MUBs and some other quantum designs - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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MUBs and some other quantum designs


A very curious question that has taxed the brains of many inspired me to ... Bose, Shrikhande, and Parker, 1960: found with computer search orthogonal 10X10 ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: MUBs and some other quantum designs

MUBs and some other quantum designs
  • Aleksandrs Belovs
  • and
  • Juris Smotrovs

Outline of the talk
  • Combinatorial designs
  • Optimal quantum measurement problem (MUBs, SIC
  • Quantum designs
  • MUBs and SIC POVMs as quantum designs
  • Links with problems in combinatorics
  • Conclusion

History of combinatorial designs
History of combinatorial designs
  • 36 officer problem (1782)
  • A very curious question that has taxed the brains
    of many inspired me to undertake the following
    research that has seemed to open a new path in
    Analysis and in particular in the area of
    combinatorics. This question concerns a group of
    thirty-six officers of six different ranks, taken
    from six different regiments, and arranged in a
    square in a way such that in each row and column
    there are six officers, each of a different rank
    and regiment. But after spending much effort to
    resolve this problem, we must acknowledge that
    such an arrangement is absolutely impossible,
    though we cannot give a rigorous proof.

Combinatorial designs
  • 36 officer problem (L.Euler, 1782)
  • An example with a simpler case with 9 officers

1 2 3
2 3 1
3 1 2
1 2 3
3 1 2
2 3 1
Euler conjectured that there is no solution for
the 6X6 case, and, in general, for the
(4n2)X(4n2) case.
Combinatorial designs
  • 36 officer problem
  • Modern name of the general problem Mutually
    orthogonal latin squares (MOLS)
  • Euler conjectured that there is no solution for
    the 6X6 case, and, in general, for the
    (4n2)X(4n2) case.
  • G. Tarry, 1900 proved by exhaustive search of
    6X6 latin squares that no two of them are
  • Bose, Shrikhande, and Parker, 1960 found with
    computer search orthogonal 10X10 latin squares,
    then proved that they do not exist only for
    dimensions 2X2 and 6X6.

Combinatorial designs
  • Kirkmans schoolgirl problem (1850) and Steiner
    triples (solved)
  • Finite geometries (projective, affine,...)
  • Difference sets
  • Hadamard matrices
  • Modern combinatorial design theory started with
    R. Fishers work on design of statistical
    experiments in 1930s.

Combinatorial designs
  • Balanced incomplete block designs (BIBD)
  • v elements
  • must be arranged into b blocks (sets) so that
  • each block contains k elements,
  • each element is in r blocks, and
  • each two elements are both contained in ? blocks.
  • For which parameter quintuples (v,b,k,r,?) such
    design can be constructed and how?

Combinatorial designs
  • Example
  • v7,
  • b7,
  • k3,
  • r3,
  • ?1

B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7
1 2 3 4 5 6 0
2 3 4 5 6 0 1
4 5 6 0 1 2 3
Optimal quantum measurement
  • A pure quantum state is a vector (denoted
    something like ?? ) of unit length in the vector
    space Cn.
  • In an orthonormal basis 0?, 1?, ..., n-1? it
    can be represented as
  • ?? ?00? ?11? ... ?n-1n-1?.
  • When measured in this basis, one of the basis
    states i? is obtained with probability ?i2,
    and the state ?? collapses to i?. This is
    called von Neumann measurement.
  • A mixed quantum state is a probabilistic
    composition of pure states ? p1?1???1
    p2?2???2 ... pk?k???k.

Optimal quantum measurement
  • Problem
  • Suppose we have many instances of the same state
    ? in Cn. Then we can perform many measurements of
    this state using different bases. How should we
    choose the bases so that we learn the state with
    maximum precision?

Optimal quantum measurement
  • Case 1 we are allowed measurements only within
    the given space Cn we use each base for the same
    number of measurements
  • Then the optimum would be obtained with a set of
    n1 mutually unbiased bases (MUBs) if such

Optimal quantum measurement
  • Case 2 we are allowed to measure in a larger
    space Cm which contains the given space Cn
  • Such measurement from the viewpoint of the given
    space Cn is called positive operator valued
    measurement or POVM.
  • Solution to the problem would then be provided by
    a symmetric informationally complete POVM (SIC
    POVM) if it exists.

  • A number of orthonormal bases in Cn is said to be
    mutually unbiased iff any two basis vectors x?,
    y? from different bases have the same scalar
    product by absolute value
  • ?xy?
  • There can be no more than n1 such bases in Cn.

  • An example 3-MUB in C2.

  • I.D. Ivanovic (1981),
  • W.K.Wootters, B.D.Fields (1989)
  • (n1)-MUB exists for any dimension npm, where p
    is prime
  • r is base index, k is vector index, l is
    component index
  • r,k,l ? GF(pm), Tr is the trace GF(pm) ? GF(p).

  • Does an (n1)-MUB exist for a dimension n not
    being a prime power?
  • Up to now the answer has not been found for any
    of these dimensions, even for n6. At the moment
    only a 3-MUB is known in 6 dimensions.
  • If an (n1)-MUB does not exist, then what is the
    maximal number of MUB that exist in any given

  • A set of n2 unit vectors form a symmetric
    informationally complete POVM (SIC POVM) iff any
    two of these vectors x?, y? have the same
    scalar product by absolute value
  • ?xy? .

  • An example SIC POVM in C2.

