Title: Current Fix Information Structure
1Current Fix Information Structure
- Fix Information
- Specified in lieu of Version
- Provided name and type
2Fix Information Structure
- Issue 1
- Does not contain addition fix information
- Proposal
- Extend the Fix Information. Note Still working
the specific content - Issue 2
- Some fixes (updates) contain a list of fixes.
These updates carry the same information about
the fixes they include, e.g. J2SE 5.0 Update 9 - Previous pattern was to aggregate a set of
InstallableUnits that all pointed to the same
Artifact. - Proposal (see next slide)
- Fixes can be delivered as interim fixes or
included in an update. Both are delivery
mechanisms. The InstallableUnit structure should
not vary. - Provide a FixInformation structure (see next
slide) - Not a choice with Version
- xsdanyAttribute Extension
- Extend InstallableUnit attribute installType to
include interimFix as a value
3Fix Information Proposal
ltFixInformationgt ltFixgt ltNamegtFix1lt/Namegt
Translatable? ltCategorygtjavalt/Categorygt
Translatable? ltSeveritygt10lt/Severitygt
ltTypegtPElt/Typegt ltProblemDescriptiongtWhat is
fixedlt/ProblemDescriptiongt Translatable
lt/Fixgt lt/FixInformationgt
4Proposed Fix Information Content
- Work In Progress
- But keeps the basic structure
5Version Change
- Issue 1
- Proposed Change at the F2F results in the need to
specific 2 Version constraints on the same
resource. - Multiple constraints can be specified on the same
resource. However, they can not be in conflict,
e.g. I need X10, I need X20. - By definition, 2 Version constraints on the same
resource is a conflict. - Proposal
- Rather than the attribute, make Certified an
optional subset of the Version constraint. - Now only a single version constraint per resource
6Version Proposal
ltResourceCheck id"osMinimumVersionCheck"
resourceRef"os" gt ltDescription
translationKey"REQT_OS3"gtThis JRE requires a
version of AIX or 5.1 or later. It has been
certified on versions of AIX between 5.1 and
5.3. lt/Descriptiongt ltVersiongt
ltMinVersiongt5.1lt/MinVersiongt ltCertifiedgt
ltMaxVersiongt5.3lt/MaxVersiongt lt/Certifiedgt
lt/Versiongt lt/ResourceCheckgt