Title: SAPMM Training
1SAP-MM Training
- Physical Inventory Cycle Counting
- Physical Inventory
- Cycle Counting
3What is Physical Inventory?
- Physical inventory is a process where a business
stops all inventory transactions, and physically
counts its entire inventory. A physical inventory
may be mandated by financial accounting rules or
the tax regulations to place an accurate value on
the inventory, or the business may need to count
inventory so component parts or raw materials can
be restocked. Businesses may use several
different tactics to minimize the disruption
caused by physical inventory. - Cycle counting, an alternative to physical
inventory, may be less disruptive.
4Is It Different in SAP?
- Choose the storage location to be counted
- Create a physical inventory document
- Enter a count
- Reconcile the book to the physical
- Post the count
5How is Cycle Counting Different?
- Use the CC Indicator on the storage location view
of the material master for automated material
selection - Create the physical inventory worksheet, based on
the selection
6Are There Pre-Requisites?
- Material Masters must exist in the storage
location - For cycle counting, the material must have an
indicator assigned at the storage location level
7What Are the Steps to Creating a Physical
- Create the Physical Inventory Document
- Enter the Count
- Review the differences
- Create a re-count worksheet, if necessary
- Post the differences
8What Are the Steps to Creating a Cycle Count?
- Generate the cycle count selection
- Create the Physical Inventory Document
- Enter the Count
- Review the differences
- Create a re-count worksheet, if necessary
- Post the differences
9What Are the Steps to Creating a Physical
- Create the Physical Inventory Document
- Enter the Count
- Review the
- differences
- Create a re-
- count worksheet,
- if necessary
- Post the
- differences
10How Do I Create a Physical Inventory Document?
- In SAP, you can get to the Physical Inventory
Document Creation two ways - Use the menu path
- Logistics -gtMaterials Management -gt
- Physical Inventory -gt
- Phys. Inventory Doc.
- -gt Create
- -OR-
- Use transaction code
- MI01 in the dialog box
11How Do I Create a Physical Inventory Document?
- Enter the plant and storage location to be
inventoried - The user may
- elect to block
- postings or freeze
- the book inventory
- here
- Press the create
- icon
12How Do I Create a Physical Inventory Document?
- Or go to MI31 to allow the system to create the
physical inventory sheets
13How Do I Create a Physical Inventory Document?
- Creation of a physical inventory sheet
14How Do I Create a Physical Inventory Document?
- Output for inventory sheet
16How Do I Enter an Inventory Count?
- In SAP, you can get to entering the inventory
count two ways - Use the menu path
- Logistics -gtMaterials Management -gt
- Physical Inventory -gt
- Inventory Count -gt Enter
- -OR-
- Use transaction code
- MI04 in the dialog box
17How Do I Enter a Count?
- Enter the sheet for which counts are to be
18How Do I Enter a Count?
20How Do I See the Results?
- Use the Differences List (MI20)
21How Do I See the Results?
- This report displays the book and actual counts
22What If There are Count Errors?
- The user can choose to re-count the item and
re-enter the count on the existing worksheet, or
post the accepted items and open a new worksheet
for the recount. - Re-count, use
- transaction MI11
24How Do I Complete an Inventory?
- In SAP, you can get to entering the inventory
count two ways - Use the menu path
- Logistics -gtMaterials Management -gt
- Physical Inventory -gt Difference
- -gt Post
- -OR-
- Use transaction code
- MI07 in the dialog box
25How Do I Complete an Inventory?
26How Do I Know if My Worksheets are Closed?
- The system will indicate at posting that all
items are posted. - Check MI24 (Physical Inventory List) for any
un-posted documents
28How is Cycle Counting Different?
- Assignment of Cycle Count Indicators
29How Are Cycle Count Indicators Generated?
- Use the Set CC Indicator transaction
30How Are Cycle Count Indicators Generated?
- CC indicator proposal list
31How Do I Accept the Values?
- Save the report.
- The values are assigned, in the background, to
the storage view of the material master.
33How Are Items Selected for Cycle Count?
- Use the Document Creation for Cycle Counting
34How Are Items Selected for Cycle Count?
- Enter the selection criteria
35How Are Items Selected for Cycle Count?
- Listing of Items for Cycle Count
36How Are Items Selected for Cycle Count?
- Select the session and select Process.
37How Are Items Selected for Cycle Count?
- Physical inventory documents are created
38How Do I Get Help?
- If you run into problems with the materials
covered in this training course or need
additional information, you can contact your
Campus Help Desk
39End of Inventory Management Physical Inventory
Cycle Count