Title: AEC Edu Group Pte Ltd
1Diploma in Health Care
Your Future Our Priority
For info on intake dates Call 6536 0669
AEC Edu Group Pte Ltd
2Diploma in Health Care
Your Future Our Priority
The Course With the growing popularity of
Singapore as the regions medical hub, the need
for medical and nursing professionals is expected
to experience an exponential growth. The Diploma
in Health Care programme is a Nursing Assistant
Training Programme designed to equip students
with the necessary knowledge and skills to take
up jobs in the healthcare sector. More
importantly, its accreditation by the James Watt
College of Further and Higher Education, and
Napier University also doubles as a recognised
pre-entry requirement for nursing programmes of
higher levels.
Course Contents Conducted in English, students
will acquire knowledge from the following modules
- Workplace Experience in a Care Setting -
Principles of Practice in Health Care - Physiology for Health Care Professionals -
Health Policy - - Maintaining and Monitoring Health - Health
Promotion - - Behaviourial Science in Health Care - Healthy
Eating and Diet - - Individuals in Need of Health Care - First Aid
Safety - - CPR
Duration 8 months, part-time including 2 months
of industrial attachment
SDF Funding Available!
Fees Course Fee S5,700 Registration Fee S155
Contact Details Interested parties, please
contact us through the contact details
below. Tel 6536 0669 Fax 65572173 Email
info_at_e-fptrust.com / cxt_at_e-fptrust.com Website
FP Trust Pte Ltd (R.O.C 200408192N) is the
authorised marketing agent for AEC Business
School Pte Ltd