  • Does there exist a SIC POVM for any dimension?
  • It has been conjectured that the answer is
    positive, however it has been proven only for a
    finite amount of dimensions for small n by
    finding SIC POVMs analytically, and for n lt 45 by
    finding approximate SIC POVMs numerically.

Quantum designs
  • G.Zauner (1999)

Block design Quantum design
v elements orthonormal basis in Cv
b blocks b orthogonal projections
k elements in each block each projection is to a k -dimensional subspace
each element in r blocks each basis vector is in r projection subspaces
each 2 blocks have ? common elements each 2 proj. subspaces intersection dim ?
Quantum designs
  • G.Zauner (1999)
  • Quantum design is a set P1, ..., Pb of
    projection operators in Cv.
  • It is called regular iff there is such k that
    Tr(Pi) k for all i.
  • It is called coherent iff there is such r that
  • P1 ... Pb rE.
  • Its degree s is the number of elements in the set
  • ? Tr(PiPj) i ? j ?1, ..., ?s.

Quantum designs
  • MUBs as quantum designs
  • If we consider MUB as consisting not of vectors,
    but of projections on their lines, then an
    (n1)-MUB in Cn is a quantum design with
  • v n, b n(n1), k 1, r n1,
  • the degree s 2, and ?1 0, ?2 1/n.

Quantum designs
  • SIC POVMs as quantum designs
  • SIC POVM in Cn is a quantum design with
  • v n, b n2, k 1, r n,
  • the degree s 1, and ?1 1/(n1).

Quantum designs
  • Complex projective t-design
  • A set X of unit vectors in Cn such that
  • for any polynomial f of degree t on the complex
    projective sphere CSn-1 (formed by equivalence
    classes of unit vectors in Cn where collinear
    vectors are considered equivalent).

Quantum designs
  • Welch inequalities
  • For any set X of unit vectors in Cn and any
    natural number k holds
  • (L.R.Welch, 1974)

Quantum designs
  • A.Klappenecker, M.Rötteler (2005)
  • A set X is a complex projective t-design iff with
    its vectors the Welch inequality turns into an
    equality for all k between 0 and t.
  • MUBs and SIC POVMs are complex projective

Quantum designs
  • A.Belovs, J.Smotrovs (2008)
  • Let X be a set of unit vectors in Cn. Let B be a
    matrix formed by vectors from X as columns. Let
    w1, ..., wn be the rows of matrix B. The Welch
    inequality turns into an equality for X and
    natural number k iff all vectors from
  • are of equal length and pairwise orthogonal.

  • The known (n1)-MUBs can be expressed in form
  • where base index r, vector index k, component
    index l are elements of an Abelian group G
    Z/n1Z ? ... ? Z/nmZ of size n n1...nm
  • is a character of this group, and f is some
    function in this group. It follows from the
    result of the previous slide that we have
    (n1)-MUB iff this function is perfect non-linear.

Link with combinatorial designs
  • Perfect non-linear functions
  • A function f G?G is said to be perfect
    non-linear iff for any a ? 0 and b there is
    exactly one x such that f(xa) ? f(x) b.
  • Example f(x)x2 in Z/pZ, where p is prime, is
    perfect non-linear.
  • These functions are much studied in cryptography,
    but mostly in the binary case n2m.

Link with combinatorial designs
  • Difference sets
  • A set Dd1,...,dk of k elements from an Abelian
    group G of size v is said to form a
    (v,k,?)-difference set iff the differences di ?
    dj with i ? j contain each non-zero element of G
    exactly ? times.
  • A long-known special case of balanced incomplete
    block designs.

Link with combinatorial designs
  • Relative difference sets
  • If G is an Abelian group, and N its subgroup,
    then a subset Dd1,...,dk of G is called an
    (m,n,k,?)-relative difference set iff Nn,
    G/Nm, and the differences di ? dj with i ?
    j contain no element from N, and each of the
    other non-zero elements of G exactly ? times.

Link with combinatorial designs
  • A function f G?G is perfect non-linear iff the
    set D(x,f(x)) x ? G is a relative difference
    set with respect to group G2 and its subgroup
    N(x,0) x ? G.

Link with combinatorial designs
  • Finite projective plane
  • a finite set P of points together with a
    collection of subsets of P called lines, such
  • for any two points there is exactly one line
    containing both of them
  • the intersection of any two lines contains
    exactly one point
  • there are 4 points such that no 3 of them belong
    to the same line.

Link with combinatorial designs
  • Collineation of a projective plane
  • a transformation of the plane that maps collinear
    points into collinear points.

Link with combinatorial designs
  • A.Blokhuis, D.Jungnickel, B.Schmidt (2001)
  • If G is an Abelian collineation group of order n2
    of a projective plane, then n is a prime power.
  • Proof essentially is a proof about relative
    difference sets.
  • It follows from this result that perfect
    non-linear functions can exist only in groups
    whose order is power of a prime.
  • Thus MUBs of the form described above can exist
    only in spaces Cn where n is a prime power.

What further?
  • The formula
  • gives an (n1)-MUB in Cn also when f is a
    function of a more general kind
  • Z/n1Z ? ... ? Z/nmZ ? R/n1R ? ... ? R/nmR
  • with properties similar to those of perfect
    non-linear functions. The existence of such
    functions for arbitrary dimension is still an
    open question.

Thank you for the attention!Questions?
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