Title: National Dementia Strategy Implementation in Hertfordshire
1National Dementia Strategy Implementation in
- Mark Janes
- Head of Strategic Commissioning
2Everything starts somewhere, although many
physicists disagree.
3Give anyone a lever long enough and they can
change the world. Its unreliable levers that are
the problem.
4Raising Awareness and understanding
- A public information campaign to improve public
understanding about dementia
5Early Diagnosis and support
- Early diagnosis through the development of
specialist memory assessment services - Improving access to information about dementia
following diagnosis - The development of a dementia care adviser role
- Developing peer support networks for people with
dementia and their carers
6Living well with dementia
- Improved community personal support
- Implementing the carers Strategy for people with
dementia - Improved care in general hospitals
- Improved Intermediate care for dementia
- Supportive Housing and telecare
- Improved care home care
- Improved end of life care
7Making the change
- Improved workforce education
- Joint planning
- Performance monitoring and evaluation through
inspection - Dementia research
- Effective national and regional support for
Social care
Health and wellbeing
Health services
9Dementia care
- People with dementia their carers helped to
live well with dementia, no matter what the stage
of their condition or where they are in the
health social care system - To Achieve the Vision
- Encourage help seeking and help offering by
changing public and professional attitudes
understanding and behaviour - Make early diagnosis, treatment support the
rule rather than the exception - Enable people with dementia carers to live well
with dementia by the provision of good quality
care for all from diagnosis to end-of-life
10- The people who really run organisations are
usually found several levels down, where it is
still possible to get things done.
11National Dementia Strategy Implementation Group
- A Hertfordshire National Strategy Implementation
Group is being set up to drive forward the agenda
set out in the document. - Group to be Co-Chaired between PCT and
Hertfordshire Adult Care Services - Will not duplicate existing work streams but will
build on them and initiate project groups to
undertake work where gaps exist - Will develop a joint commissioning strategy for
dementia for Hertfordshire.
12Work groups
- Early intervention and diagnosis
- Quality of care
- Workforce development
- Developing the commissioning strategy
13The hippo of recollection stirred in the muddy
waters of the mind.
14Early Intervention and diagnosis
- Recognised as gap at present
- To be initial focus of work programme
- 4,000 people across Hertfordshire diagnosed out
of a possible 12,000 which will rise to 15,000 by
2020 - Development of community based services to
facilitate earlier intervention and diagnosis - Engage with voluntary sector to provide
information, advice and support
15Om began to feel the acute depression that
steals over every realist in the presence of an
16Improving Quality of Care
- Across health and social care commissioning cycle
- From diagnosis to end of life.
Home Care Residential
Care Nursing care
Advice support Information Sheltered housing
GPs Primary Care Memory clinics HPFT
18Ill be more enthusiastic about encouraging
thinking outside the box when theres evidence of
any thinking going on inside it.
19Work force development
- Partnership between social care and health.
- Hertfordshire Care Providers Association.
- Across the range of provision.
- Great deal of training currently.
- Coordination, level, quality.
20Day services
Day services
Luncheon clubs
Day Hospitals
21Accommodation services
Residential Care Nursing Care
Sheltered Housing Extra care Housing
HPFT assessment and treatment beds Continuing
22Inside every old man there's a young man who
wonders what happened
23(No Transcript)