Title: WorkSource Membership System
1WorkSource MembershipSystem
Gathering statistics on flow volume and the
universal service activities of WorkSource
customers. November 2002
- An automated system
- Reduce staff intervention, increase accuracy
- Track both customer volume and services used
- Inform continuous quality improvement efforts
- Reportable data
- Accurate, non-duplicated data for funders,
stakeholders, and Center operators - Compatible with SKIES for possible integration
- SQL compliant database
- The states joint WDC/ESD Policy Committee
surveyed all WorkSource sites to determine - how activity tracking was conducted
- To be fully effective, a common system was
desired - The system developed in Tri-County WDA was chosen
as the state-wide activity tracking system for
WorkSource - NW Implementation Task Team developed
recommendations for local implementation - Implementation plan to be adopted by management
group and Design Implementation Team
4How Membership Helps Customers
- Log in is easier and faster
- Log in at any Resource Lobby computer
- Workshop Appointment log in at kiosks
- Activity tracking aids in resource procurement
- Accurate traffic flow data aids in adequate
staffing levels to meet demand periods - Membership card will work in every
- WorkSource site across the state
5How Membership Helps You
- Services and volume are accurately reported to
support funding levels in NW WorkSource Centers. - Customers are more self directed and each
receives an orientation with consistent
information - You may be able to more quickly
- identify ways to help customers who
- are spinning their wheels.
6The WorkSource Membership System
- Customers first visit to WorkSource
- Walk In For Resource Lobby Activity
- Name SSN to Resource Specialist
- Receive personalized WorkSource membership card
- Receive orientation to WorkSource Lobby
- Sign in by swiping member card or by keying in
member number. - Select services to use that day
- Use services as desired in Center
- Click the log out button
7The WorkSource Membership System
- Customers first visit to WorkSource
- Attending Group Activity (workshop/orientation,
etc.) - Name SSN to facilitator
- Information picked up from training room
- Clerical staff makes card during the group
function - Clerical staff swipes card in kiosk and
- selects the group activity
- WorkSource membership cards
- distributed at end of group function
8The WorkSource Membership System
- Subsequent WorkSource Visits
- Customer
- Swipes membership card or enters member number
- Identifies intended activities
- Uses services or attends workshops as desired in
Center - Logs out, with final verification of services used
9The WorkSource Membership System
- Staff Roles
- Welcome and orient customer
- Present advantages of membership
- (the KEY to access all our free services)
- Ensure log in process
- Encourage log out verification of services used
- Reporting
- Summary reports available for data driven
management of NW WorkSource Centers - Individual customer activity report for case
managers - Statewide aggregate reporting for DOL and other
WorkSource funders and stakeholders
10System Security Stability
- Security
- ESD IT staff have reviewed and verified
- Secure Socket Layer technology
- Off-line server storage
- Limited access to individual records
- Network stability
- Backup manual procedures
- Professional back-up maintenance
- Redundant Server
11Support For You
- All WorkSource staff will receive training on
- How the system works
- How you can assist customers
- Language to use when discussing membership
- How you can use the system yourself
- A local system administrator (Gary) is available
to answer your questions.
12Membership System Features
- Create a customer record in the systems data
base - First Name
- Last Name
- Social Security Number
13Membership System Features
- Print a Membership Card
- From any networked computer
- Using a MS Word macro
- Enter Name SSN
- Only Name prints on card
- SSN is encoded
14Membership System Features
- Customer Logs In
- Whatcom lobby has membership card readers at each
PC, as will co-located Skagit Center - Whatcom Whidbey have walk up kiosks
15Membership System Features
- Customer Enters Selections
- Activity selections represent that days
activities only - Kiosks have touch screen monitors
16Membership System Features
- Case Manage-ment Staff
- Can access individual customer activity
- Produce individual customer report
17Implementation Time Line
- October 12 - Implementation Teams
recommendations adopted by management group - November 4 - Customer awareness WorkSource
Membership progressive campaign commences - December 12 - Final recommendations presented to
the Design Implementation Team - December 16 - Whatcom WTS goes live
- December 30 - Whidbey WTS goes live
- June 2003 Statewide implementation
- completed
18For more information
- Your questions and comments are welcome. Please
send them to the Implementation Task Team, in
care of - Gary Smith 360-676-3241
- gsmith_at_nwisd.bellingham.wa.us