Title: Nicholas Jennett
1PPP drivers and challenges in CEE countries
Nicholas Jennett European PPP Expertise Centre
Warsaw, 6 May 2009
2The CEE regions PPP market made good progress
in 2006 delivering financial close on a number of
projects, in a range of sectors. (DLA Piper PPP
Report 2007)
3Underlying challenges for PPP in CEE
- Incomplete legal frameworks and risk of
procurement challenge - Currency exchange risk
- The impact of EU structural / cohesion funding
- Depth in the contractor market
- The importance of programmes, not projects
- Building public sector capacity.
4The impact of the financial crisis
- Lack of liquidity in the banking market
- Issues in securing capital allocations for PPPs
- Difficulty of securing funding increases with
project size - Syndication market has stalled club
transactions - Bank margins (and bond spreads) increased
substantially - Senior debt tenors significantly reduced
- No viable capital market solution has emerged to
replace wrapped bond market - Banks are highly selective
- Some inconsistency in terms and conditions
required by funders
5Some public sector responses
- Debt guarantees
- Public sector infrastructure funds
- Separation of funding from procurement
- Syndication support
- Refinancing guarantees
? 3 categories of actions
61. Remedial actions by the procurement authorities
- Adjust procurement programmes
- Adjust the procurement process
- Competitive dialogue
- Funding competition
- Reduce contract durations/loan maturities
- Encourage Mini-perms, refinancings
- Improve risk-reward balance
- Impose higher project ratings.
72. Remedial actions by national authorities
- Increase multilateral lending
- Provide additional liquidity through guaranteed
facilities - Co-lending facilities
- Guarantee facilities
- Direct guarantees
- Indirect guarantees
- Underpinning
- Sub-sovereign
- Refinancing
8National authorities responses - Examples
- Governments funding facilities
- - UK Credit Guarantee Facility French Fonds
dEpargne - Co-lending by governments
- - UK Treasury lending facility, KFW
- Public guarantees
- - Indirect (sub-sovereign, underpinning,
refinancing) - - Direct (French, Portuguese guarantee
93. Facilitate the entry of new investors
- Stimulate the unwrapped project bonds market
- Improve credit quality through structural
changes - Develop Infra bonds and organize liquidity
- Revive the monoline model
- Debt funds
10Implications and issues for Central and Eastern
- The public investment injection into CEE in
coming years is unprecedented but so is the need
for private sector funding - Will the financial crisis will hit CEE
disproportionately? - Scale of funding requirements matter
- Attitude of international banks / importance of
relationship banking - How are CEE governments responding?
- Analysis of the crisis
- Identification of tailored solutions
- Importance of addressing the underlying issues
(public sector skills, focus on programmes
encouraging local sponsor and contractor
capacity) - European PPP Expertise Centre (EPEC)
- Addressing the information and skills gap
- Promoting effective responses to the crisis
- Assisting Members to structure programmes
11Contacting EPEC
For more information epec_at_eib.org jennett_at_eib.org