Title: Why Refer to the Basic Food Program BFP
1Why Refer to the Basic Food Program (BFP)?
- A training module for WIC staff
- The importance and need for the BFP
- How the BFP can be promoted to WIC clients
- Barriers to the BFP
- Eligibility and application processes
- Key resources available for BFP referrals
3Why refer to the BFP?
4Reason 1
5Hunger and Food Insecurity WA State
- 4.4 of WA residents food insecure with hunger
- 5th in nation
- 12.5 of WA residents food insecure without
hunger - 10th in nation
- Effects of hunger
- delayed physical, psychosocial, and cognitive
6Reason 2
7WIC BFP Work Better Together
- Both WIC and BFP are associated with
- increased food security in both adults and
children - higher nutrient intakes
- Both WIC and BFP participation have been shown to
increase nutrient intakes (iron and zinc) in
8Reason 3
9BFP Can Help YOUR Clients (1)
- Additional Aid
- When WIC benefits are no longer available
- Maternal depression when assistance is no longer
available - Can negatively impact child health
- Those who qualify for BFP may also qualify for
financial assistance for heating, electricity,
and telephone costs - Must live in Seattle city limits for certain
10BFP Can Help YOUR Clients (2)
- Option for variety
- Many WIC clients surveyed expressed wishes for
more variety with WIC checks - i.e. fruit or culturally appropriate foods
- BFP Cards are accepted at Farmers Markets
- Columbia, Lake City, University, Magnolia, West
Seattle - Participants take BFP Quest Cards to information
booth, receive tokens for requested amount
11Who is Using Basic Food?
12Program Utilization
- Currently BFP serves
- Statewide 403,992
- Nationwide 21 million
- 51.1 are children aged 18 or younger
- Usage by WIC clients
- According to CIMS data 75 of PH-SKC WIC clients
are NOT participating in the BFP - However2/3 of WIC clients are still living at or
below federal poverty level
13So why is the BFP under-utilized by WIC clients?
14Perceived Barriers
- Paperwork too long
- TRUTH Application 3 pages and theres help!
- Benefits not worth time
- TRUTH Avg mo benefit 80/person and
186/household in 2002 - Intimidating environment
- TRUTH Resources available to help you be
prepared and confident!
15Perceived Barriers
- Assuming ineligibility
- TRUTH Eligibility screening calculators
available online - Embarrassment
- TRUTH WIC staff encouragement can help eliminate
this!! - WIC provides enough benefit
- TRUTH BFP provides more variety and culturally
appropriate foods
16The best way to eliminate these barriers is to
increase knowledge!!
17SOWhat are the requirements for eligibility??
18Clients Must Have
- Washington State Residency
- A Social Security Number
- For every household member requesting benefits
- In process of applying is OK
- Appropriate Citizenship Status
- U.S. Citizen or U.S. National
- Most legal immigrants
- Income within limits
19What is required of legal immigrants?
20Legal Immigrants
- Must have documentation of legal status
- Have Sponsor
- Must have or be in the process of applying for
SS - Can receive benefits while waiting for to be
21Immigrants Without Legal Status
- Undocumented/No SS
- Can apply for BFP if at least one member of the
household has documented status and SSN - Request benefits for that member only
- DSHS is not required to turn BFP information
over to INS
22Promoting the BFP to immigrants
23Suggested Approach
- Penny Lara-Figueroa, PH-SKC
- Reassuring clients that food assistance will not
affect their or their childrens citizenship
status is key-many clients have heard
misinformation - Make client feel comfortable-one word could turn
them away - Avoid using words legal and illegal
- Emphasize that every case is different
- Use hand-out to back up what you say
- Mention taxes paid in US help pay benefits for
children born in US
24What are the income limits??
25Income Limits
Dependent upon household size
- Does NOT Include
- Wages from students lt18
- Earned income tax credit
- Energy assistance
- Bona fide loans
- Most student financial aid
- Includes
- Wages
- Tips
- Unemployment Benefits
- Prior to monthly deductions and taxes
26(No Transcript)
27Additional Requirements BFP and Students
- Student defined as age 18-49 enrolled half-time
or more in an institution of higher education. - To receive BFP students must meet one of the
following criteria - Have at least a part time job or are
self-employed - At least 20 hours per week
- Enrolled in federal or state work-study program
- Are a single parent or caring for child under age
28Recent Changes to Note
29Resource Limits No Longer Apply
- Effective May 1, 2004
- Washington State will no longer look at
resources as a Basic Food eligibility factor for
most individuals and families whose income is
below 130 of the Federal Poverty Level.
30Old Resource Limits
- Must be lt 2,000, or lt 3,000 (for households
with person(s) gt 60 yrs)
- Included
- Cash
- Vehicle equity 4,650
- Bank accounts
- Property
- Stocks and bond
31More Changes...
- By October 31, 2004 WA State will implement
simplified reporting for the BFP - Only need to report
- Increase in income that would result in
ineligibility - A change in address
- Every 6-12 mo must complete a semiannual report
OR participate in an eligibility review - Former drug felons will be eligible for Basic
Food benefits effective July 1, 2004
32What can your clients expect?
- Application for Benefits
- Complete and sign in two places
- On line 1 and at bottom of page 4
- On page 4 client signs that he/she has read and
understands Client Rights and Responsibilities - Submit to DSHS Community Service Office (CSO) by
mail, fax or by hand. - CSO determined by Zip Code
- Zip codes serviced by Clinic
- Pierce County residents to Pierce Co. CSO
34Interview Notice
- Client receives notice of interview
- Faxed or mailed application
- Notice by mail
- Hand delivered application
- Interview date/time established on delivery
- Some CSOs allow client to wait for same-day
interview - Clients can request phone interview
35Review Timeline
- Expedited Service
- What do I do if I need food right away?
