Title: Performance Enhancing Pharmaceuticals
1Performance Enhancing Pharmaceuticals
- Alan H. Heaton, BS (Pharm), Pharm. D., RPh.
- Director of Pharmacy
- BlueCrossBlueShield of Minnesota
2Local Performance?Key Minnesota Health Care Cost
and Economic Indicators
Notes health care cost is MN privately insured
spending on health care services per person MN
economy is gross state product overall inflation
is consumer price index for the Twin Cities area
workers wages is average weekly wages for
Minnesota workers.
Source MDH, Health Economics Program
3Under Performing in Key Diseases
- Diabetes epidemic
- 17 million Americans
- 300,000 new cases of Type 2 in children each year
- Significant under-utilization of diabetes
medications - Coronary Heart Disease
- Recent guidelines suggest tripling number of
people using of lipid agents - 29 of adults with high blood pressure (60
million) versus 25 in 1988 - Only 31 at high risk (older than 60 years,
female, blacks) able to maintain blood pressure
control - Of those with hypertension and diabetes only 25
adequately treated - Americans Blood Pressure Climbing Again. USA
Today. July, 2003. - Kotchen et al. University of Wisconsin. 44,000
responses from government National Health and
Nutrition Examination Study. Over 15-year period.
JMCP. March 20039Supp3.
4Nationally, Hyper Performance on Drugs
Source Health Care Financing Administration
5Drivers of Drug Performance
Prescription costs are increasing annually at
Trend Drivers
- Therapeutic shift from inpatient to outpatient
care with drug therapy - Direct-to-consumer (DTC) advertising and
consumer demand - Existing drugs expanded applications and more
aggressive treatment guidelines - New drug improvements and new markets
- Price inflation
- More users
- More prescriptions per user
- More expensive mix
- Higher unit costs
6Utilization Mix 70 of Performance
Components of Prescription Drug Trend
- Mix type of prescription drugs used by
population - Utilization number of prescription drugs used
by population - Price Inflation average year-over-year increase
in the cost of each prescription - Leveraging erosion of effectiveness of fixed
cost-sharing over time
Price Inflation
Traditional employer cost management strategies
have not effectively addressed utilization and mix
1 Towers Perrin Employers, Prescription Drugs
PBMs, 2003
7Pharmaceutical Manufacturers
8Comparison of Top 50 Drugs Contributing Most to
One-Year Spending to All Other Drugs and Total
Market (2000-01)
Adapted from Prescription Drug Expenditures In
2001 Another Year of Escalating Costs. A Report
by The National Institute for Health Care
Management Research and Education Foundation Rev.
May 6, 2002.
9Performance Top 10 Drugs 2003
- US sales in billions of dollars
- Lipitor 6.8
- Zocor 4.4
- Prevacid 4.0
- Procrit 3.3
- Zyprexia 3.2
- Epogen 3.1
- Nexium 3.1
- Zoloft 2.9
- Celebrex 2.6
- Neurontin 2.4
10Current Performance
11 The New Yorker, October 27, 2003
12- We make a healthy difference in peoples lives
by utilizing pharmacy benefits that feature
access, affordability, and appropriateness.
13Appropriate Therapy?
An estimated 44,000-98,000 people die each year
in hospitals because of medical errors -
Institute of Medicine report57,000 people die
each year because of omission they dont
benefit from known therapies - NCQA
14Appropriate Therapy!
- National MN
- Pharmacy per capita
- 543 569
- Total Healthcare per capita
- 4230 3575
- Death Rate per 100,000
- 881.9 792.2
- KFF 1999
15Promoting Appropriate Treatment
- Care SupportSM disease management program
- PrimeImpactSM provider education programs
- Prime Pharmacist Provider discussions
- 20 minute presentations/round tables at key
clinics - National / Local treatment guidelines
- Cost-effective prescribing
- Generic drugs
- Formulary drugs
- Care pilot program
- Blue Cross provider incentives
- Key clinical measurements
- Generic utilization
16Measuring the Impact of Collaborative
Pharmaceutical CareMay 27, 2004
- Study Architects
- Alan Heaton, BCBSM
- Brian Isetts, College of Pharmacy
- Dave Miller, Fairview/University Clinics
- Wallace Wadd, Prime Therapeutics, Inc.
