Title: Presentation to
1Australian Organisation for Quality (Queensland)
- Presentation to
- Brisbane Rotary
- 6th April, 2009
- Mario Pennisi FAOQ, MJ Ahern Medallist
- Former Chairman
- The Development and Use of Lean Six Sigma
Competencies - mario_at_aoq.org.au or mariopen_at_worldconferencesystem
s.com - Australian Organisation for Quality-Queensland-I
2What will I cover ?
- Who is the AOQ-QLD?
- What is Lean Six Sigma?
- How Did it all Begin?
- So What to do?
- The Standardisation Process
- Scheme Committee
- Six Sigma Competencies
- Where are the Competencies?
3What will I cover ?
- Uses
- Trainee
- Potential Employer
- Training Provider
- Lean Six Sigma Accreditation Register
- When Will Registered Training Begin?
- Summary
4Who is AOQ-QLD?
- AOQ-QLD is the Australian Organisation for
Quality-Queensland Inc - A not-for-profit member based organisation to
provide the business community with knowledge,
expertise and assistance with integrating their
management systems ("top down") including the
legal requirements of governance and ethics, the
regulated systems eg WHS and environmental as
well as quality, risk, knowledge,
energyconservation, continuity and compliance, so
as to improve their bottom line.
5Who is AOQ-QLD?
- Provides networking opportunities
- Groupings by Regions
- Grouping by Interest-Divisions (7 off)
- Specialist Registers for Systems Auditors, Six
Sigma Professionals, Energy Conservation Auditors - Conferences Australia wide
- Training Australia wide
- eZine Progressing Business
- Co-ordinate many of our activities with relevant
University Schools and Departments, UQ, QUT,
Griffith, Monash
6Lean Six Sigma?
- Six Sigma is a tool for improving the
profitability of business by aiming to reduce
defects to 3.4 per 1,000,000 occurrences, project
by project (SPC). - The tool is DMAIC, Define, Measure, Analyse,
Improve, Control. - Six Sigma designates professionals by belts, eg
White, Yellow, Green, Black and Master Black.
7Lean Six Sigma?
- Lean is the elimination of waste, based on 5S
(Sort, Straighten, Shine, Standardise Sustain).
8Competencies-How Did it all Begin?
- 2005 Training Project
- Over many years the Australian Organisation for
Quality (AOQ), through its consulting services
arm, has been asked to source training providers
for employers in need of training in Lean Six
Sigma. - Training and competency of Lean Sigma experts
varies considerably across Australia. - 2006 Formation of Six Sigma Division
- 2007 The Six Sigma Division decided to champion
and facilitate the derivation of an appropriate
set of international competencies for assessment
to Black, Green and Yellow belts.
9Standardisation Process ?
- RABQSA has a standard process for developing and
registering competencies - Need,
- Facilitation by RABQSA,
- Scheme Committee developed by AOQ-QLD,
- Facilitated Meeting to agree on Competencies and
Measures, - Review Period total of about 6 weeks,
- Registration launch to RABQSA Web Site,
- Feedback welcomed
10Standardisation Process ?
- Scheme Committee is to assist RABQSA in four key
areas - key stakeholder engagement
- ongoing review of scheme requirements
- advice on RABQSA policies and procedures and
- independent review of Complaints and Appeals.
11Standardisation Process ?
- The role of each Sub-Scheme Committee is to
- provide key stakeholder engagement
- develop certification requirements for a specific
scheme or schemes - identify requirements for maintenance of
certification - provide advice on methods for examination of
defined competencies and - provide validation of certification requirements
to ensure ongoing relevance to industry.
12Standardisation Process ?
- Six Sigma Scheme committee that was developed
consisted of - AOQ-QLD as Champion
- Facilitator - RABQSA
- AOQ-QLD Six Sigma Division
- Minitab
- Quality-Associates International South East
- Pragmatic Improvement
- SAI Global
- Segla
- Snowden Group
- Refer http//www.rabqsa.com/docs/downloads/ISD01.p
df .
