Title: Automated ShortRun Economic Forecasts ASEF
1Automated Short-Run Economic Forecasts (ASEF)
- Bank of Canada
- October 25-26, 2007
- Nicolas Stoffels
- nicolas.stoffels_at_snb.ch
- Motivation
- Global forecasts at the SNB
- ASEF Framework
- Application to U.S. GDP growth
- Summary
- policymakers are well advised to follow two
principles familiar to navigators throughout the
ages First, determine your position frequently.
Second, use as many guides or landmarks as are
available. - B. Bernanke, March 2006
- Releases of the official value of GDP and other
national accounts data are published late - ? Global economic developments have to be
assessed from numerous and more timely indicators - Incorporate higher-freqency indicators into
statistical, quantitative forecasting models?
e.g. Pain and Sédillot (2003, 2005), Ingenito and
Trehan (1996) - Two main Goals 1. Exploit the considerable
amount of conjunctural information available
before release of official national accounts
data2. Build an automated process for an
efficient day-to-day use - ? SNB Project Automated procedure to select and
run optimal, indicator models for short-term
forecasting of the international economy
4SNBs global forecasts cycle
Quarterly cycle 13 weeks
Board meeting
Interim assessment of Base scenario
Defining mid-term scenarios for the global
economy Base scenario 2-3 risk scenarios
(requiring Board approval)
Weekly review of incoming indicators
Update of short-term forecasts
Update of short and medium-term forecasts
Update of short and medium-term forecasts
- Hard indicatorsQuantitative data (e.g.
industrial production, retail sales ) - Soft indicatorsQualitative data (e.g. Business
/ consumer surveys) - Main-Bridge equationForecast equation for the
target variable (quarterly frequency) - Auxiliary variablesHigh-frequency indicators
that help to forecast regressors in the
Main-Bridge equation - Mini-Bridge equationForecast equation for
monthly indicators used as regressors in the
Main-Bridge equation
Universe of Indicators (W)
Stage 1 Indicator selection
Subset of Indicators (S ? W)
Stage 2 Specification and estimation of the
Main-Bridge equation
Main-Bridge equation
Stage 3 Evaluation of Main-Bridge equation
Main-Bridge equation
Incoming data
Stage 4 Automated forecasts
Softwares - Eviews - Perl
Main Folder
crunching.prg ranking.prg tests.prgforecasts.prg
dataimport.prg monthly.wf1 quarterly.wf1 db.edb
results1_m/q.wf1 results2_m/q.wf1 results3_m/q.wf1
combination3.prg combination4.prg markup3.prg
selection1.prg settings1_m.prgsettings1_q.prg se
selection2.prg settings2_m.prgsettings2_q.prg se
evaluation.prg settings3_m.prg settings3_q.prg se
forecast.prg settings4_m.prg settings4_q.prg setp
9ASEF Stage 1 Indicator selection
- Finds the dominant predictors
- Ranks high-frequency indicators according to
their in-sample fit - Tests for potentially useful combination of
forecasts (encompassing). Modified
Diebold-Mariano t-test.
10ASEF Stage 1 Indicator selection
- Estimation of K bivariate distributed lags OLS
regressions with lagged dependent variable -
- ? Optimal lag specification for every
(stationary) indicator xi,t - 2. Ranking of the K best models according to a
specified criterion (AIC, SIC or adj. R2) - 3. Encompassing bivariate tests (Modified
Diebold-Mariano t-test (Harvey, Leybourne and
Newbold, 1997) ) - ? Tests whether the K-1 variables contain
additional information to the best single
variable equation
11ASEF Stage 1Application
- Target variable Quarterly US GDP growth
(saar) - Data set 189 hard indicators
- Max of lags 2 (for exogenous) 4 (for
target) - of specifications 24192 (189 x 27)
- Criterion adj. R2
- Comp. time 80 sec.
12ASEF Stage 1 Output
13ASEF Stage 1 Additional feature
- Possibility to use Stage 1 also for a monthly
target variable.
14ASEF Stage 2 Selection of the Main-Bridge
- Find the optimal specifications regarding lags
and variables (e.g. selected from Stage 1) - Ranks specifications according to in-sample
criteria (SIC, AIC)
15ASEF Stage 2 Main-Bridge equation
- Multivariate distributed lag regression with
lagged dependent variable? Best Main-Bridge
equation - where regressors xi,t a subset of S indicators
16ASEF Stage 2 Application
- Indicators IP manuf, PCE and Private
constr. - Sample 1987q2-2007q2
- Criterion SIC
- Max. of lags 2 (exogenous) 4 (target)
- of specifications 8192 (213)
- Comput. time 37 sec.
