Title: How to register for Loansome Doc
1How to register for Loansome Doc
2What is Loansome Doc?
- Loansome Doc is a document delivery system that
allows you to order items directly from the
PubMed Database via the National Library of
Medicine. - Loansome Doc is available to current Mercer
Faculty and students in the Pharmacy and
Physician Assistant programs.
3Loansome Doc Registration
Go to https//docline.gov/loansome/login.cfm
41. Click on Sign Up.
5Registering for Loansome Doc is very simple but
there are a few steps you need to be aware
of.Click on Get Started
6Click here for the Mercer identifier
8Click on the first choice!
9Read Terms of Use, check box, click Accept
10Here are a few points for filling out the
registration form
- Please use your Mercer Email Account
- Under order preference, you can select PDF to
receive your articles by email which is the most
efficient method. - Please put 11.00 in the Max Cost Per Article
box. Swilley Library pays for this, NOT you,
the patron. This is the set amount we can pay for
one article
11Continued on next page
12Put 11.00
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15To order from Loansome Doc while in PubMed
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20Your order will go to the Swilley Interlibrary
Loan Department and be filled from another
- You will be contacted by email or phone when
your article has arrived.If possible, your
article will be emailed directly to you if not
you may pick it up at the circulation desk.