Title: Nanotechnology strategy
1Nanotechnology - strategy
NTNU Mari-Ann Einarsrud A. Hanneborg,
Oslo Bjørn Stokke T. Ebbesen,
Strassbourg Jostein Grepstad J. E. Mooyj,
Delft F. Jülicher, MPI UiO Yuri
Galperin Heiblum, Weizmann, IS Bengt G.
Svensson Lars Samuelson, Lund Helmer Fjellvåg
Thomas Ebbesen, Strassbourg Mats Tilset
Reinhard Nesper, ETH-Zürich
2Nanotechnology - strategy
- Operative definition of nanotechnology
- Not rename existing research fields into
nanotechnology - just owing to the dimensions of the systems
- Novelty of concepts and science
- Experimental and theoretical activities
- Establish connections to existing research
areas - e.g. semiconductor physics/microelectronics
(NMC) - e.g. heterogeneous catalysis and surface science
- Reports available from working groups
- NTNU November 2002
- UiO December 2002
3Research - strategy
- Local, regional, national level
- Consortium agreement to be signed
1. Novel functional materials 2. Fast proton
conductors 3. Oxides for energy and environmental
technology 4. Nanodesign/technology 5.
Wide-Energy-Bandgap Semiconductors 6. Materials
for hydrogen technology 7. Surface science 8.
Magnetooptical imaging and MO-materials 9.
Superconducting materials