Title: Instructional Leadership for the 21st Century
1Instructional Leadership for the 21st Century
- University of South Alabama
- in collaboration with
- Baldwin and Mobile County Public Schools
2Preparing Exemplary Leaders for Alabama Schools
- Three Objectives
- Partnership between USA and LEAs
- Alignment of standards and coursework
- Focus on school improvement and student
3Collaboration Is the Key
Insert a picture of both superintendents, Dean
Hayes, and Dr. Gray with pens in hand, Signing a
document. In background, music and a voice
explain that Memorandums of agreement were signed
- When two work together, then both are
strong. --Anonymous
4Dr. Faron HollingerBaldwin County Superintendent
5 Leadership Advisory Council
USA--LEAs Leadership Advisory Council
Assess Certification Program Effectiveness
Selection of Administrative Candidates
Revise Coursework
Monitor and Revise semester-long Residency
Select Residency Schools
Train Mentor Principals
6Program Design
- MCPSS and Baldwin County personnel worked
together to develop coursework aligned with newly
adopted standards for instructional leaders in
7Admission Requirements
- Admission requirements include
- Graduate school application
- Admission portfolio
- Scheduled interview
8Interviews Conducted Collaboratively
- Prospective candidate responds to questions
- from public school district and university
9Revised Curriculum
- USA infused the eight standards for effective
school leaders within a substantially revised
curriculum. - Planning for continuous improvement
- Teaching and learning
- Human resource development
- Diversity
- Community and stakeholder relationships
- Technology
- Management of learning organizations
- Ethics
10School-based Activities
- Facilitate the work of teachers
- Analyze school-wide
- assessment data
- Manage resources to support instruction
- Develop budgets to enhance instruction
- Manage human resources
- Complete prescribed activities critical to
effective instructional leadership
11Field Experiences Embeddedin Required Coursework
- Prospective instructional leaders gain real-world
experience while taking required coursework.
12Skill Development
13 Residency Learning Planner Handbook
- About This Residency Learning Planner
- Purpose This is a guide for residents to
thoughtfully plan, implement and track/log a set
of experiences that will help them become school
leaders who make a difference in student
achievement. - For each of the 8 standards, field experiences
are proposed to engage the participant in
observing, participating in and leading school
teams in changing curriculum and instructional
practices in ways that increase student
achievement. - All experiences require
- A planning component, and
- A reflection component
14 Field Experiences
15Field Experiences
16Project Design
- Bridges the gap between theory and
practice - by focusing on real-world
- instructional issues.
- Examination of admissions process
- Evaluation of curriculum changes
- Development of assessment system
- Development of system to assess impact
- Satisfaction surveys
- Direct monitoring
- by the Leadership Advisory Council
20Growing TogetherGrowing Strong
- Working together to prepare
- effective instructional leaders for the future.
21Vision Statement
- Baldwin County Public Schools, the Mobile County
Public School System and the University of South
Alabama will create and sustain a partnership to
improve student achievement through the
co-construction and implementation of a
leadership development program for the benefit of
our regional community.
- Thanks for your kind attention!