Department of Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Department of Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs


Department of Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs. Governance of Local ... outside the objects is prohibited and such activity referred to as ultra vires. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Department of Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs

Department of Community, Rural and Gaeltacht
  • Governance of Local Development Companies
  • Dr Tom Courtney

Overview of Presentation
  • The Company Law Framework.
  • The Memorandum and Articles of Association.
  • Governance of Companies Members Directors.
  • Directors
  • - Nomination Appointment
  • - Rotation
  • - Removal
  • - Quorum
  • - Governance Reporting.
  • The Chairperson.
  • Committees Advisory Councils.
  • Conflicts of Interest.
  • Model Corporate Governance Policy.

The Company Law Framework
  • Local Development Companies (LDCs) will be public
    guarantee companies (without a share capital).
  • Incorporated under Companies Acts 1963 to 2006.
  • Upon its incorporation, the company will be an
    artificial legal person with a separate legal
    personality to its members and directors.

The Company Law Framework
  • Limited Liability Company a misnomer!
  • The Companys liability is unlimited!
  • Its Members liability is limited to their
  • The guarantee can be a low as 1 cent which would
    only become payable upon a liquidator calling
    upon the members to contribute to the Companys
  • Its Directors are not liable for the Companys
    wrongs or liable under its contracts unless they
    assume responsibility.

The Memorandum and Articles of Association
  • Corporate Constitution.
  • Memorandum of Association
  • Name Clause.
  • Objects Clause (Main, subsidiary and powers).
  • Liability Clause.
  • Winding Up Clause.
  • Income and Property Clause.
  • Alterations Clause.
  • Keeping Accounts.
  • Association Clause.
  • Articles of Association Internal Rules

Memorandum Name Clause
  • Every company must have a distinguishable name.
  • Department is setting down no requirements.
  • Adherence to the Model Memorandum should mean
    that a company will be permitted omit Limited.
  • This application can be brought at the same time
    as the application for incorporation.

Memorandum Objects Clause
  • Every company must have an Objects Clause.
  • Acting outside the objects is prohibited and such
    activity referred to as ultra vires.
  • In order to qualify for charitable tax exempt
    status, a companys objects must satisfy the
    Revenue Commissioners requirements too.
  • Subsidiary and Ancillary objects are read in
    conjunction with the main object, as are powers.

Memorandum Objects Clause
  • In conjunction with the Revenue Commissioners,
    the Departments current thinking on the proposed
    main object is
  • to promote, support, assist and engage in
    social development, community development and
    social and community enterprise development
    designed to help and be of benefit and welfare to
    local communities in order to deal with the
    causes and consequences of social and economic
    disadvantage or poverty.

Governance of Companies Members Directors
  • By the Articles of Association, Members delegate
    the management of companies to Directors.
  • Members meet infrequently in general meetings
    (e.g. Annual or Extraordinary General Meetings).
  • Directors meet as a board of directors.
  • The Department has decided that in LDCs, the
    Members and the Directors should be the same

Governance of Companies Members Directors
  • The requirement that Members are Directors
  • Encourages stakeholders to focus on the
    management of the Company
  • Contains the number of stakeholders in companies
    already involving 20 Directors
  • Fuses accountability and responsibility to create
  • Recognises that Member-Directors are accountable
    in fact to their nominating Sector/ Pillar.

Directors Nomination Appointment
  • Dr Oonagh Breen will address selection of
  • The Guidelines require the Articles to provide
    for a maximum minimum number of Directors
  • In an urban company, 20 nominees 4 from Local
    Government 2 from National Social Partners 8
    from CV (NSP) and 6 from the Statutory Sector.
  • In a rural company, 23 nominees 5 from Local
    Government 4 from National Social Partners 8
    from CV (NSP) and 6 from the Statutory Sector.

Directors Nomination Appointment
  • On incorporation the First Directors must decide
    which Pillars/ Sectors are appropriate to make
    nominations and must then invite them to nominate
    persons to be Directors
  • The First Directors will then co-opt the nominees
    as Directors
  • Where the First Directors are not themselves
    nominated, then they will stand down as
  • Alternates are prohibited.

Directors - Rotation
  • At the second AGM (i.e. up to 2½ years after
    incorporation) one-third of the directors will
  • In a rural company with 23 Directors, this would
    mean that 7 Directors would retire after 2½
  • The 7 Directors to retire will be the
    first-in-time appointed or where they are there
    the same length, in default of agreement, be
    determined by lot.
  • The nominating Pillars/ Sectors will then be
    asked to nominate replacements.