13Six Sigma Competencies-Introduction
- ASQ American Society for Quality has a Body of
Knowledge, which provides some assessment for
competency. - A participant can develop a project to be
reviewed by an ASQ committee and then can sit the
(multiple choice) examinations to obtain a Black
belt, for example. This could follow a training
period and possibly an RPL (Recognition of Prior
Learning) process to reduce the training cost.
14What are Competencies?
- A competency is the minimum capability that a
competent person can perform, either - Competent, or
- Not yet Competent
- This may not be sufficient for some employers.
15What is the Format and Why?
- The competencies are laid out as follows
- Competency Performance Criteria Evidence Guide
16An Example of Yellow Belt
Evidence Guide Demonstrate the impact that six
sigma has on businesses operations. Demonstrate
knowledge of the origins of Six Sigma,
including Motorola GE Statistical
Origin Identify KPIs that are important for an
organization in order to measure its progress
against strategic objectives Profit
Customer satisfaction Market share
Efficiency Product differentiation Demonstrate
knowledge of the project selection process and
when to apply DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze,
Improve, Control) as opposed to other problem
solving tools. Identify organizational goals as
they relate to the project selection process.
- Performance Criteria
- 1.1 Describe why Six Sigma is an important tool
for business - Philosophy of six sigma
- Origins of six sigma
- 1.2 Explain Organizational drivers and metrics
- Identify key drivers for business
- 1.3 Describe the importance of utilizing
organizational goals - Project selection
Comp 1 Describe the Value of Lean Six Sigma
17An Example of Yellow Belt Comp1Describe the
Value of Lean Six Sigma
18How Many Competencies Are There?
- Yellow Belt
- Seven (7) competencies.
- Green Belt
- Seven (7) competencies.
- Black Belt
- Nine (9) competencies.
- The competencies build on each other (so a Black
Belt has 23 competencies).
19Where are the Competencies?
- The competencies are available at
- Yellow Belt
- www.rabqsa.com/docs/downloads/TCD67.pdf
- Green Belt
- www.rabqsa.com/docs/downloads/TCD69.pdf
- Black Belt
- http//www.rabqsa.com/docs/downloads/TCD68.pdf
- Can be linked from www.aoq.org.au/six-sigma.htm
20Use for Minimum Competencies?
- From Trainee
- Comparison among individuals
- Comparison of Course provided
- Basis for RPL to reduce training costs
- From Potential Employer
- Discriminate between Applicants
- Determine what in-house training might be
required - Discriminate between Providers
- Basis for RPL to reduce training costs
- From Training Provider
- Basis for Developing Training Programs
- Basis for RPL to reduce training costs
- Basis for Benchmarking training programs
21Lean Six Sigma Accreditation Register
- AOQ-QLD Registers
- Systems Auditors QMS and EMS
- Energy Conservation Auditors
- Consultants
- Trainers
- Lean Six Sigma Practitioners, Yellow, Green,
Black and Master Black Belt - Details are at www.aoq.org.au/registers.htm
22When Will Training to the Competencies Begin?
- Non-Registered Training
- Registered Training
- Market forces
- AOQ-QLD through its Six Sigma Division has
championed the development of a set of Six Sigma
competencies and had them registered
internationally by RABQSA. - The competencies are the minimum standards that
any person should aspire to for each of the
recognised belts, ie Yellow, Green and Black. - Training to the competencies is a requirement for
registration on the Lean Six Sigma Accreditation
24What Did I Cover ?
- Who is the AOQ-QLD?
- What is Lean Six Sigma?
- How Did it all Begin?
- So What to do?
- The Standardisation Process
- Scheme Committee
- Six Sigma Competencies
- Where are the Competencies?
25What Did I Cover ?
- Uses
- Trainee
- Potential Employer
- Training Provider
- Lean Six Sigma Accreditation Register
- When Will Registered Training Begin?
- Summary
26Questions ?
- Thank you for your attention!
- Contact Information
- mario_at_aoq.org.au