Title: There are 8 multiple choice questions in this
1 There are 8 multiple choice questions in
this exercise. Answer by clicking on one
of the red letters (A, B, C, Or D). You
will get a feedback to your
response. Click on the button to go
to next question.
2 1. Which one of the following is most
important related to soil moisture or
irrigation for pearl millet crop? A. Quantity
of water B. Quality of water C. Timing of
availability D. Depth of water
3 2. Pearl millet is sensitive to A. low
soil moisture B. continuous rains C. water
logging D. hot weather
4 3. Continuous drizzling rain during
flowering stage of pearl millet crop A.
advances maturity B. favors ergot
infestation C. delays maturity D. reduces
grain size
5 4. One way of preparing pearl millet to cope
with moistures stress. A. Have a high plant
stand B. Cultivate in sandy soils C. Spraying
2 urea solution D. Late sowing
6 5. Advantage of pre-planting irrigation for
pearl millet cultivation. A. Easy field
preparation B. Efficient application of
fertilizers C. Increased seedling vigor D.
Better herbicidal activity
7 6. Mid-season drought affecting the pearl
millet crop can be corrected by A.
application of zinc B. ratooning
C. thin the plants by 40
D. I am not sure
8 7. Symptom to decide to irrigate pearl
millet crop. A. Shallow root system B.
Drooping leaves C. Strong sun the previous
day D. I am not sure
9 8. One of the practices in pearl millet for
drought contingency planning A. Shallow
ploughing B. Adopt intercropping C. Replace
with maize D. Opt for local varieties
10 Thank you for completing this exercise. Now
you may review this Module or select next Module
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11 Your answer is partially correct. But, The
correct answer is Timing of water (soil
moisture) availability to the crop is most
important for high yields in pearl millet.
12 Your answer is correct. Timing of water (soil
moisture) availability to the crop is most
important for high yields in pearl millet.
13 Your are right. Pearl millet is sensitive to
water logging conditions.
14 Your answer is not correct. The correct answer
is Pearl millet is sensitive to water logging
15 Your are right. Continuous drizzling rains
during flowering stage of pearl millet favors
ergot infestation.
16 Your answer is not correct. The correct answer
is Continuous drizzling rains during flowering
stage of pearl millet favors ergot infestation.
17 Your are right. Spraying 2 Urea solution at
the time of moisture stress helps pearl millet
plants to cope with the moisture stress.
18 Your answer is not correct. The correct answer
is Spraying 2 Urea solution at the time of
moisture stress helps pearl millet plants to cope
with the moisture stress.
19 Your are right. Pre-planting irrigation helps
to get higher seedling vigor and early plant
20 Your answer is not correct. The correct answer
is Pre-planting irrigation helps to get higher
seedling vigor and early plant growth.
21 If you are not sure, here is the
answer. Drooping and withering leaves indicate
the need for irrigating pearl millet crop.
22 You are right Mid-season drought affecting
the pearl millet crop can be corrected by
thinning the plants to retain 60 of the plant
23 Your answer is not correct. Application of
zinc can help in case of zinc deficiency.
Ratooning capacity of pearl millet can be taken
advantage if the main crop fails due to
drought. The correct answer is Mid-season
drought affecting the pearl millet crop can be
corrected by thinning the plants to retain 60 of
the plant stand.
24 If you are not sure, here is the
answer. Mid-season drought affecting the pearl
millet crop can be corrected by thinning the
plants to retain 60 of the plant
stand. Application of zinc can help in case of
zinc deficiency. Ratooning capacity of pearl
millet can be taken advantage if the main crop
fails due to drought.
25 You are right Drooping and withering leaves
indicate the need for irrigating pearl millet
26 Your answer is not correct. The correct answer
is Drooping and withering leaves indicate the
need for irrigating pearl millet crop.
27 You are right Adopting intercropping with
crops like cowpea may provide overall better
income from the system if drought occurs during
pearl millet growing season.
28 Your answer is not correct. Shallow ploughing
will not help to conserve moisture. Maize is not
a better choice for drought conditions. Growing
suitable pearl millet hybrid will still be better
than local variety under drought situation. The
correct answer is Adopting intercropping with
crops like cowpea may provide overall better
income from the system if drought occurs during
pearl millet growing season.