Title: Faceted Classification
1Faceted Classification
2Say you want to
- Choose a dog
- Choose a class to take
- Dog-buying facets
- Course-choosing facets
5- Faceted classification to support advanced
search - Amazon example
- Faceted classification to support browsing
- Epicurious example
6More examples
- Getty Images
- Flamenco
- Relation Browser
- Facets are metadata elements
- ltxslvalue-of select "count(ltxpathgt)" /gt
14(No Transcript)
15Summary of faceted classification
- Used for
- Advanced search
- Browse (reveals the contents/scope of a
collection of items)
- Implementation
- Facets are metadata attributes or children
- Handy count function
17Review access structures
- Hierarchy (tree structure)
- Index (pointer structure)
- Associations (pair structure)
- Sequences (linear structure)
18Review of implementation strategies How do we
render these various access structures?
19(No Transcript)
20Hierarchies easy when it matches the primary
- ltxsltemplate match"/"gt
- ltxslfor-each select"/kBase/sources/source"gt
- ltxslvalue-of select"title"/gt
- ltxslapply-templates select"section"/gt
- lt/xslfor-eachgt
- lt/xsltemplategt
- ltxsltemplate match"section"gt
- ltxslvalue-of select"title"/gt
- ltxslif test"section"gt
- ltxslapply-templates select"section"/gt
- lt/xslifgt
- lt/xsltemplategt
21(No Transcript)
22Keywords embedded in the body
- ltxsltemplate match"/"gt
- ltxslfor-each select"//k"gt
- ltxslsort select"." data-type"text"
case-order"upper-first" order"ascending"/gt - lta href"default.aspx?key.ampclientXslclien
tKeyampid_at_id"gt - ltxslvalue-of select"."/gt
- lt/agt
- lt/xslfor-eachgt
- lt/xsltemplategt
23(No Transcript)
24(No Transcript)
25Associations paired relationships embedded in
the body
ltxslfor-each select"//xref"gt ltxslvariable
name"parentId"gt ltxslvalue-of
select"_at_parentId"/gt lt/xslvariablegt Associat
ion is in section ltxslvalue-of
select"//section_at_idparentId/title"/gt lt/pgt
lttable border"0"gt lttrgt lttd
class"body"gtIdlt/tdgt lttd class"body"gt
ltxslvalue-of select"_at_id"/gt ltxslvalue
-of select"_at_type"/gt lttd
class"body"gtReferent (destination)lt/tdgt lttd
class"body"gt ltxslvalue-of
select"xrefText/referent"/gt ltxslapply-
templates select"."/gt lt/xslfor-eachgt
26(No Transcript)
27Sequences linear path through selected sections
embeeded in the body
28Overall Summary
Faceted Classification Access Structures Hierarc
hy Index Association Sequence