Title: Shans in Burma
1Shans in Burma
2Shan State
3Political Map of Burma - as the world sees it
4History of Modern Burma
5The Shan in Burma Politics
There is an old Burmese ethnic couple in their
drawing-room. The old man, in uniform, is jumping
up in a fury shouting. His wife sits trying to
placate him. Their daughter ('Democracy') is
sitting to one side crying with disappointment.
By her side her Shan boyfriend has come to ask
for her hand in marriage and has brought a tray
of eight presents - the 8 states of Federalism.
The Shan boy asks himself, "to stay and marry, or
to turn and go away?"
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9Attitudes to the Union
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11Shan National Day
13As the National Convention drew to a close, Than
Shwe gave a special rendition of 'Union Blues' on
the Ethnic Xylophone at the opening ceremony of
the Myanmar Cultural Performing Arts Competition.
14Unfair Exchange
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18Cartoons based on ideas by Young Tai Drawings
by Feraya and Taisamyone