Title: Social Issues I
1Social Issues I
- Equity and Access, Employment and Work
2The Digital Divide
- Information haves and have-nots
- Global Digital Divide
- U.S. Digital Divide
- Universal service vs. universal access
- Public education and the analog divide
- Digital Divide as an Ethical Issue
- Vital Resources and Distributive Justice
- Bridging Divide a Moral Obligation
3Table 10-1 Global Internet Usage (as of 2000)
4Cybertechnology and the Disabled
- Access to the web by everyone is essential
- Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)
- Benefits of assistive technologies to
non-disabled persons - Utilitarian argument shouldnt be overextended
5Table 10-2Internet Usage Breakdown by
Racial/Ethnic Groups in the US
6Kretchmer and Karveth (2001) African-American
internet users are
- More likely to use net for entertainment and
quality of life activities - Less likely to participate in web-based auctions
- Less likely to feel net connects them with family
and friends - Less likely to use e-mail to develop and sustain
7Kretchmer and Karveth (2001) African-American
internet users
- Tend to be younger on average
- Access the net less frequently
- Are more likely to have
- Modest incomes
- No college degrees
- Children under eighteen
- Robert Johnson (1997) View that internet is
designed by and intended for whites - Kretchmar and Karveth Web developers dont
target minorities - Non-African-American e-commerce entrepreneurs
have little incentive to develop content for
9Technology, Race, and Public Policy
- Historically, African-Americans have had little
voice in technology policy - Johnson African-Americans should
- Take more active role
- Case Illustration Highway System
- See themselves as stakeholders
- Make technology an integral part of their
10Rhetoric and Racism on the Internet
- Race considerations reduced via invisibility?
- Lynn Theismeyer (1999)
- Rise of neo-Nazi propoganda
- Hate speech and persuasive rhetoric
- Does cybertech facilitate the reemergence of
prejudice? - More followers?
- Cybertech is principal tool
11Gender and Cybertechnology
- Women have less access and are underrepresented
in decision-making - Society technology is for guys
- Fewer female tech graduates
- Case Study on Educational Software
- Gender bias in video games
- Alison Adam Ethic of care
12Employment and Work
- Job displacement and automation
- Robotics and expert systems
- Remote work and virtual organizations
13Job Displacement and Automation
- Job displacement jobs eliminated in places but
created in other places - Industrial Revolution crafts eliminated,
working conditions worsened - Zuboff Automations not all bad it also
informates - Restructured work will be more meaningful
14Robotics and Expert Systems
- Newer robots able to do more and take more jobs
- Expert systems embody decision-making
strategies of human experts - De-skilling and worker alienation
- Skills disembodied from craftsmen, reimbodied
into machines - Mason skills can now be disemminded from
humans and reimminded into computers - Workplace issues spawn publications on ethics
15Virtual Organizations and Remote Work
- Where is the workplace?
- Impact on employers commitment
- Less perceived obligation to provide
benefits/amenities? - Impact on human relations
- Less interaction among employees
- Telecommuting and telework
- White collars have choice, others dont?
- Advancement suppressed?
- Offshoring
- Impact on disabled
16Quality of Life Issues
- Health and safety
- Video Operators Distress Syndrome
- Repetitive Strain Injury
- Stress, surveillance, and monitoring
- Invisible supervisor
- Surveillance embedded in fabric of work
- Information workers targeted most
- Tripmaster
- Impact on morale
17Table 10-3 Common Arguments Used to Support and
to Oppose Monitoring
18Autonomy and Privacy
- Marx and Sherizen Code of Ethics for monitoring
- Introna concern for choices based on monitoring
- Asymmetry of power
- Balance employee privacy and employer
transparency - John Rawls and the veil of ignorance
19E-mail Privacy
- Do employees have the right to send and receive
personal e-mail using company computers? - Should employers be able to see whats on your