17ASEF Stage 2 Output
18ASEF Stage 2 Additional features
- Possibility to find equations for variables in
monthly frequency
19ASEF Stage 3 Main-Bridge evaluation
- Evaluates the Main-bridge equation in pseudo
out-of-sample forecasting exercise against 1 or 2
benchmarks - Input Main-Bridge (e.g. from Stage 2) and
benchmark equation (e.g. univariate) - Output 4 tests of forecasts properties
20ASEF Stage 3 4 accuracy tests
- 1. Forecast accuracy
- Test of Mean Squared Errors equality. Modified
Diebold-Mariano t-test (Harvey, Leybourne and
Newbold, 1997) - 2. Directional accuracyTests if the direction
forecast is significantly different from a random
draw. Independence Chi-Squared-test. (Diebold and
Lopez, 1996) - 3. Forecast bias
- Tests the null of unbiased forecasts. t- and
F-test - 4. Normality of residualsJarque-Berra
(Chi-Squared) -test
21ASEF Stage 3 Main features
- Possibility to simulate different degree of
information inside the quarter (1 month, 2
months, full quarter) - -gt Values of missing predictors forecasted with a
VAR or the mean of the previous month(s)
22ASEF Stage 3 Expanding forecast(with 1 month
of information)
VAR estimation (monthly)
Forecast (monthly)
Main-Bridge forecast (quarterly)
For Qt
For Qt1
23ASEF Stage 3 Application
- Main-Bridge (SNB) _at_pca(gdp) c _at_pca(gdp(-1))
_at_pca(pce) _at_pca(ipman) _at_pca(privconst) - Benchmark 1 (FRSF-Model, Ingenito and Trehan,
1996) _at_pca(gdp) c _at_pca(gdp(-1)) _at_pca(gdp(-2))
_at_pca(gdp(-3)) _at_pca(pce) _at_pca(emp) - Benchmark 2 Best univariate for _at_pca(gdp) (up to
4 lags) - Start of estimation period 1990q2
- Out-of-Sample forecast period 1999q1-2007q2
- Computing time 11 sec.
24ASEF Stage 3 Output
25ASEF Stage 3 Additional features
- Lag specification of VAR is automatically chosen
(AIC, SIC, Hanna-Quinn) or can be imposed - May also be used with equations containing
quarterly regressors - Evaluation of n-steps ahead forecasts
- Test whether rolling optimization (for
coefficients, variables and lags) improves
forecasts - Any time series can be used as a benchmark (e.g.
from external sources/models) - Forecasts of several equations can be computed
and weighted (mean, median..) and then compared
to a benchmark
26ASEF Stage 4 Automated forecasts
- Automated forecasting tool for day-to-day use
- Exploit as much information as possible by
considering all monthly regressors available
27ASEF Stage 4 Automated forecasts (contd)
- Problem of incomplete information Monthly
predictors are often only partially available
within a given quarter - ? Dealing with staggerred data Mini-Bridge
equations to forecast missing data of monthly
indicators - zh denote H auxiliary variables that wont be
used in the Main-Bridge equation but are useful
for forcasting the predictors x - xj are the variables to be forecasted
28ASEF Stage 4 Automated forecasts
- In order to find good auxiliary variables, Stage
1 may be used with monthly dependent variables - To find the optimal Mini-Bridge equation, Stage 2
may also be used
29ASEF Stage 4 Automated forecasts
- Once all predictors have the same end date, a VAR
is estimated to compute a forecast up to the
specified horizon - Estimating then the best Main-Bridge equation and
computing a forecast - Optionally Skipping the Mini-Bridge and VAR
forecasts and filling up the missing values with
the mean of the previous month(s)
30ASEF Stage 4 Automated forecasts
Mini-Bridge Forecast (monthly)
Var 1
VAR Forecast (monthly)
Var 2
Main-Bridge Forecast (quarterly)
Var 3
31ASEF Stage 4 Application
- Main-Bridge _at_pca(gdp) c _at_pca(gdp(-1)) _at_pca(pce)
_at_pca(ipman) _at_pca(privconst) - PCE and construction data ? Mini-Bridge equations
to forecast regressors - Auxiliary variables Retail sales, Hours worked
in construction - Number of tested Mini-Bridge specifications
2304 - VAR to forecast monthly data up to 2010q1
- Computation time 10 sec.
32ASEF Stage 4 Output
33ASEF Stage 4 Output (contd)
34ASEF Stage 4 Additional features
- Forecasts with equations based on quarterly data
- Forecasts where missing monthly predictors is
completed with the mean of the previous month(s) - Combination of forecasts can run a large set of
forecasting equations and weight the results
(mean, median) useful assessment of the balance
of risks
- Figure 1
- Forecast accuracy significantly above benchmarks
- First month of data particularly important
- Figure 2
- Hit-ratio above 50 much higher than the
univariate forecast - Hit-ratio not monotonously increasing with the
information available
36Figure 1
37Figure 2
38Results (contd)
- Figure 3
- Gain of using a survey-based model only until
hard data arrive for the 1st month in the quarter -
39Figure 3
40Results (contd)
- Figure 4
- Survey-based forecasts useful during the first
half of current quarter - Aferwards, better to incorporate incoming
information from the hard data - Significant jump in accuracy as soon as hard data
become available - Magnitude of errors very similar to the ones
reported in recent OECD interim forecasts
41Figure 4
42Summary ASEF
- Potent tool to select variables with high
informational content (Stage 1 and 2) - Convenient way to evaluate out-of-sample
forecasts based on various informational
assumptions (Stage 3) - Fast computing and summary of forecasts for daily
use (Stage 4) - Can compute and combine the results of a large
set of forecasting equations
43Further potential developments
- Running a fully automated predictors subset
selection (elimination and replacement
algorithms) - Combining model forecasts (mean,
regression-based, Bayesian coaxing) - Assessing risks associated with forecasts (hist.
errors, fan-chart)