- Instructions on front of application
- If client qualifies, review within 5 days
- Otherwise, regulation allows 30 days for
processing the application - Most CSOs have policy of As soon as possible
- Review lasts an hour to an hour and a half
36What Clients Need to Bring to the Interview
- Proof of Identity
- Birth Certificate, Immigration documentation,
Social Security cards - For all household members
- Proof of Housing
- Statement from Landlord, rental agreements,
mortgage payments, and utility costs, etc - Completed Shared Living Statement
- Proof of Income
- Pay stubs, unemployment stubs, grants and loans,
trust fund monies, child support/alimony, etc
37Receiving Benefits
- Eligibility determined at interview
- Client receives Quest card, PIN and instructions
for accessing benefits the same day - However, the majority of clients fail to bring
some form of required verification to interview!! - Delays benefits until all items are received
38How to Refer in YOUR Clinic (1)
- Example Clinic
- Points of Referral
- Application Worker
- Name(s)
- Hours of availability
- Ability to take more clients
- How to Refer to AW
- Call for appointment availability
- Direct clients to office
- Outreach Worker
- Dates Availability
- How to refer
- Direct clients to lobby, or inform clients of
dates/times of availability
39How to Refer in YOUR Clinic (2)
- Example Clinic
- Points of Referral (cont.)
- Hopelink Outreach
- Dependent on need
- Will establish regular schedule you can refer
clients to - What would work best for North?
- How to Refer to Hopelink
- Direct clients to lobby, or inform of date/times
of availability
40Resources for the BFP Application Process
41Flyers and Handouts
- BFP Information for Clients
- -Spanish and English
- What WIC staff need to know about eligibility and
referrals - Good News Immigration Info
- -Spanish, Russian and English
- Resources for the BFP application process
- CSO locations
- Suggestion Resource list (4) can be printed on
the back of 5 2
42Let your clients know about these Resources!!
Both offer help with the BFP application process
- Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies
- www.hmhb.org
- 1-800-322-2588
- Hopelink
- www.hope-link.org
- 1-877-644-3663
Let your clients know that these agencies are
credible, reliable and are there to serve
THEM!! Confidentiality is assured
43Helpful Websites
- FNS Frequently Asked Questions
- http//www.fns.usda.gov/fsp/faqs.htm
- NW Justice Project
- www.nwjustice.org
- Food USA
- www.foodstamps.org
- https//wws2.wa.gov/dshs/onlinecso/Food_Assistanc
e_Program.asp -
- Online income eligibility calculator
- www1.dshs.wa.gov/ESA/TEC
44Re-cap Why Should you Refer Clients to BFP?
- BFP addresses food insecurity
- BFP is under-utilized by WIC clients
- To help eliminate perceived barriers
45Now that you have the info, how will you promote
the BFP to YOUR clients?
46Role Play Five minute Promotion of Basic Food
- 5 Key Points to Address
- Promote BFP based on client income
- Address Client Interest
- Why BFP would be beneficial to client
- WIC perspective i.e. culturally appropriate food
- Client Eligibility
- Reassurance
- What clients should expect
- Timeline
- Where to go
- Point of Referral
47Additional Resources and Information
48Detailed Legal Immigrant Info
- Must have documentation of legal status
- DSHS will assist in paying for documents if
needed - Have Sponsor
- If client had an individual sponsor on or after
December 19, 1997, sponsor's income may be
included in determining eligibility - Unless the applicant is under 18 years old or has
acquired 40 Social Security work quarters - Must have or be in the process of applying for an
SS - Not all applicants for state-funded Basic Food
need an SS - Must have receipt of application from Social
Security Administration - Can receive benefits while waiting for to be
- Rose D, Habicht JP, Devaney B. Household
participation in the Food Stamp and WIC programs
increases the nutrient intakes of preschool
children. J Nutr. 1998 Mar3548-55 - Perez-Escamilla R, Ferris AM, Drake L, Haldeman
L, Peranick J, Campbell M, Peng YK, Burke G,
Bernstein B.Food stamps are associated with food
security and dietary intake of inner-city
preschoolers from Hartford, Connecticut. J Nutr.
2000130(11)2711-7 - FNS Frequently Asked Questions Website.
http//www.fns.usda.gov/fsp/faqs.htm - Food USA Website. http//www.foodstamps.org
- DSHS Website. http//wws2.wa.gov/dshs/onlinecso/F
ood_Assistance_Program.asp - Washington State Department of Social and Health
Services Trial Eligibility Calculator.
http//www1.dshs.wa.gov/ESA/TEC - DSHS Eligibility Requirements for State Funded
Benefits through the Basic Food Program.
izenRestricFAP.htm388-424-0025 - Casey P, Goolsby S, Berkowitz C, Frank D, Cook J,
Cutts D, Black MM, Zaldivar N, Levenson S, Heeren
T, Meyers A. Maternal depression, changing public
assistance, food security, and child health
status Children's Sentinel Nutritional
Assessment Program Study Group. Pediatrics.
2004113(2)298-304 - Food Stamp Program Average monthly participation
in persons. USDA Website. Food and Nutrition
Service. http//www.fns.usda.gov/pd/fsfypart.htm