Title: Professor Richard Ziolkowski
1The ECE Distinguished Lectures Series Presents
Professor Richard Ziolkowski Electrical
Computer Engineering University of
Arizona Metamaterial-Enabled Resonant
Electrically-Small Scattering and Radiating
Systems in the Microwave and Optical Regimes
Richard W. Ziolkowski (ScB'74-M'75-PhD'80)
received the Sc.B. degree in physics magna cum
laude with honors from Brown University in 1974,
the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in physics from the
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in
1975 and 1980, respectively. He was a member of
the Engineering Research Division at the Lawrence
Livermore National Laboratory from 1981 to 1990
and served as the leader of the Computational
Electronics and Electromagnetics Thrust Area for
the Engineering Directorate from 1984 to 1990.
Prof. Ziolkowski joined the Department of
Electrical and Computer Engineering at the
University of Arizona as an Associate Professor
in 1990, and was promoted to Full Professor in
1996. He was selected by the Faculty to serve as
the Kenneth Von Behren Chaired Professor for
2003-2005. He currently is serving as the Litton
Industries John M. Leonis Distinguished
Professor. He holds a joint appointment with the
College of Optical Sciences at the University of
Arizona. His research interests include the
application of new mathematical and numerical
methods to linear and nonlinear problems dealing
with the interaction of acoustic and
electromagnetic waves with complex media,
metamaterials, and realistic structures.
There continues to be a great desire for high
performance electrically small radiating and
scattering systems from the microwave to the
optical regimes whose physical characteristics
and electromagnetic responses could be tailored
to satisfy a wide range of applications.
Metamaterials, artificial materials whose
electromagnetic responses can in principle be
engineered to any negative or positive value,
have been shown recently to be a potential
enabling technology for these radiating and
scattering systems. Traditional electrically
small radiating and scattering systems are poor
transducers of their input or excitation energy.
Several metamaterial-based configurations have
been demonstrated recently that significantly
improve the radiating and scattering performance
characteristics of these systems. The resulting
systems are resonant despite being significantly
sub-wavelength in size. For instance, an
electrically-small epsilon-negative (ENG) or
double negative (DNG) spherical shell surrounding
an electrically-small dipole antenna can be
designed to act as an effective distributed
inductor that is properly matched to the
capacitive electric dipole element to form a
naturally resonant LC structure, as well as to
act as a resistive matching element to the
source. Thus, an overall efficiency of 100 can
be achieved theoretically in such an
electrically-small radiating system. The
reciprocal configuration, plane wave scattering
from an electrically-small ENG or DNG
metamaterial-coated sphere, has been shown to
exhibit unity scattering. Moreover, by
introducing gain media, the effects of losses and
dispersion can be controlled. For instance,
lasing has been demonstrated at visible
wavelengths in an electrically-small metal coated
nano-particle. A review of the progress to date
on all of these resonant metamaterial-based
electrically small radiating and scattering
systems, and their potential practical microwave
and optical realizations will be given. Practical
issues, including losses and dispersion, will be
emphasized in the discussion.
Thursday, October 4th 3 to 4 pm Sandford Fleming