Title: Software Design
1Software Design
- a process that adds implementation details to the
requirements - produces a design specification that can be
mapped onto a program - may take several iterations to produce a good
design specification - may also produce several design specifications
that correspond to different views of the same
software product
2Requirements vs. Design
- Requirements describe WHAT the system is
supposed to do while design describes HOW the
requirements will be implemented - Add implementation oriented details without
changing the functionality in a requirement - Often, beginners get confused between a
requirement and a design - Must be resolved right at the beginning
otherwise, the requirements themselves will be
narrow and biased towards a particular
3Requirements vs. Design an example (informal)
- In the automated ticketing system in a parking
lot example, - Requirement Issue ticket
- When a vehicle enters, print a ticket with date
and time record date and time issue the ticket
to the vehicle. - Design ticket ? issueTicket()
- ticket ? createTicket()
- ticket.date ? getCurrentDate()
- ticket.time ? getCurrentTime()
- updateTickets (ticket)
- Format of ticket, date and time must have
been defined already.
4Requirements vs. Design another example
- In the phone book example,
- Requirement Select phone diary
- Make the phone diary active.
- Design selectPhoneDiary()
- if ((fp open (phFile)) ! null)
- for i 1 to numberOfPhoneEntries
- phEntriesi ? read (fp)
- else throw FileOpenErrorException
5Design vs. Implementation
- Design adds implementation oriented details but
may not be (most likely, will not be) the final
implementation - See the design example in the previous slide
- The choice of File and its format, and the
choice of read procedure are left to the
6Design Principles by Alan Davis
- a design process should not have a tunnel vision
- should consider all possible solutions and make
use of all available resources - a design specification should have mechanisms to
trace back to requirements - easy to identify mistakes later on and is also
easy to add more features to the software product
7Design principles (continued)
- a design process should not reinvent the wheel
- should try to make use of previous design
patterns, resources and experiences as much as
possible - a design specification should be structured to
accommodate changes - easier if it follows some standards such as IEEE,
ANSI, ISO, etc.
8Design principles (continued)
- a design specification is not code, and code is
not design - a design specification should be somewhat
abstract so that it is easier to understand and
easier to change at the same time, it is
sufficiently concrete so that its implementation
is fairly straightforward - use of algorithmic languages and diagrammatic
notations is highly recommended for a design
process - some programming languages (e.g., Ada) can be
used for both design and programming
9Design principles (continued)
- a design process must provide mechanisms to check
quality during the design process and not after
the design specification is developed - indirectly, it implies that the design process
must be iterative - also, it implies that if quality errors are found
after the design specification is developed, it
may be hard to retract
10Design Evaluation
- a software design must include all explicit and
implicit requirements given in the requirements
document - nothing should be left out from the requirements
document - a design specification must be readable,
understandable by the implementation team, and
should be verifiable for consistency and
correctness - a design specification must be implementable
- mapping to a program must be straightforward
- a design must support modular structures
11Measures of Module Strength
- the relative independence of a module is
considered to be the strength of a module - fairly independent modules are easier to
implement and easier to maintain - two qualitative measures
- coupling
- cohesion
- a measure of interconnection among the modules of
a software product - there must be at least two modules involved
- measures the complexity of interface between
modules - example
- how many parameters are passed
- how many parameters are composite
- how many parameters are shared values
- .
