Title: Deep Space Astronomy
1Deep Space Astronomy
2Electromagnetic Spectrum
- Electromagnetic Radiation? a wave that occurs in
space - Often called light, even though it is not always
seen by human eyes - Is classified into 7 categories
- based on the wavelength (motion)
- of the light waves
3Electromagnetic Spectrum
- Electromagnetic spectrum? range of all possible
electromagnetic radiation
Short wavelength
Long wavelength
4Electromagnetic Spectrum
Everything with a temperature gives off
electromagnetic energy. Hotter bodies more
energy from left side.
5Gamma Rays
Exploding Star
Very short wavelength. Extremely high
energy. Rips apart your DNA.
Simpson, Homer
Short wavelength. High energy. Does some cellular
UV Rays Movie Clip
Short wavelength. High energy. Does moderate cell
8Visible Light
Our eyes have evolved to see these wavelengths.
10Whirlpool Galaxy
Visible Image
Infrared Image
12Whirlpool Galaxy
Visible Image
Infrared Image
13Supernova Explosions
14Big Bang Theory
- Big Bang Theory? model that says the universe
expanded from a small, hot, dense point that is
still expanding today - Think of raisins rising in a loaf bread
15Evidence of Big Bang
Microwave Background Radiation (Leftover Energy)
16Galaxy Shifts
- Analysis of the spectrum of light from distance
galaxies shows a shift towards longer wavelengths - Red Shift? longer wavelengths (red wavelengths)
show that galaxies are moving away from us - Universe is still expanding
- What would a blue shift show us?
17Red-Shifting of Light
Different Visible Light Spectra
You look through a spectroscope to see different
patterns of light.
18Red-Shifting of Light Universe Expanding
19Edwin Hubble
- Edwin Hubble? Astronomer that discovered that
other galaxies exist besides our own (the Milky
Way) - He also discovered that the farther away from
Earth a galaxy is, the faster it is red-shifting - What does this mean? (think of the balloon)
20 Hubble telescope
- The Hubble Space telescope? space telescope that
was sent into Earths orbit in 1990. - Important in many space discoveries
- Can see above earths atmosphere (clear pictures)
- Saw black holes at the center of galaxies
- Sees the birth of stars in gas clouds
- Has revealed billions of galaxies beyond our own
- Dark matter/energy
- Hubble Discoveries
21Structure of Universe
Solar System
Sun (Star)
22Universe sub-divisions
- Biggest Universe? everything that exists in
space (includes all matter and energy) - May be 12-15 billion years old
- Could be 93 billion light years across
- Is expanding due to the Big Bang
23Universe Sub-divisions cont
- 2nd Biggest Galaxy? large rotating mass of
stars, dust, and dark matter - Categorized into 3 categories by their shape
spiral, elliptical, irregular - We live in the Milky Way galaxy which is spiral
24The Milky Way Galaxy
25Universe Sub-divisions cont
- 3rd Biggest Solar System? contains the sun and
other bodies that are gravitationally bound to
it. - 8 planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter,
Saturn, Uranus, Neptune) - 166 known moons including our own
- 3 dwarf planets (Pluto, Ceres, Eris)
- Asteroids, meteoroids, comets
26Universe Sub-divisions cont
- Smallest Sun? Our star holding all of our
planets in its gravity - We are just a small speck compared to the whole
27Star Life Cycles
- Nebula? cloud of dust, hydrogen gas, and plasma
where stars are formed - First stage of the stars life cycle
- Gas, dust, and other matter clump together to
form larger masses (stars) - The left over matter may form planets
The Horse Head Nebula
The Eagle Nebula
28Nebulas (gas clouds) seen by Hubble
29Star Life Cycle
- Average Star? Our sun is an average sized star
- Average age 5 billion years old
- Average temperature 6,000 degrees F
- Medium brightness
30Star Life Cycle
- Red Giant? stars whose cores heat up and expand
to 100s of times larger then the sun - 1,000-10,000 times brighter then the Sun
- This will happen to our sun in 5 billion years
31Star Life Cycle
- After the Red Giant phase
- A small or medium sized star becomes a white
dwarf - A large star becomes a Supernova
- Then a black hole OR- a neutron star
32Star Life Cycle
- White dwarf? Final evolutionary stage of medium
sized stars - Ultimate fate of our Sun
- Small, faint star
Arrow points to Sirius B, a white dwarf next to
an average star, Sirius A
33Star Life Cycle
- After the red giant phase, ONLY large stars
become supernovas - Supernova? a large explosion that creates an
extremely bright burst of energy - During the supernova, the star emits
- more energy then the sun does in
- its lifetime
- Death of the star
Keplers Supernova of 1604
34Star Life Cycle
- Neutron (pulsar) Star? formed from the collapsed
remains of a supernova explosion - Only 20-40 km acrossvery small!
- Rotates around completely in 1-30 seconds (it
takes earth 24 hours to rotate completely) - Have magnetic poles that pulse quickly
- like a lighthouse beam of light
- http//www.aip.org/history/mod/pulsar/pulsar1/01.h
Radio telescopes pick up beams of radiation as
clicking noises when they pass through earth
35Star Life Cycle
- After a supernova explosion, a star can also
become a black hole - Black hole? a region of space in which the
gravitational field is so powerful that nothing
can escape - spagettification
- Time slows down
- Time travel??
- http//www.nasa.gov/rss/universe_vodcast.rss