Title: Education for All The Six Dakar Goals
1Education for AllThe Six Dakar Goals
- -expanding and improving comprehensive early
childhood care and education - -ensuring that by 2015 all children have access
to compulsory education - -equitable access to appropriate learning for all
young and adults - -achieving a 50 improvement in levels of adult
literacy by 2015 - -eliminating gender disparities by 2005 and
achieving gender equality by 2015 - -improving the quality of education especially in
literacy, numeracy and essential life skills
ED/BAS/IQE Kenneth Eklindh
277 million children still not in
school(presently 72 million)
- Half in sub-Saharan Africa
- One-third in India, Nigeria, Pakistan, and
Ethiopia - Drop of 20 million since 1999, mainly in South
Asia - 60 never enroll, 31 enroll late, 9 enroll but
drop out
3The right to education for all children is
- Enshrined in
- The Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989)
- The World Declaration for Education for All
(1990) - The Standard Rules on the Equalisation of
Opportunities for Persons with Disability (1993) - The Dakar Framework for Action (2000)
- The Salamanca Statement and Framework for Action
(1994) - The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with
Disabilities (came into force in May 2008)
ED/BAS/IQE Kenneth Eklindh
4All children and young people of the world, with
their individual strengths and weaknesses, with
their hopes and expectations, have the right to
education. It is not our education system that
have a right to a certain type of
children.Therefore, it is the school system of a
country that must be adjusted to meet the needs
of all its children (B. Lindqvist former UN
rapporteur on UN Standard rules)
- Working for full participation, community and
equality through - flexibility
- variations in methods
- needs orientation
- focus on strong sides
- respect for differences
ED/BAS/IQE Kenneth Eklindh
- Attitudes
- Lack of knowledge
- Segregation
- Wrong expectations
- Wrong ways of working
- No access to the curriculum
- Lack of clear policy
ED/BAS/IQE Kenneth Eklindh
- Shift in approach
- Paradigm shift on Education needed
- The School System must be changed
- Holistic approach to Education
- Work through Change Agents
ED/BAS/IQE Kenneth Eklindh
8To meet the EFA targets, 8 billion
(US) is needed (Figures from 2002)
- 8 billion is
- four days worth of global military spending
- half of what is spent on toys in the USA every
year - less than Europeans spend on computer games or
mineral water - less than 0,1 of gross national product
- The total amount spent internationally to deal
with the millennium bug scare was roughly twice
the debt owed by the worlds poorest countries
ED/BAS/IQE Kenneth Eklindh
9With a little help from my friends
ED/BAS/IQE Kenneth Eklindh
10Activities in 2008 and 2009
- Preparatory regional meetings preparing Road maps
to Inclusion - ICE Inclusion the way of the future
- Convention on the Rights of Persons with
Disabilities UN to facilitate - DVD on article 24
- GPDD (Global Partnership for Disability and
Development) - EFA Flagship on Disabilities (www.inclusionflagshi
p.net) - Good practicies
ED/BAS/IQE Kenneth Eklindh