Title: EPDA
- Enterprise Distributed Programming with Remote
Method Invocation - (RMI)
- Introduction to RMI
- RMI Architecture
- RMI Implementation
- An Example
- EJB is a scalable platform and is interoperable
with heterogeneous clients - It can communicate with protocols such as IIOP
(Internet Inter ORB) and JRMP (Java Remote
Method) protocols through JNDI. - JNDI provides an interface for Java Naming and
Directory services. - RMI uses JRMP
- EJB containers can build functionality through
technologies such as RMI, JNDI, JDBC,
4Traditional Distributed Applications are
- Concerned with the movement of data and files
between hosts using protocols such as SMTP,
FTP,HTTP, NFS, - Applications can also let one host run programs
on another host. - Traditional examples of remote execution are
- Telnet, RPC, rlogin,
5RMI - introduction
- Java has a facility called RMI to let objects on
different hosts communicate. - A Java program can call certain methods on a
remote server. - RMI doesnt need the client or the server to run
an HTTP server.
6RMI - introduction
- Each remote object implements a remote interface
that specifies which of its methods can be
invoked by a client. - RMI is efficient
- A client can ask a database object on a server to
sum up a series of records - and return the result
- rather than downloading all the records and
summing them locally!
7From programmers perspective
- Remote methods work similar to the local ones.You
need to - import one package,
- make sure to catch the Remote Exceptions,
- lookup the remote object in a registry
- and use it the same way as a local one
- An object at sunsite.berkeley.edu has a query
method that looks up information in a data base - A client on www.staffs.ac.uk can look up the
object in sunsites registry to call the query
method as it would do in a local object. - The remote object accepts arguments from
www.staffs.ac.uk and returns the results back to
9Security Issues
- my.mirror.using.CopyUrl doesnt like
my.next.door.neighbour to be able to call
readFile() on its machine! - We can secure this by limiting the activities of
the remote object using - a SecurityManager object that
- checks all operations to make sure they are
allowed by the server.
10RPC and RMI
- RPC is language and processor independent
- RMI is processor-independent, but limited to
Java. - RPC requires a lot more overhead than RMI
- Convert arguments between architectures to use
native data types - Little-endian and big-endian
- RPC can only send primitive data types RMI can
send objects.
11The RMI Architecture RMI Layer Model
- Ensures communication compatibility between a
remote object client and a server.
Server Program
Client Program
Logical Path
Remote Reference Layer
Remote Reference Layer
The Internet
Transport Layer
Transport Layer
12The RMI Layer Model
- The client talks only to its stub which
- passes the conversation along to the remote
reference layer (RRL) - The transport layer on the client passes data
across the Internet to - the transport layer of the server which talks to
the RRL which - talks to a piece of server software called the
13The RMI Layer Model
- The skeleton communicates with the server itself
- In the server-to-client direction this flow is
14How a client finds a server?
- Where does the stub come from?
- Client finds an appropriate server by using a
registry. - The registry has a method called lookup() that
finds the stub for the client.
15The stub - Client side
- Client uses it to invoke a remote method.
- It doesnt have to be compiled into the client
can be downloaded at run time. - The stubs are used in clients virtual machine in
place of real objects and methods live on the
server - Think of the stub as the remote objects
surrogate on the client.
16The Remote Reference Layer- Client side
- Translates the local reference to the stub into a
remote reference to the object on the server. - Then it passes the data to the transport layer
17The Transport Layer- Client Side
- Handles the actual movement of data across the
Internet - Provides
- Connection setup
- Connection Management and
- Tracking and dispatching of remote objects
18The Transport Layer- Server Side
- Listens for incoming connections
- Forwards invocations to the remote reference layer
19The Remote Reference Layer -Server Side
- Converts the remote references into references
for the local virtual machine - Then passes the request to the skeleton
20The Skeleton- Server side
- Reads the arguments and passes the data to the
server program, which makes the actual method
call. - If the method returns a value, the value is sent
down through - the skeleton, remote reference , and transport
layers across the Internet - and then up through the layers on the client side.
