Title: Updates on GOPs Harmonization, Alignment and Results Agenda
1Updates on GOPs Harmonization, Alignment and
Results Agenda
- Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness
- 5 Commitment Areas
- Ownership
- Alignment
- Harmonization
- Managing for Results
- Mutual Accountability
- 12 indicators to be measured nationally and
monitored internationally
- 1st Harmonization Forum March 20, 2006
- GOP Initiatives
- Ownership MTPDP, Strategy Planning Matrix (SPM),
MTPIP, MTEF, Effectiveness and Efficiency Review
(EER), OPIF - Alignment Government Procurement Reform Act
(GPRA), Procurement Manual, New Government
Accounting System (NGAS), e-NGAS - - Harmonization GPRA, ICC Approval Process,
Project Implementation Officer (PIO) System,
Harmonized Gender Development Guidelines,
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) System, PDF - - Mutual Accountability Joint ODA Portfolio
Reviews, Annual Report to Congress on
ODA Performance, conduct of annual PDF
highlighting development results
- GOP Challenges (within GOP and among DPs)
- Capacity Building among government institutions
- Country Systems
- Results-based planning and budgeting
- Project Quality-at-entry
- Advocacy
- ADB TA on Harmonization and Managing for Results
5A year after.
- Stocktaking Report on the Philippine
Harmonization, Alignment and Managing for Results - GOP Harmonization Agenda and
- Action Plans gt Potential Areas for Development
Cooperation - Draft GOP Progress Indicators anchored on Paris
6GOP Harmonization Agenda
- Overall Development Goal
- Planned development results achieved by 2010
- Core Statement of Outcome Commitment
- The GOP commits to more efficient, effective and
results-based country systems and management of
development resources, with support of the
Development Partners, in pursuit of the
development goal.
7GOP Harmonization Agenda
Statement of Sub-Outcome Commitments
1. Strengthened overall capacity and mutual
accountability among major stakeholders for
effective development partnership 2. Country
systems streamlined and extensively supported by
development partners 3. Results-Based Management
Orientation within the GOP Bureaucracy
mainstreamed (e.g. OPIF, EER, RME, among others).
8GOP Harmonization Agenda
- Sub-Outcome 1 - Strengthened overall capacity and
mutual accountability among major stakeholders
for effective development partnership - Towards Achieving Paris Declaration Indicators
- Operational Development Strategy (Indicator 1)
- Aid flows aligned on national priorities
(Indicator 3) - Strengthen capacity by coordinated support
(Indicator 4) - Aid is more predictable (Indicator 7)
- Aid is untied (Indicator 8)
- Use of common arrangements (Indicator 9)
- Country analytic work (10b)
9GOP Harmonization Agenda
- Sub-Outcome 2 - Country systems streamlined and
extensively supported by development partners - Towards Achieving Paris Declaration Indicators
- Reliable Public Financial Management (PFM) and
Procurement Systems (Indicators 2a and 2b) - Use of country PFM / Procurement systems - of
aid of donors (Indicators 5a and 5b) - Avoiding parallel Project Implementing Units
(PIUs) (Indicator 6)
10GOP Harmonization Agenda
- Sub-Outcome 3 - Results-Based Management
Orientation within the GOP Bureaucracy
mainstreamed (e.g. OPIF, EER, RME, among others).
- Towards Achieving Paris Declaration Indicators
- Joint missions to the field (Indicator 10a)
- Results oriented framework (Indicator 11)
- Mutual accountability (Indicator 12)
11Work in Progress and Next Steps
- Enhance Action Plans
- Finalize GOP Progress Indicators
- M E Plan
- Advocacy Plan
- Dialogue and Focus Group Discussions