17Collaborative Pharmaceutical Care (CPC) Project
- FPS Wins BHCAG Silver Prize (5/2000)
- AHC/FV grant awarded (7/2000)
- BCBSM partnership initiative (3/01)
- Care delivered to patients (8/01 7/02)
- Claims programming query (1/03 6/03)
- Archives of Internal Medicine Article (8/03)
- BCBSA Best Practices presentation (10/03)
- Minnesota Physician article (11/03)
- J of Gen Int Med manuscript (submitted 4/04)
- Pinnacle Award Announcement (5/04)
18Results Clinical, Drug Therapy Problems
- 629 drug therapy problems (2.2 /patient)
- 6.4 medical conditions/patient
- 7.9 drug therapies/patient
- 207 problems (33) w/ OTC medications
- 64 DTPs (10) - drugs from friends and family
- 85 of patients had at least one problem
- Economic outcomes
- Total health care costs 481 to 411 pppm
- Pharmacy costs 161 to 170 pppm
- Clinical outcomes
- HEDIS measures improved (HTXN, Lipids)
- Peer review, 90 of therapeutic goals attained
- Humanistic outcomes
- Patient satisfaction (CAHPS)
- Quality of life (SF-12)
20Appropriate Therapy
- Minnesota initiatives
- Avandia or Actos being used in Type II diabetic
patients with liver dysfunction or heart failure - Metformin prescribing in Type II diabetic
patients with medical contraindications - Targeted mailings are being used to identify
physicians prescribing this combination - Asthma intervention to help physicians identify
patients at risk for repeat ER visits
21Aligned Strategies ROI
Source The SOLVD Investigators, NEJM
325(5)293-302, 1991
22Integration and SimplificationOne call does it
- One ID card for both medical and pharmacy
- One telephone number for customer service support
for health and pharmacy benefits for members - One Account Manager for medical and pharmacy
- One integrated Flexible Spending Account, that
includes automatic cross-over of pharmacy claims - One feed for Care SupportSM
- One eligibility feed
- One customized web site
- One SPD
- One contract
- One set of reports
- One billing invoice
23Predicting Performance?
- Aging Population
- Americans over 65 is expected to nearly double by
2025 - Aggressive treatment guidelines
- Earlier use of drugs for cholesterol reduction
- New drugs in FDA approval process
- Over 4,700 currently in development (371Biotech,
Specialty) - Marketing dollars spent on existing drugs
- Pricing practices of drug manufacturers
- Disengaged patients and providers
24Designing Performance
- Formulary Maintenance
- Lowest net cost
- Benefit Designs
- Closed, co-pay or coins (feature mandatory
generics) - 3 Tier
- Gen, Form brand, Non form brand
- Form gen, Form brand, non form
- Gen, single source brand, multi source brand
- Hybrids
- CD, high deductibles
25Formulary PerformanceValue-Based Purchasing
- Value-based purchasing represents an attempt to
create incentives that reward quality and
cost-effective care - Examples
- Oregon rx drug initiative evaluate which drugs
are the most effective within each class - MN DHS MA DFC-PDL
26(No Transcript)
27Employer Performance
- National data suggest the following
- For the most part, employers are not dropping
coverage - Employers are paying about the same share of
premiums as before - Benefit sets are changing higher deductibles,
tiered Rx copays, etc.? shifts some additional
cost onto employees - A few employers are looking to new models of
health insurance - Minnesota-specific employer survey results,
though still preliminary, are consistent with
this trend
Source Kaiser Family Foundation/Health Research
and Education Trust, 2003 Employer Health
Benefits Survey MDH, 2002 Minnesota Employer
Health Insurance Survey
28Over the past 12 - 18 months, Pharmacy Management
strategies have been focused on slowing the
rapidly escalating drug trend. The rate of
increase in utilization and prescription cost has
declined over the last year.
29Biotech, Specialty Products