Title: Southern California Earthquake Center Transition
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4Input Source Format for AWMs
1) Finite Fault k1,nsrc
t1,nst srs(k,t),sru(k,t)
end end
2) Point Source nxs,nys,nzs t1,nst
mt(t,i),i1,6 end
nsrc number of subfaults nst timesteps in
sliprate functions nxs,nys,nzs subfault centers
x-y-z srs,sru sliprate along strike, updip mt
moment tensor
5CFM Northridge
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18CFM Landers
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20CFM/Pathway 2/Pathway3
CFM .ts files (Gocad) UTM zone 11 NAD 1927
triangle vertices
triangle mid points
kinematic source models
Rupture parameters (e.g., sliprate
function, hypocenter location, rupture velocity)
21Fault x scenario PGAs
Pathway 1 - SHA
Pathway 2 - AWM
Attenuation relations
Hazard map
Would you like to perform physics- based
Breakdown of contributions Example Fault x
critical (accounts for 50 of hazard)
Miller time