21RMI Implementation Parameter passing
- Pass by reference (by referring to
something-address..) - only works if all objects are in the same virtual
machine - Pass by value
- primitive types such as boolean, int, double
- complete copies are passed
- Pass by remote reference
- for objects that implement the Remote Interface
22The RMI Implementation
- Most of the methods are in four packages
- java.rmi package
- Defines classes, interfaces and exceptions on the
client side - java.rmi.server package
- Defines classes, interfaces and exceptions
visible on the server side - java.rmi.registry package
- Defines classes, interfaces and exceptions for
locating and naming remote objects - java.rmi.dgc package
- Handles distributed garbage collection
23Implementing a server- A Hello Interface Java
Network Programming., E.R. Harold
- To implement a remote object, first define an
interface - This remote interface does not have methods of
its own. It only tags objects as remote
// A simple interface for a Hello World remote
object implementing // a single method,
sayHello() import java.rmi. public interface
Hello extends java.rmi.Remote public String
sayHello() throws java.rmi.RemoteException
24A Server-HelloImpl class
- Now define a class that implements the remote
interface. - This class extends java.rmi.UnicastRemoteObject
that make remote invocation work - marshalling, unmarshalling, etc.
- The HelloImpl class implements the remote
interface Hello - It has a sayHello method that will be available
to the client
25A Server-HelloImpl class
- The main method starts the remote server running
import java.rmi. import java.rmi.server. impor
t java.net. import java.util. public class
HelloImpl extends
java.rmi.server.UnicastRemoteObject implements
Hello public HelloImpl() throws
RemoteException super() public String
sayHello() throws RemoteException return
"Hello, World!"
26A Server- HelloIMpl class
public static void main(String args)
System.setSecurityManager (new
RMISecurityManager()) try HelloImpl h
new HelloImpl () Naming.rebind("HelloPServer"
, h) System.out.println("Hello Pirooz Server
ready.") catch (RemoteException re)
System.out.println("Exception in
HelloImpl.main " re) catch
(MalformedURLException e) System.out.println(
"MalformedURLException in HelloImpl.main "
27A server ..
- The sayHello() Method returns the string Hello,
world! to clients - An instance of HelloImpl object is bound to the
name helloPserver in the Naming registry using
rebind() method.
28Now generate stubs and skeletons
- The stub contains the information in the Remote
interface (sayHello) - The skeleton is similar but on the server side.
- To generate the stub and skeleton for HelloImpl
remote object, run rmic on the .class file - rmic HelloImpl
- produces .class file of the remote object, and
produces .class files for the stubs and
skeletons - Hello.class HelloImpl.class
HelloImpl_Skel.class - Hello.java HelloImpl.java
30Now start the registry and launch the server
- rmiregistry 2050
- runs the registry on port 2050 for the server to
talk to it - and now launch the server
java HelloImpl Hello Pirooz Server Ready.
Now the server and the registry are ready to
accept remote method calls
31The Client Side- The HelloClient
- Client asks the registry on the server to
retrieve a remote reference to remote object. - It calls the registrys lookup method
- Before using the object you must cast it to the
remote interface- pass an rmi URL to the lookup()
Hello h (Hello) Naming.lookup
32The Client Side- The HelloClient
- Now the client can call the remote methods
import java.rmi. public class HelloClient
public static void main(String args)
System.setSecurityManager (new
RMISecurityManager ()) try Hello h
(Hello) Naming.lookup ("rmi//enterprise.soc.staff
s.ac.uk/HelloPServer") String message
h.sayHello () System.out.println
("HelloClient " message)
catch (Exception e) System.out.println
("Exception in main " e)
33Summary of what happened
- The client talks to the registry and the server
Lookup() where is Hello?
Hello Client
Here it is
Send the stub
This is the stub