Title: Bez nadpisu
1Recent status of BART
M. Jelínek, P. Kubánek, M. Nekola and R. Hudec
and the BART team
Astronomical Institute, Academy of Sciences of
the Czech Republic, CZ-251 65 Ondrejov, Czech
Dept. of Informatics, Faculty of Mathematics and
Physics, Charles University, Prague, Czech
Worldwide observation of GRB 020305 as mentioned
in GCN
The optical systém of the BART robotic telescope.
The final HETE error box of the GRB 020317 from
the BART WF. Presented image is a composition of
11 images from the start of the observation, cca
1 hour after burst.
On the background of from the BART WF camera,
there is drawn the position of the HETE error
box, Narrow field FOV and OT location