Title: Dyslipidemia
- Dr FCJ Bester
- 082 5542 799
- www.bestgib.co.za
- Hipercholesterolemie is skadelik
- Cholesterol word nie getoets
- Hipercholesterolemie word onderbehandel.
3Many High-Risk Patients Are Not Reaching NCEP
LDL-C Goals
63 of patients with ?2 risk factors and no CHD
did not reach NCEP goal
82 of CHD patients did not reach NCEP goal
Data from a survey of 901 primary care providers
in the USA. Data were collected from 4888
patients being treated for hypercholesterolemia. P
earson T et al. Arch Int Med 1999In press.
4Small Increases in Cholesterol Lead to Dramatic
Increases in CAD Death
- (Adapted from Neaton et al.)
Neaton JD et al, Arch Intern Med, 1992.
5Indeling van Lipoproteiene
6Siektes van Dislipiedemie
- Hipercholesterolemie
- Familieel (heterosigote, Homosigote)
- Defektiewe ApoB100
- Poligenies
- Hipertrigliseriedemie
- Familieel
- LPL tekort
- Apo CII tekort
7Siektes (vervolg)
- Kombinasie van TG en Cholesterol
- Gemengde hiperlipiedemie
- Disbetalipoproteienemie
8Sekondêre dislipiedemie
- Diabetes
- Hipotireose
- Niersiektes - nefrose
- Alkohol
- Lewersiektes
9 Endoteel disfunksie
- LDL, HTS, DM, rook
- Verhoogde deurlatendheid
- Adhesie molekules
- WBT en plaatjies
- migrasie
- vashegting
10 Vetterige streep
- Gladde spier migrasie
- Skuimselle
- T-sel aktivering
- Plaatjie vashegting
- Leukosiet vashegting
11Gevorderde gekompliseerde letsel
- Makrofaag akkumulasie
- Nekrotiese kern
- Fibrotiese kap
12Plaak ruptuur (disaster)
- Verdunning van fibreuse kap
- Bloeding in letsel
- Trombose met afsluiting van lumen
- POSH (Ileale omleiding)
- FATS (Lovastatien, Niasien)
- EXCEL (Lovastatien)
- MAAS (Simvastatien)
- 4S (Simvastatien)
- PLAC I EN II (Pravastatien)
- WOSCOPS (Pravastatien)
- REGRESS (Pravastatien)
- CARE(Pravastatien)
14Belangrike syfers
15Behandelings modaliteite
- Lewensstyl veranderinge
- Dieet
- Medikasie
- Galsoutbinders
- Nikotiensuur
- Fibrate
- Statiene -gt superstatiene
- Selektiewe cholesterol opname inhibeerders
- Aferese
- Gemiddelde westerse dieet
- 400-500 mg cholesterol per dag
- 35 kalorie van vet
- Stap 1 dieet (AHA)
- lt 300 mg cholesterol per dag
- 30 kalorie van vet
- Stap 2 dieet (AHA)
- lt200 mg Cholesterol
17Geskiedenis van cholesterolRx
- 1988 NCEP ATP I
- Eksklusiewe fokus op op LDL-C verlaging
- Sterk klem op harse en niasien
- Statiene en fibrate nie eerste linie nie
- 1993 NCEP ATP II
- Risiko faktore belangrik in teiken waardes
- Teiken LDL vir CHD verminder na 2,5 mmol/l
- Statiene die major middel, fibrate vir gemengde
18Geskiedenis van Cholesterol Rx
- NCEP ATP III - 2001
- Verlaag die drempel vir terapie in hoe risiko
persone - LDL-C teiken reduksie na 2,5 mmol/l ook vir CHD
ekwivalentes - Non HDL-C as n teiken (IDL ook ingesluit)
- Nikotiensuur
- 1-2.5 g tds
- Slegte newe effekte
- Galsoutbinders
- Questran 9g tds
- Veral gebruik in kombinasie terapie.
20Medikasie - Fibrate
- Verhoogde LPL en TG hidrolise
- Verhoogde LDL afbraak
- Fibrate
- Klofibraat (Atromid S, Lipaten)
- Bezafibraat (Bezalip, Rolab-bezafibraat)
- Fenofibraat (Lipsin)
- Gemfibrocil (Lopid)
21Statiene (HMG-KoA reduktase inhibitor)
- Simvastatien (Zocor)
- Pravastatien (Prava)
- Fluvastatien
- Atorvastatien (Lipitor)
- Lovastatien (Lescol)
- Cerivastatien (Baycol - onttrek)
22Statiene - newe effekte
- Mialgie
- Miositis - selde
- Spiernekrose - in kombinasie met fibrate
- Leweraantasting - staak by verhoogde
23LDL aksievlakke
24NCEP Guidelines for LDL-C
- CHD status LDL-C goal
- No CHD and lt160 mg/dL (4.1 mmol/L) lt2 CHD risk
factors - No CHD and lt130 mg/dL (3.4 mmol/L) ?2 CHD risk
factors - Established CHD ?100 mg/dL (2.6 mmol/L)
The NCEP recommends lowering LDL-C even further
than these goals if possible
NCEP. Circulation 19948913291445.
26Joint European Recommendations on Coronary
- Lipoprotein marker Goal of therapy
- LDL-C lt3.0 mmol/L (115 mg/dL)
- Total-C lt5.0 mmol/L (190 mg/dL)
Wood D et al. Eur Heart J 19981914341503.
Atherosclerosis 1998140199270. J Hypertens
27Risikofaktore vir IHS
28The Undertreatment of Hypercholesterolemia is
- Undertreatment is emerging as a major problem in
the management of hypercholesterolemia - Data from Europe and the USA consistently show
that a large proportion of patients do not reach
their LDL-C goal - Of particular concern is that the problem is
greatest in patients with existing CHD
29Total-C Levels in CHD Patients Receiving
Lipid-Lowering Therapy
At the time of the study EAS recommended a
Total-C goal of 4.55 mmol/L for patients with
existing CHD. EUROASPIRE Study Group. Eur Heart J
30Reasons for the Current Under-Use of Treatment
- Lack of awareness of current guidelines
- Difficulty in extrapolating clinical trial data
to complex patients in practice - Disagreement with guidelines due to
- lack of involvement in the consensus process
- lack of opportunity to evaluate and adapt
guidelines critically to local practice - Mixed messages resulting from multiple sets of