Title: Aucun titre de diapositive
1FIMH 2001 Helsinki, November 15-16, 2001 Program
Thursday, November 15
800 registration 830 openning Pr.
I.Magnin, Pr. T. Katila 900 Invited
Speaker Pr T. Arts 1000 Session 1 Anatomical
Modeling 1230 lunch 1400 Invited Speaker Pr
M. Horacek 1500 Session 2 Motion and
Deformation 1740 Departure from the biomedicum
center 1800 Reception baujolais nouveau at
the French Cultural Centre
2FIMH 2001 Helsinki, November 15-16, 2001 Program
Friday, November 16
830 Invited Speaker Pr E. Mc Veigh
930 Session 3 Functional Imaging 1200 lunch 13
30 Invited Speaker Pr A. Mc Culloch 1430 Sessio
n 4 Toward Electromechanical Modeling 1730 Concl
usion 1800 Plans for a European beating heart
3FIMH 2001 Helsinki, November 15-16, 2001 Program
Session 1 Anatomical Modeling
1000 J.-L. Mari et al. Geometrical Modeling of
the Heart and its Main Vessels 1030 H. Veistera
et al. Reconstructing 3D Boundary Element Heart
Models from 2D Biplane Fluoroscopy 1100 Break
1130 I. Dydenko et al Introducing Spectral
Estimation for Boundary Detection in Echographic
Radiofrequency Images 1200 A. Mourad et
al. Geometrical Modeling of the Fibre
Organization in the Human Left Ventricle
4FIMH 2001 Helsinki, November 15-16, 2001 Program
Session 2 Motion and Deformation
1500 J. Dhooge et al. Two-dimensional
ultrasonic strain rate measurement of the human
heart in vivo 1530 V. Moreau et
al. Deformation Field Estimation for the Cardiac
Wall using Doppler Tissue Imaging 1600 Break 1
630 C. Allouche et al. A New Kinetic Modeling
Scheme for the Human Left Ventricle Wall Motion
with MR-Tagging Imaging 1700 P. Clarysse et
al. Integrated Quantitative Analysis of Tagged
Magnetic Resonance Images
5FIMH 2001 Helsinki, November 15-16, 2001 Program
Session 3 Functional Imaging
0930 T. Makela et al. A 3-D model-based
approach for the PET-functional
and MR-anatomical cardiac imaging data
fusion 1000 F. Frouin et al. 3D Regularisation
and Segmentation of Factor Volumes to
Process PET H215O Myocardial Perfusion
Studies 1030 break 1100 M. Nahrendorf et
al. In vivo assessment of rat hearts with and
without myocardial infarction by Cine NMR-
comparison of the NMR method to invasive
techniques and application to intervention
studies 1130 C. Muller et al. Dempster Shafer
approach for high level data fusion applied
to the assessment of myocardial viability
6FIMH 2001 Helsinki, November 15-16, 2001 Program
Session 4 Towards Electromechanical Modeling
1430 N. Ayache et al. Towards Model-Based
Estimation of the Cardiac Electro- Mechanical
Activity From ECG Signals and Ultrasound
Images 1500 D. Chapelle et al. A
physiologically-based model for the active
cardiac muscle contraction 1530 break 1600 P.
Claus et al. Post-Systolic Thickening in
Ischaemic Myocardium a Simple Mathematical
Model for Simulating Regional Deformation 1630 J
. Nenonen et al. Simulation of Anisotropic
Propagation in the Myocardium with a Hybrid
Bidomain Model 1700 B. Tilg et al. Imaging of
Electrical Function within the Human Atrium
and Ventricle from Paced ECG Mapping Data