Title: Intelligent Light Management
1Intelligent Light Management
- Lighting Control Performance that
- Meet Building Occupants Expectations
- Supports Their Mission and Business Model
- Reduces GHG and delivers reliable and verifiable
energy efficiency measures - Provides reliable mechanism for demand response
Quantitative and Qualitative Benefits
Presented by Jon Zelinsky, PE Lutron
2Elements of Intelligent Light Management
3Energy Savings Strategies Energy Efficiency
4Effective Intelligent Light Management
Lutron Energy Efficiency is reliable and
5Intelligent Light management Load shed
You choose what spaces to shed load
6Intelligent Light management Load shed
Achieve and monitor demand response objectives
7Intelligent Light management Load shed
DR Event
Achieve and monitor demand response objectives
8Intelligent Light management Control Monitor
Better information enables better management
9Intelligent Light management Summary
- Minimizes productivity impact on building
occupants during a DR. - Enhances working environment aesthetics and
potentially increases productivity and value of
the space. - Provides energy efficiency, GHG reductions, and
demand response capabilities.
Multiple financial benefits to the bottom line
10Intelligent Light Management
Jon Zelinsky, PE Strategic Initiatives New
Market Development Lutron Electronics Co.,
Inc. 7200 Suter Road Coopersburg, PA
18036-1299 Cell (610) 463-6673 Office (610)
282-7635 jzelinsky_at_lutron.com