Title: Dealing with Student Plagiarism
1Dealing with Student Plagiarism
- Or
- If Stephen Ambrose can do it, why cant I?
2Presented by
- F. Bartow Culp
- Chemistry Librarian
- Mellon Library of Chemistry
- Song Yu
- Chemical Information Specialist
- Purdue Libraries
3Plagiarize, Let no one else's work evade your
eyes, Remember why the good Lord made your
eyes, So don't shade your eyes, But plagiarize,
plagiarize, plagiarize... Only be sure always to
call it please, "research".
4Plagiarize, Let no one else's work evade your
eyes, Remember why the good Lord made your
eyes, So don't shade your eyes, But plagiarize,
plagiarize, plagiarize... Only be sure always to
call it please, research. -from Lobachevsky
by Tom Lehrer
5Purdue example, 2001
- A student lifted several paragraphs from a text
as part of her answer to a take-home exam
question. -
- When confronted by the teacher, she was adamant
in refusing to admit she had committed
plagiarism. -
- Her defense was My English teacher said that,
if I change every seventh word, it isnt
6Plagerism, Plaigerism, Plagiarism
- Definitions
- Scope of the problem
- Deterrence
- Detection
- Sources of information
7Plagiarism Using anothers work without giving
8The many faces of plagiarism
- Sloppy documentation
- Omitting quotation marks
- Paraphrasing without acknowledgement
- Copying without acknowledgement
- Intentional obfuscation
- Context change
- Missing footnotes
- False references
9The many faces of plagiarism
- Intentional use of anothers work
- Without collusion
- With collusion
- Buying work from a paper mill or reference
10 Cyberplagiarism pandemic or same-old/same-old?
- The popular press refers to a plague of
plagiarism, but - A survey of 698 students from 8 universities
showed about the same amount of print (27.6) and
electronic (24.5) plagiarism - P.M. Scanlon D.R. Neumann, Journal of College
Student Development, forthcoming - These numbers are comparable to plagiarism levels
measured in the 1960s and early 1990s
11Cyberplagiarism avant le deluge?
- Students perceptions are that over 90 of their
peers copy without citing sources - The Napster generation is upon us
12Deterrence vs. detection
- Whats the relationship to be?
- Professor/student,
- or
- Officer/truant
13Effective deterrence
- Set expectations include discussion of academic
integrity in course syllabus - Track the progress of large projects
- Choose project topics with care
- Have examples of proper citation practices (safe
cites) easily available
14Effective deterrence- WWYSD
- Would plagiarism as a strategy for student
conduct in your courses outweigh all the risks,
costs and disadvantages? - What would your students do?
15Detection DIY
- String searching on Web browsers
- Choose unusual word groupings or misspellings
use double quotes to search for the phrase as
written - Keyword searching of a subject in a hierarchical
directory like Yahoo - Consult generally available electronic resources
Encarta, PUL resources, etc.
16Plagiarize, Let no one else's work evade your
eyes, Remember why the good Lord made your
eyes, So don't shade your eyes, But plagiarize,
plagiarize, plagiarize... Only be sure always to
call it please, "research".
17Detection software
- http//plagiarism.phys.virginia.edu/
- http//www.turnitin.com/
- http//www.plagiserve.com/
- Purdue University
- Avoiding Plagiarism. Purdue Online Writing Lab
plagiar.html - Academic Integrity. Office of the Dean of
Students - Other Universities
- Duke University Center for Academic Integrity.
http//www.academicintegrity.org/ - University of Virginia Physics Department.
http//plagiarism.phys.virginia.edu/ - University of California at Davis.
- Books
- Mallon, Thomas. Stolen Words. San Diego
Harcourt, 2001. - Buranen, L.,ed. Perspectives on Plagiarism.
Albany, NY SUNY, 1999. - St. Onge, K. The Melancholy Anatomy of
Plagiarism. Lanham, MD University Press of
America, 1988. - Mawdsley R. Academic Misconduct Cheating and
Plagiarism. Topeka KS NOLPE, 1994. - LaFollette, M. Stealing into Print Fraud,
Plagiarism, and Misconduct in Scientific
Publishing. Berkeley University of California
Press, 1992.
Julie J.C.H. Ryan. Student plagiarism in and
online world. Prism online. Dec. 1998. ASSE.
Feb. 20, 2002 lthttp//www.asee.org/prism/december/
.Jeffrey R. Young. The Cat-and-Mouse Game of
Plagiarism Detection. Chronicle of Higher
Education. 47(43) 2001 A26. Feb. 20, 2002
Mary Clarke-Pearson . Download. Steal. Copy.
Cheating at the University. Nov. 27, 2001 49
par. Daily Pennsylvanian. Feb. 20, 2002
/ART/2001/11/27/3c03502bad345?in_archive1 gt.
Thinking and talking about plagiarism. Online
posting. Dec. 3, 2001. Technology Teaching,
Bedford/St. Martins. Feb. 20, 2002
archive/ttip102401.htm gt.Libraries. Dealing
with Cut and Paste Student Plagiarism. Oct. 3,
2000. Michigan State University. Feb. 20, 2002.
lthttp//www.lib.msu.edu/lorenze1/lilly/ gt.
22We have met the enemy, and he is us.-Albert
Alligator (Walt Kelly)
- "An article entitled Epidermal growth
factor receptor a transcription
factor?,published in the November 2001 issues of
TiBS (Trends Biochem. Sci.26,645646), TiG (
Trends Genet. 17, 625626) and TEM ( Trends
Endocrinol. Metab.12, 431), contains large tracts
of text that have been copied from a previously
published Nature Cell Biology News and Views
article - -TiBS (2002) Vol 27 2 p64
- A New York court ruled Thursday that Cornell
University was not liable in a lawsuit claiming
that one of its professors had plagiarized the
dissertation of a former doctoral student. - (From CHE Online, 18 February,2002)