCapacity, float loadFactor)
  • Constructs a new, empty Hashtable with the
    specified initial capacity and the specified load
  • Hashtable(Map t)
  • Constructs a new Hashtable with the same mappings
    as the given Map.

Which constructor should you use?
  • This is basically a question of efficiency
  • A hash table that is mostly empty wastes space
  • If a hash table is nearly full, some searches may
    take a very long time
  • The initial capacity of a hash table is the
    number of entries that it can hold initially
  • The load factor is a measure of how full it is
  • A load factor of 75 is usually a good compromise
  • If the table gets fuller than the load factor,
    Java creates a new, larger hash table and
    rehashes everything
  • Rehashing is an expensive operation

Hashtable constructors (again)
  • Hashtable()
  • Use if the default values are good enough
  • Hashtable(int initialCapacity)
  • Use if you have some idea how many entries to
  • Try to ensure it wont be more than 75 full
  • If space is not an issue, double or triple the
  • Hashtable(int initialCapacity, float loadFactor)
  • Use if you are trying to be super efficient
  • Requires careful experimentation and tuning
  • Hashtable(Map t)
  • Use to make a Hashtable from some other map
  • Initial capacity 2(size of t), load factor

The Collections framework
  • Hashtable is an old (pre-Collections) class
  • Hashtable has been retrofitted to implement the
    Map interface

The Map interface I
  • Basic operations
  • Object put(Object key, Object value)
  • Returns the previous value associated with key,
    or null if there was no previous value
  • Object get(Object key)
  • Returns null if the key was not found
  • A return value of null may not mean the key was
    not found (some implementations of Map allow null
    keys and values)
  • Tests
  • boolean containsKey(Object key)
  • boolean containsValue(Object value)
  • Warning probably requires linear time!
  • boolean isEmpty()
  • boolean equals(Object o)
  • Returns true if o is also a map and has the same

The Map interface II
  • Optional operations
  • Object put(Object key, Object value)
  • (So you could implement an immutable map)
  • void putAll(Map t)
  • Adds the mappings from t to this map
  • void clear()
  • Object remove(Object key)
  • Returns the value that was associated with the
    key, or null
  • Other
  • int size()
  • Returns the number of key-value mappings
  • int hashCode()
  • Returns a hash code value for this map

Optional operations
  • Question How can a method declared in an
    interface be optional?
  • Answer you have to implement it, but the
    implementation may be something like this
  • public void remove(Object key)
    throws UnsupportedOperationException throw
    new UnsupportedOperationException()
  • In fact, HashMap extends AbstractMap, which
    provides many of the map operations, and
    implements the optional operations like this

Map views
  • Set keySet()
  • Returns a set view of the keys contained in this
  • Collection values()
  • Returns a collection view of the values contained
    in this map
  • Cant be a setkeys must be unique, but values
    may be repeated
  • A view is dynamic access into the Map
  • If you change the Map, the view changes
  • If you change the view, the Map changes
  • The Map interface does not provide any Iterators
  • However, there are iterators for the above Sets
    and Collections

  • Map is an interface, so it cannot require any
  • However, Java always supplies
  • A no-argument constructor for each Map type
  • A constructor that takes a Map argument, and
    copies its key-value pairs into the new Map
  • If you ever implement your own Map class, you
    should define these constructors
  • Defining your own Map class is easyclass MyMap
    implements Map ...
  • There are, however, a lot of methods to implement

Hazards I
  • In order for a Hashtable to work correctly,
  • equals must be defined properly on the keys
  • hashCode must be defined properly on the keys
  • This is not a problem if you use Strings for the
    keys (this is extremely common)
  • If you use objects of some other class as your
    keys, you must make sure equals and hashCode are
    properly defined
  • Note equals and hashCode are properly defined
    for all of Javas Maps its the keys that you
    need to be careful with

Hazards II
  • You should use immutable objects (like Strings)
    as keys
  • If you put a value into a hash table with a
    mutable key, and you change the key, what
  • Answer Nothing good!
  • Special case 1 A map may not contain itself as
    a key
  • Special case 2 A map may contain itself as a
    value, but equals and hashCode are no longer
  • These special cases are really weird and you will
    probably never get anywhere near them

From Hashtables to HashMaps
  • Hashtable has been around a long time, but
    HashMap is new with Java 1.2
  • So why am I teaching you the old stuff?
  • Actually, except for the constructors, Ive been
    talking about the Map interface, which both
    Hashtable and HashMap implement
  • Both are cloneable (more on this later) and
  • Differences
  • Hashtable is synchronized HashMap is not
  • HashMap permits null values and (one) null key
    Hashtable does not

