Title: Study of ? ? ?-?-? ?0?0??
1Study of ? ? ?-?-??0?0??
- Jenny Williams
- Manchester
- BaBar Tau Physics Workshop
- 6 December 2003
2Some motivation
- Measurement of branching ratio for p-p-pp0p0
- Only one existing measurement (CLEO) 0.0055
0.0004 - Study hadronic structure of final state, and BRs
for sub-channels - e.g. wp-p0, hp-p0, b1p, a1pp ...
- Contribution to studies of axial spectral
functions - Look for evidence for a JP 0- q-qbar-g hybrid
state, suggested by Crystal Barrel at M ? 1500
MeV, G ? 120 MeV - Because its there
3- Data and Monte Carlo Samples
- Analysis uses latest TauUser ntuples at
Manchester (Run1 and Run2 with Release 10) - Problems with RZOUT and copies to RAL, so only
partial datasets so far analysed - Samples used
- 53.3 fb-1 of data
- 74.4 fb-1 of generic tt- MC (67M events)
- 21.5 fb-1 of uds MC (44M events) ?
- 34.5 fb-1 of ccbar MC (45M events) ?
4- Event, Track and Neutrals Selection
- Use 3-prong topologies in 1-3 and 3-3 TauUser
events - Stream19 pre-applied by TauUser
- 3-prong has net charge 1 and exactly 3 AWG
charged tracks - Selected events must have
- Thrust gt 0.92
- numPi0s lt 6
- Selected 3-prong hemispheres must have
- exactly 2 AWG p0s, each with E gt 300 MeV
5Data/MC comparison of some distributions for
selected tracks and neutrals
All these plots normalised to the same area
6Monte Carlo truth codes for selected 3-prong t s
- Code 10 p-p-pp0p0
- Code 20 hp-p0
- Overall signal efficiency e?? 6
- Code 5 a1 ? (p-p0p0 / p-p-p)
- Code 8 p-p-pp0
- Code 13 p-p-pp0p0p0
7pp-p0 mass spectrum for M5p lt 1.8 GeV
5p mass spectrum
Other t
8w region in pp-p0 mass spectrum for M5p lt 1.8 GeV
- Fit (not shown) to w peak gives
- m 781.9 0.5 MeV
- ? 11.9 0.6 MeV
- Define peak and sideband regions as
- Peak m 2s
- Lower sideband -5s ? -3s
- Upper sideband 3s ? 5s
- Then peak minus sidebands defines bgd-subtracted
9Dalitz plot density variable l
- ? (p p x p p- )2
- For w (JP1-) density is p(l) ? l
- For phase-space p(l) ? constant
- Looks fine in all samples except MC signal!
Peak minus bgd
MC signal
Bgd region
Peak region
10- ? (p p x p p- )2
- Define JP1- weight as
- W 3 x (l-1)
- For p(l) ? l , average weight is 1
- For p(l) ? constant, average is 0
- pp-p0 mass spectrum, for
- M5p lt 1.8 GeV, weighted by W
- Shows W0 in signal MC (open hist) with other
background features reproduced by non-signal MC
- wp-p0 mass spectrum using
- peak minus sidebands
- Problem with normalisation of uds?
- Distribution in data is broader than in MC signal
(and broader than 120 MeV) - Branching ratio in MC, based on CLEO result,
looks slightly high (but these are early days)
12p-p0 mass spectrum opposite w in data weights
(points) and bgd subtraction (hist)
p-p0 mass spectrum opposite w, using weights
Excellent agreement in data (but not in MC)
between weighting and background subtraction
13 Inclusive pp- mass spectrum
Inclusive pp0 mass spectrum
Generally good agreement, though more K0
and r in data
14Helicity angle for w Normal to 3p decay plane in
w frame wrt to w in 5p frame
Peak region
Sideband regions
Peak - sidebands
15Helicity angle for pp (r) system p direction
in r frame with respect to r direction in 5p frame
Peak region
Sideband regions
Peak - sidebands
16 Angle between p wrt r and w decay plane
normal wrt w
For data ratios (peak-bgd)/bgd for the
three angular distributions
Interesting non-isotropic distributions, not
reproduced by MC
17What now?
- Use full Run1Run2 datasets with Release 12
- Use more and larger MC samples
- Improve cuts to enhance efficiency and purity
- Investigate kinematics/dynamics in Monte Carlo
possibly use reweighting - Measure branching ratios for 5p (including wpp,
hpp ...) - Produce a BAD by end 2003
- Spin-parity or amplitude analysis of constituent
channels - Include Run3 data
- Note for spring or summer conferences 2004
- Journal paper by end 2004