Directors - Rotation
  • The replacements may be the same persons who can
    be re-appointed.
  • A person can be re-appointed as a Director for
    two further terms (one appointment two
    re-appointments three terms but only two
    consecutive terms).
  • At the third AGM (i.e. 3½ years following
    incorporation) and in each subsequent year,
    one-third will again retire, determined in the
    same manner.

Directors Removal
  • The Articles must detail the circumstances in
    which directors will retire and cease to be
    directors e.g.
  • resigns, becomes incapable of acting, is
  • is requested by a majority to resign etc
  • The nominating Pillar/ Sector will not be
    prejudiced and may nominate another person who
    will stand in the removed Directors shoes.

Directors Quorum
  • Must be set at a minimum of 10 Directors once
    full Board has been appointed.
  • May be set higher or otherwise qualified e.g. it
    may be decided to require a certain number of
    Sectors/ Pillars to be present in addition to
    having 10 Directors.
  • Concerns expressed that the number is set too
    high are being considered by the Department.

Directors Governance Reporting
  • Requirement to have regard to best practice and
    good governance, especially financial.
  • Adopt an appropriate corporate governance policy
    (see Departments Model).
  • Keep policies under review.
  • Prepare an annual report for the Department.
  • Confirm, on request, whether Board complies with
    the Departments model governance policy and
    procedures for inviting nominations and, if not,
    explaining why it does not.

The Chairperson
  • Elected by the Directors.
  • Term of office until end of third AGM following
    appointment (i.e. up to 3½ following
  • Can be re-appointed as a Director for two further
    terms (one appointment two re-appointments
    three terms but only two consecutive terms).
  • Duties (non-exhaustive) set out in Articles.
  • Chairperson has a casting vote to break deadlock.

Committees Advisory Councils
  • Committees can be established by Directors,
    composed of Directors and may exercise such
    powers as Directors confer on the Committee.
  • Advisory Councils can be established by
    Directors, composed of non-Directors and having
    no decision-making powers.
  • Advisory Councils can further assist local
    participation by providing a forum where people
    can formulate proposals and make comments to the

Conflicts of Interest
  • Directors require to furnish full particulars of
    Interests which might involve a conflict of
    interest or materially influence the Director on
    their appointment.
  • Interests includes employment, business
    interests, community involvements and voluntary
    work for charities.
  • Interests extends to those of a Directors
    spouse, parent, sibling, child, relative,
    co-habitee, partner, company controlled by a
    Director or trustee of a Director.

Conflicts of Interest
  • At a meeting where anything is discussed in which
    the Director has an Interest, s/he
  • must declare that interest
  • is entitled to explain the interest and answer
  • must leave the meeting and cannot vote on the
  • is entitled to be told the Boards decision.
  • If a Director is in doubt s/he should inform the
    Chairperson who shall decide whether the matter
    constitutes an Interest.
  • Grants to Directors or Employees must be
    disclosed to the Department.

Model Corporate Governance Policy
  • The Board should meet regularly, retain full and
    effective control over the Company and monitor
    the executive management and performance.
  • The Board should have a formal schedule of
    matters specifically reserved to it for decision
    to ensure that the direction and control of the
    Company vests in the Board.
  • The collective responsibility and authority of
    the Board should be safeguarded. Excessive
    influence on Board decision-making by individual
    Directors should be avoided, while allowing
    individual Directors the opportunity to fully
    contribute to Board deliberations. Specialist
    committees should be established by the Board
    where considered necessary to assist the Board in
    particular matters.

Model Corporate Governance Policy
  • Formal structures should be established for
    facilitating the local community and relevant
    stakeholders in communication with the Board.
  • At least once a year, the Board should conduct a
    review of the effectiveness of the Companys
    system of internal controls including financial,
    operational and compliance controls and risk
    management systems.
  • The Board must ensure that each Director is aware
    of their duties in company law and that new
    Directors are apprised of their responsibilities.

Model Corporate Governance Policy
  • The Board should ensure that the Companys Chief
    Executive Officers duties and responsibilities
    and those of other employees are documented in
    writing and that the respective roles of the
    Board and management are understood.
  • The Company must have a Company Secretary.

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