Title: Compiled by Chuck Villarrubia LDNRCRD April 15, 1998
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2Compiled by Chuck VillarrubiaLDNR/CRDApril 15,
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Socioeconomic Issues
Management Goals
Manipulate Environment
Monitor Variables
Management Decisions
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10Caernarvon Goals
- Enhancement of emergent marsh vegetation growth
- Reduction of marsh loss
- Increase significant commercial and recreational
fisheries productivity - Increase significant commercial and recreational
wildlife productivity
11Plaquemines Parish Government
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13Outfall Management
- Outfall management is also being planned in
conjunction with this freshwater diversion.
Freshwater outfall will be redirected to marsh
areas of greatest need and spoil banks will be
modified to allow more efficient movement of
water into marsh areas and at lower discharge
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15Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries
16USGS National Wetland Research Center Louisiana
Department of Natural Resources
17Data Summary (9 Sample Sites)of Land Gain in
- (405.99) Net Gain of Land / (2288.90) 1990 Land X
100 17.74 Percent Land Gain - 17.74 Percent Land Gain / 3 Years Caernarvon
Active 5.9 Percent Land Gain per Year - 406 Acres in 9 sampled areas
18Plaquemines Parish Government
19Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries
20Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries
21Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries
22Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries
23Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries
24Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries
25Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries
26Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries
27Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries
28Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries
29Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries
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31From Lane, R., J, Day, B. Thibodaux. 1997 Water
Quality Analysis of a Freshwater Diversion at
Caernarvon, LA
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33Riverine Reintroduction Observations
- Ecosystem responding favorably to
re-establishment of historical conditions - Estuarine functions rehabilitated
- Niches re-established
- Increased mass and energy input result in greater
output - Increased terrestrial aquatic carbon fixation
food and habitat