Title: Part Time MBA Students
1(No Transcript)
2Welcome !
3Welcome !
- Part Time MBA Students
- IMBA Students
- Exchange Students
4Happenings This morning
- Introduction to key people
- Welcome by the Dean, Business School
- MBA Club
- Familiarisation
- NUS Library
- Matriculation
- Lunch
- City tour (optional for PT)
5Marketing Admissions
Executive April Ngern
Manager Marketing Admissions Richard Que
6Student Development
Head Student Development Celia Wu
Manager Student activities Caleb Chew
7MBA Club
MBA Club President Srikanth Sridharan
8Graduate Office
Vice Dean A/Prof Susanna Leong
Manager Accounts Accreditation Chng Ping Ernest
9Career Services
Director, Career Services Joan Tay
10Global Alumni Network Office
Director, GANO Aw Beng Teck
MBA Alumni Manager Florence Leow
Manager Jeanine Chen
Executive, Angela Tan
Head, Business Policy A/P Andrew Delios
Head, Finance Prof Allaudeen Hameed
Head, Decision Sc A/P James Ang
Head, Accounting A/P Alfred Loh
Head, Mgt Org Prof Richard Arvey
Head, Marketing A/P Lee Yih Hwai
12Deans Office
Vice Dean, Undergraduate Studies A/P Quek Ser Aik
Vice Dean, Finance Admin A/P Ho Yew Kee
13MBA Academic Directors
MBA Acad Director A/P Nitin Pangakar
IMBA Acad Director A/P Susanna Leong
14Key Information Sources
- Student Handbook
- MBA.nus.edu
- Bizalum.nus.edu