- a measure of the interdependence among components
in a software system - describes the nature and the extend of the
connections between the elements in the system - Motivation predicting and controlling the scope
of changes to a system (dependencies follow lines
of coupling) - Example change in one class causes changes to
ripple through the design like shock waves in
earthquake, with much the same effect
14Types of coupling
- data coupling
- data passed through arguments
- generally, one argument list is used
- relatively, low-level coupling
- example print (a, b)
- stamp coupling
- data structures passed as arguments
- generally, passed via module interface
- coupling measure is higher than data coupling
- example .h files in C/C
- example rich library classes/package in Java
15Types of coupling (continued)
- control coupling
- a control variable is passed to coordinate or
synchronize executions between modules - similar to data coupling but limited to one or
two control variables - relatively low-level coupling
- example return values from procedures
- external coupling
- relatively high-level coupling
- example I/O connections involve specific
formats and protocols
16Types of coupling (continued)
- common coupling
- sharing data that is stored in a common place,
called global data area - both data and data structures may be shared
- high-level coupling because the effect of failure
of one module is propagated to all the other
modules that use the same data - example files in disks/secondary storage
17Types of coupling (continued)
- content coupling
- one module can access the data and control
information (possibly the code) of another module - highest level of coupling
- example two procedures in an assembly language
- Goal - to limit any form of coupling to two
kinds - A) which is inherent in the problem domain
- B) which limits the type and scope of changes to
as small a portion of the design as possible - Tightly coupled components cannot be reused
19Effect of coupling on software design
- a good design process should aim at reducing
coupling - reduction of coupling ? reduction of dependence
of one module over another ? increase the
independence of module ? increase the ability to
change or maintain the modules
- A module is cohesive, or has high cohesion, if
its internal parts are closely related towards
the achievement of a clear purpose. - measures how a single module is related to a
particular functionality in the system - only one module is involved
- ideally, a highly cohesive module should do only
one task/activity/function - example
- a sorting module that contains only one sorting
function and this function sorts integers only - a sorting module that contains several sorting
functions that implement various sorting
techniques but all sort integers only - a sorting module that contains several sorting
functions that implement various sorting
techniques but sort integers and floats
21Types of cohesion
- coincidental cohesion
- functions that are not at all related to each
other but are placed in a single module (happen
to be a coincidence) - example a function that performs sorting and a
printer driver, both in the same module - functions that are somewhat related but do not
have much in common also fall in this category - example a function that computes an average of a
sequence and a function that sorts a sequence,
both being placed in the same module - low-level cohesion
22Coincidental Cohesion - Example
- Procedure sum1_and_ sum2(in n1,n2int
arr1,arr2int array out sum1, sum2 int) - var i int
- begin
- sum1 0
- sum2 0
- for i 1 to n1 do
- sum1 sum1 arr1i
- for i 1 to n2 do
- sum2 sum2 arr2i
- end
23Types of cohesion (continued)
- logical cohesion
- functions that are logically related to each
other, all placed in the same module - example a set of functions that output a given
data in various formats (bar chart, graph,
pie-chart, ) - moderate level of cohesion
- temporal cohesion
- functions that are related by time, all placed in
the same module - example the alarm system, automatic telephone
dialing unit of a security system both placed in
the same module these two must be activated at
the same time - moderate level of cohesion
24Types of cohesion (continued)
- procedural cohesion
- functions that are related by a sequence of
procedure calls, all placed in the same module - example an input function receiving a data, a
function that processes the data, and a function
that outputs the result of that computation, all
placed in the same module - moderate level of cohesion
25Types of cohesion (continued)
- communication cohesion
- all functions in a module concentrate on one area
of a data structure or use the same data
structure - example a shared file and a set of functions
acting on that shared file - low to moderate level of cohesion, mostly lower
26Communication Cohesion
- Example 1
- book inventory is used for managing orders and
producing bills. - Example 2
- procedure sum_and_prod (in nint, arrint array,
- out sum, prodint, avgfloat)
- var i int
- begin
- sum 0
- prod 0
- for i 1 to n do
- sum sum arri
- prod prod arri
- avg sum/n
- end
27Sequential Cohesion
- Sequential
- the output from one part of a component is input
to the next part. - Example 1 compilers.
- Example 2
- procedure fibo_avg( in nint
- out fib_arrint array,
avgfloat) - var sum, iint
- begin
- fib_arr1 1
- fib_arr2 2
- for i 3 to n
- fib_arrI fib_arri-1 fib_arri-2
- sum(n, fib_arr, sum)
- avg sum/n
- end
28Functional Cohesion
- Functional
- every processing element is essential to the
performance of a single functionality, and all
essential elements are contained in one
component. - A functionally cohesive component not only
performs the functionality for which it is
designed, but also performs only that
functionality and nothing else. - It is thus more likely that changing this
particular functionality will affect only one
component. - Example procedure sum( in nint arrint array
out sumint) - var iint
- begin
- sum 0
- For i 1 to n
- sum sum arri
- end
29Effect of cohesion on software design
- a good design process should try to maximize
cohesion of each module - maximizing cohesion ? maximizing the use of the
module towards particular functionality ?
