Title: The ATLAS Hadronic Endcap Calorimeter
1The ATLAS Hadronic Endcap Calorimeter
James L. Pinfold For the ATLAS Hadronic Endcap
Calorimeter Group
2Hadronic Endcap CalorimeterLAr-Cu sampling
calorimeter covering 1.5 lt h lt 3.2
- GOOD HE JET RESOLUTION (10 l of active
cover.) - FULL HECFCAL h COVER (1-5-gt 4.8) for good
Etmiss determination. - PUNCHTHROUGH TO m SYSTEM REDUCED by 11l
thickness of HECsupport.
3Hadronic Endcap Calorimeter Construction
- Absorber plate production
- Alberta
- Dubna
- Protvino
- Readout foils
- Mainz
- EST boards
- Lebedev
- Module stacking centres
- Dubna
- MPI Munich
- Protvino
- Cold electronics (preamps) cabling harness
- MPI Munich
- Calibration system
- Mainz
4Hadronic Endcap Segmentation
Front mod. 25 plates, rear mod. 17 plates
- Composed of two wheels per end, 32 modules per
wheel - Front wheel 67 tonnes 25 mm Cu plates
- Rear wheel 90 tonnes 50 mm Cu plates
- Channel count for both endcaps, 4416
PAD boards
EST boards
Copper plates
Tie Rods
Connecting Bars
Cold Electronics
6HEC Readout
- Electrostatic Trans- former readout
- Distance between
Cu plates 8.5 mm - LAr gaps 1.954 mm
- Robust against HV shorts
7Cu Absorber Plate Production
- Three sites Alberta, Dubna, Protvino
- Roughly one sector(1/32nd) per month can be
machined at Dubna Protvino. Since June 1st 1999
2-gt3 per month can be machined at Alberta - Estimate machining finished by early 2002.
- Eg Cu machining _at_ Alberta, using the CSR
advanced machining facility
See the machining in realtime moving images
8Series Production of Modules
- 1st module completed in Munich on 4/16/ 99.
Module under HV test at TRIUMF
9Quality Control
- Quality control procedures defined in October
1997, updated in November 1998. - 2000 testbeam QC database started at CERN
- 2001-gt merging of QC databases from CERN
institutes into LAr QC database.
Go-NoGo jigs
Cu density check
Template check
10Cold Electronics
3 PSBs on back of each front module 2 PSBs on the
back of each rear module
11Cold Testing
(7 out of 8 modules will be cold tested)
4 modules in cold test cryostat
Modules prepared for a cold test
12Test Beam Setup
(1 in 8 modules will be beam tested)
Rotating to vertical
Mating the modules
Modules in the cryostat
13Stacking Insertion of HEC wheels into the
Air Pads
T6 Cryostat
14Recent Future Testbeam
Test-beam summer 2000 involving 6 series modules
in the H6 beamline. Analysis of results recently
accepted by NIM Summer 2001 2
successful test-beam periods . H6 Joint
EMEC-HEC test planned for the August of 2002.
Using H1 cryostat deploy 1) EMEC 2) HEC FRONT
15Test Beam Results (1)Energy resolution for
- Reported here are key results from the test of 6
series production HEC modules - Results obtained in the summer of 2000
16Test Beam Results (2)
- Spatial uniformity of response to electrons as a
variation of EM calib. Const. variation
Non-uniformity lt 1
17Test Beam Results (3)Energy resolution for pions
18Testbeam Results(4) Muon Detection
- Using 150 GeV muons (most prob. muon signal
19Testbeam Results(5) e/h Ratio
Ratio of response to electrons and hadrons
CMC is an energy dep. leakage correction
20Final Remarks
- Series production well underway 57 (76/134)
modules stacked on schedule - 42 (57/134) modules Cold Tested.
- All HEC only beam tests finished this summer!
- Joint EMEC-HEC test beam next summer.
- Joint EMEC-HEC-FCAL test in 2003
- Stand/Table/Rotator for installation ordered and
due December 2001. - Assembly area and clean rooms in Bat.180 ready.
- Assembly of the HEC will start in March 2003 in
Bat. 180 at CERN.