Title: Extrastriate cortex: physiology, anatomy, and neuropsychology
1Extrastriate cortexphysiology, anatomy, and
- Michael Silver
- VS212B
- November 27, 2006
2VS212B syllabus
- Extrastriate cortex
- Visual attention
- Imaging methods in visual neuroscience
- Development / plasticity
3Mound and crater
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Example connections in monkey visual cortex
7Human visual areas
Left hemisphere posterior view
8Dorsal stream
Ventral stream
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10Spiral Motion Aftereffect
11Visual area MT (middle temporal area)
12Single neuron recording in area MT
13Locating Human MT
14Locating Human MT
15Electrical stimulation in MT
16Motion coherence and MT neurons
Motion stimulus
no coherence
50 coherence
100 coherence
Responses of MT neurons
Preferred direction
17Microstimulation in MT changes motion perception
18What happens if you have damage to MT?
Motion Blindness
19Visual area STS (superior temporal
sulcus)responds to biological motion
20Optic ataxia - posterior parietal cortex damage
21Ventral stream
22Daylight illuminationexamples
Blue sky
Disk of sun
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27Photometric invariance
cast shadow
attached shadow
28Cortical area V4
- Contains neurons whose responses reflect
perceived color, not physical wavelength - Damage to V4 causes cerebral achromatopsia (loss
of color perception)
29Face perception
30Face perception
31Identity Aftereffects
38Prosopagnosia (face agnosia)
http//www.choisser.com/faceblind/ http//www.face
39Invariance of object recognition
40Novel examples need to be recognized
41Recognition when only part of an object is
42Recognition from unusual views
43Response selectivity in human inferotemporal
cortex the Jennifer Aniston cell
44the Halle Berry cell
45Columnar architecture in IT
46Columnar architecture in IT
47Faces (FFA) and Places (PPA)
48Parahippocampal place area
49Fusiform face area
50Faces per se or expertise?
Trained subjects to recognize this novel set of
51Face area responses depend on expertise
52Object agnosia
- Can describe features of visual objects
- Can copy drawings of objects
- However, perception of a collection of features
as an object is impaired
Rose twig
Fencers Mask
53Object agnosia (see only the faces)
54Reading and letter recognition
Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy,
it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a
wrod are. The olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the
frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The
rset can be a total mses and you can sitll raed
it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn
mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but
the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh?
55Misbinding of color and motion
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57Summary of dorsal and ventral streams
- Flow of information through dorsal stream from
early visual cortex to MT and then to parietal
cortex (driven mainly by magnocellular neurons). - Dorsal stream specialized for motion processing,
spatial relationships, and spatial attention. - Flow of information through ventral stream from
early visual cortex to V4 and then to
inferotemporal cortex (driven mainly by
parvocellular neurons). - Ventral stream specialized for color and form
processing and object and face recognition.