appropriate modularization of the design
30Methods to evaluate coupling and cohesion
- coupling can be evaluated using metrics tools
- cohesion is generally evaluated manually by
experts / software engineers - walk through the design documents and iterate the
design until cohesion is improved to a
satisfactory level
31Four design models
- Data design
- Architectural design
- Interface design
- Component-level design
32Data Design
- concerned with design aspects of the data objects
produced during analysis - adding data types and data structures
- often produced in conjunction with architecture
design - iterated throughout the design process until an
implementable data design model is achieved
33Data design (continued)
- at the business level,
- data is considered in a group that is meaningful
to the business or organization - example customer data, corporate data, stocks,
- decision on whether or not an external database
or data warehouse is necessary, is taken at this
level - if decided, details on databases, data warehouses
and data mining are further considered - interoperability among data elements are also
considered at this level - often, uses an E-R model for representation
34Data design (continued)
- at the application level
- business level data groups are divided into small
groups that are meaningful in the application
domain - example customer profiles, customer preferences,
customer transactions, organizational policies, - the relationships among the data elements in the
business level are still maintained in the
application level ? ensures consistency - may use E-R model or object model for
35Data design (continued)
- at the component level,
- data from application level is mapped onto
detailed, programming data types - example structures, records, tables, index
files, - multiple choices are considered and evaluated
- once again, consistency is maintained i.e.,
relationships among data elements from
application level are still maintained - will use the representation supported by the
chosen programming language and paradigm - DFD for procedural and object model for OO
36Principles for data design at the component level
- data representation should be consistently
refined (transformed from abstract to concrete)
along with procedural refinement - often, both refinements are done concurrently
- all data structures and the operations on them,
are completely identified at each level of
refinement - even if certain operations are not needed at that
level, or for that application, they are still
included in the refinement to make the refinement
37Principles for data design (continued)
- use a data dictionary at all times, separated
from the program design - useful in designing operations on the data
structures at the component level - include authenticity with data elements so that
only those procedures / methods that need the
data, will actually see the complete data others
do not know anything about this data - similar to encapsulation in OO approaches (to be
discussed later)
38Architectural Design
- describes the structural relationships among the
major elements of the software design such as
databases, modules, subsystems, etc. - similar to components and their relationships of
a building - an architectural design specification also
indicates the types and characteristics of each
relationship among its data elements - an architectural design specification is static
(and so is not dynamic) in the sense that it
does not describe the operational behavior of the
system rather, describes the static structures
and the permanent relationships (such as
associations and aggregations) among them
39Architectural design (continued)
- may use design patterns
- templates of data elements and their
interconnections - generally represented using diagrammatic
notations - E-R diagrams
- Structure charts
- UML (for OO models)
40Advantages of explicit architecture
- Stakeholder communication
- Architecture may be used as a focus of discussion
by system stakeholders - System analysis
- Means that analysis of whether the system can
meet its non-functional requirements is possible - Large-scale reuse
- The architecture may be reusable across a range
of systems
41Architectural design process
- System structuring
- The system is decomposed into several principal
sub-systems and communications between these
sub-systems are identified - Control modelling
- A model of the control relationships between the
different parts of the system is established - Modular decomposition
- The identified sub-systems are decomposed into
42Sub-systems and modules
- A sub-system is a system in its own right whose
operation is independent of the services provided
by other sub-systems - A module is a system component that provides
services to other components but would not
normally be considered as a separate system
43Architectural styles
- The architectural model of a system may conform
to a generic architectural model or style - An awareness of these styles can simplify the
problem of defining system architectures - However, most large systems are heterogeneous and
do not follow a single architectural style
44Types (Styles) of software architectures
- Data-centered architecture
- a data stored (database or data warehouse) is
modeled as the centerpiece of the architecture - all modules, subsystems, procedures etc. are
described in terms of their operational
characteristics on the data store (add, delete,
modify, etc.) - useful for database-oriented applications
- example reservation system
45(No Transcript)
46The repository model
- Sub-systems must exchange data. This may be done
in two ways - Shared data is held in a central database or
repository and may be accessed by all sub-systems - Each sub-system maintains its own database and
passes data explicitly to other sub-systems - When large amounts of data are to be shared, the
repository model of sharing is most commonly used
47Repository model characteristics
- Advantages
- Efficient way to share large amounts of data
- Sub-systems need not be concerned with how data
is produced Centralised management e.g. backup,
security, etc. - Sharing model is published as the repository
schema - Disadvantages
- Sub-systems must agree on a repository data
model. Inevitably a compromise - Data evolution is difficult and expensive
- No scope for specific management policies
- Difficult to distribute efficiently
48Types (Styles) of software architectures
- data-flow architecture
- a set of software components called filters
connected by a set of connectors called pipes - data flows through the pipes and processed (or
filtered) by the filters - data transformation occurs at each filter
- traditional and most common architecture
- represented by data flow diagrams
49(No Transcript)
50Data Flow Architecture
51Pipes and Filters
- Advantages
- No intermediate files necessary.
- Flexibility by filter exchange.