  • Java supports multiple Threads
  • A Thread is an execution sequence
  • Having multiple Threads means that Java appears
    to be doing many different things all at the same
  • Threads can interfere with each other unless they
    are carefully synchronized (prevented from both
    using the same data at the same time)
  • This can be an issue with GUIs, which run in a
    different Thread from the rest of the program
  • If you use a hash table from an event handler,
    use a Hashtable (which is synchronized) instead
    of a HashMap (which is not)
  • I hope to have time to give a decent lecture on
    Threads and synchronization

Copying objects
  • In Java, you seldom copy objects, you just copy
    references to objects

Person mary new Person("Mary", 21) Person john
new Person("John", 23, mary)mary.setSpouse(joh
Person jack john
"Jack" "Jack"
  • Suppose, however, that you really do want to make
    a copy how do you do it?
  • Answer you clone the object

The Cloneable interface
  • Cloneable, like Serializable, is a marker
    interface it doesn't require any methods
  • It does, however, allow you to use the clone
  • class Person implements Cloneable ...
    ...Person jack john.clone()
  • clone() makes a shallow copy
  • If you want a deep copy, you have to write a lot
    more code
  • Avoid making copies if possible its not easy
    and its expensive

The SortedMap interface
  • A hash table keeps elements in an (apparently)
    random order
  • Sometimes you want the keys of a map to be in
    sorted order (e.g. phone book, dictionary)
  • A map can be implemented with a hash table, but
    it doesnt have to be
  • The SortedMap interface implements the Map
    interface and provides additional methods
  • For efficiency, you want an implementation that
    keeps its elements in some kind of order

Requirements for SortedMap
  • A SortedMap keeps its elements in the order of
    increasing key values
  • Therefore, it must be possible to sort the keys!
  • This means
  • The keys must be objects of a type that implement
    the Comparable interface (or be given a
  • Keys must be mutually comparable (e.g. you cant
    compare a String to a Button)
  • The ordering must be consistent with equals
  • All implementations of SortedMap should supply
    four constructors
  • Well see an example of these shortly

SortedMap Methods I
  • Comparator comparator()
  • Returns the comparator associated with this
    sorted map, or null if it uses its keys' natural
  • Object firstKey()
  • Returns the first (lowest) key currently in this
    sorted map.
  • Object lastKey()
  • Returns the last (highest) key currently in this
    sorted map.

SortedMap Methods II
  • SortedMap headMap(Object toKey)
  • Returns a view of the portion of this sorted map
    whose keys are strictly less than toKey.
  • SortedMap subMap(Object fromKey,
    Object toKey)
  • Returns a view of the portion of this sorted map
    whose keys range from fromKey, inclusive, to
    toKey, exclusive.
  • SortedMap tailMap(Object fromKey)
  • Returns a view of the portion of this sorted map
    whose keys are greater than or equal to fromKey.

The TreeMap class
  • TreeMap implements SortedMap
  • TreeMap is the only implementation that Java
    provides for SortedMap
  • Question Since theres only one implementation,
    why bother to have a separate interface?
  • Answer To give you the flexibility to define
    additional kinds of sorted map, if you wish to
  • You probably wontbut the flexibility is there

TreeMap constructors
  • TreeMap()
  • Constructs a new, empty map, sorted according to
    the keys' natural order.
  • TreeMap(Comparator c)
  • Constructs a new, empty map, sorted according to
    the given comparator.
  • TreeMap(Map m)
  • Constructs a new map containing the same mappings
    as the given map, sorted according to the keys'
    natural order.
  • TreeMap(SortedMap m)
  • Constructs a new map containing the same mappings
    as the given SortedMap, sorted according to the
    same ordering.

Quick summary
  • Interfaces (cannot instantiate)
  • Map
  • SortedMap
  • Serializable
  • Cloneable
  • Classes (can instantiate)
  • Hashtable
  • HashMap
  • TreeMap
  • As always, its best to avoid exposing the
    implementation hence
  • Map myMap new HashMap()
  • But probably not
  • Map myMap new TreeMap()

  • Weve talked about Sets before, and you probably
    remember the basic operations
  • int size( )boolean isEmpty( )boolean
    contains(Object e)boolean add(Object e)
    boolean remove(Object e) Iterator iterator( )
  • However, Set is an interface, not a class
  • There are two supplied implementations HashSet
    (for when you dont care about the order of
    elements) and TreeSet (for when you do)

The End
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