- Flexibility by recombination
- Reuse of filter components
- Rapid Prototyping of pipelines
- Efficiency by parallel processing
- System evolution is simple
- Drawbacks
- Sharing state information is expensive /
inflexible - Efficiency gain through parallel processing is
often an illusion - Data transformation overhead
- Error handling The major problem
- Encourages batch processing
- Not good for handling interactive applications
52Types (Styles) of software architectures
- control architecture
- programming modules (or subsystems) are divided
into sub-modules (or modules) - relationships among sub-modules (or modules)
indicate procedure calls and return mechanisms - execution thread can be easily identified
- concurrency and multiple threads of control can
be explored - represented using structure charts
53(No Transcript)
54Control Architecture
- Are concerned with the control flow between
sub-systems. Distinct from the system
decomposition model - Centralised control
- One sub-system has overall responsibility for
control and starts and stops other sub-systems - Event-based control
- Each sub-system can respond to externally
generated events from other sub-systems or the
systems environment
55Centralised control
- A control sub-system takes responsibility for
managing the execution of other sub-systems - Call-return model
- Top-down subroutine model where control starts at
the top of a subroutine hierarchy and moves
downwards. Applicable to sequential systems - Manager model
- Applicable to concurrent systems. One system
component controls the stopping, starting and
coordination of other system processes. Can be
implemented in sequential systems as a case
56Call and Return
57Call-return model
58Real-time system control
59Event-driven systems
- Driven by externally generated events where the
timing of the event is outwit the control of the
sub-systems which process the event - Two principal event-driven models
- Broadcast models. An event is broadcast to all
sub-systems. Any sub-system which can handle the
event may do so - Interrupt-driven models. Used in real-time
systems where interrupts are detected by an
interrupt handler and passed to some other
component for processing
60Broadcast model
- Effective in integrating sub-systems on different
computers in a network - Sub-systems register an interest in specific
events. When these occur, control is transferred
to the sub-system which can handle the event - Control policy is not embedded in the event and
message handler. Sub-systems decide on events of
interest to them - However, sub-systems dont know if or when an
event will be handled
61Selective broadcasting
62Interrupt-driven systems
- Used in real-time systems where fast response to
an event is essential - There are known interrupt types with a handler
defined for each type - Allows fast response but complex to program and
difficult to validate
63Interrupt-driven control
64Types (styles) of software architectures
- layered architecture
- applicable to complex systems that are divided
into several layers - example ISO network architecture (7 layers)
- example UNIX operating system
- outer layers are more abstract than the inner
layer(s) - each layer can be modeled using any of the other
architectural styles
65 66Reference Models
- Reference models are derived from a study of the
application domain rather than from existing
systems - May be used as a basis for system implementation
or to compare different systems. It acts as a
standard against which systems can be evaluated - OSI model is a layered model for communication
67OSI reference model
68Types (styles) of software architectures
- Client-Server Architecture
- A client system issues a request that is handled
by a server system that provides services to its
clients - Suitable for most transaction-oriented systems.
- Example The server might provide a simple
service, such as storing files for a community of
users, or a more complex service, such as booking
airlines seats for customers.
69Client-Server Architecture
- Server Implements objects that expose their
functionality through interfaces that consist of
operations and attributes - Broker A messenger that is responsible for the
transmission of requests from clients to servers,
as well as the transmission of responses and
exceptions back to the client. - Client side proxy represents a layer between
clients and the broker . The additional layer
provides transparency in that a remote object
appears to the client as a local one. - Server side proxy are generally analogous to
client-side proxies, except they are responsible
for receiving requests.
70Client-Server Architecture
- Advantages
- Location Transparency, broker is responsible for
locating a server by using a unique identifier,
clients do not need to know where servers are
located. - Changeability and extensibility If servers
changes but their interface remain the same, it
has no functional impact on the clients. - For reusing design components from other systems.
Hides the operating system - Components can register for an event from any
service - Interoperability between different Broker
systems (as long as they have a common protocol) - Disadvantages
- Lack of assurance that a component will respond
to an event. - Restricted efficiency applications using a
broker are usually slow.
71A client-server system
72Computers in a network
73Interface design
- describes communication links between elements of
the system, and between the system and the
environment (external to the system) the latter
is called user-interface - flow of data and control between each pair of
elements as well as between the system and the
external environment are identified - diagrammatic notations such as data flow diagrams
and state transition diagrams may be used - often developed in conjunction with data design
and data refinement
74Component-level design
- detailed description of each element of the
system such as procedures, algorithms, packages,
modules, subsystems and the system as a whole - each data element is now mapped to data types in
the underlying programming language - the last level of refinement of data design and
architectural design - flow charts, low-level design languages (e.g.,
Ada) may be used