Florida Association of Science Supervisors Presentation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Florida Association of Science Supervisors Presentation


Prior to 2004: based upon Bloom's Taxonomy. Level I and Level II ... Calculating or completing a familiar single-step procedure or equation using a reference sheet ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Florida Association of Science Supervisors Presentation

Florida Associationof Science SupervisorsPresent
  • November 3, 2005
  • Orlando, Florida

Presentation Topics
  • FCAT Update Science
  • Setting FCAT Science Achievement Levels
  • Grade 11 Student Motivation Discussion
  • Interpretive Products
  • Release of FCAT Tests
  • 2006 Testing Schedule
  • FCAT Update Other Content Areas
  • Cognitive Complexity

FCAT Science Update
  • FCAT Science Standard Setting meeting for
    educators representing Grades 5, 8, and 11 held
    in January and September 2005
  • DOE plans to report student scores and
    achievement levels beginning with the 2006 test
  • Science to be included in school grade
    calculations beginning with the 2007 test

Modifications to Appendix B
  • Grade 5
  • B.1.2.2 now also assesses B.1.2.3, B.1.2.5,
  • B.1.2.6
  • C.2.2.4 now also assess C.2.2.3
  • D.2.2.1 now a CS also assessing B.2.2.2
    and B.2.2.3 (was with G.2.2.3)

Modifications to Appendix B
  • Grade 8
  • B.1.3.1 now also assesses B.1.3.4
  • F.2.3.3.- now an Annually Assessed also assessing
    F.2.3.4 and G.1.3.2
  • G.2.3.2 now an Annually Assessed assessing
    D.2.3.2, G.2.3.3, and G.2.3.4 (previously the AA
    parent was G.2.3.4

Modifications to Appendix B
  • Grade 11
  • A.1.4.3 now Annually Assessed also assessing
  • C.1.4.1 now Annually Assessed also assessing
    C.1.4.2 and C.2.4.6
  • H.1.4.2 now also assesses H.1.4.5

Upcoming FCAT Science Meetings
  • Item Review 3 weeks, 5 different groups
  • October 31, November 7, and January 9
  • (review of item development for field testing in
  • Rangefinder Review
  • November 30 through December 9
  • (review of scoring criteria for 2006 operational
    performance task items)
  • Rangefinding
  • Wave 1 April and May
  • Wave 2 September
  • (setting of scoring criteria for performance
    tasks field tested in 2006)

Process for Nominating Science Educators
  • Nomination forms
  • Sent to Superintendents
  • Given to District Science Supervisors and
    educators serving on committees
  • More diversity needed in Science database
  • Gender
  • Ethnicity
  • Science content areas

Next Version of FCAT Science Item Specifications
  • On hold pending the revision to the Sunshine
    State Standards
  • 2002 Draft of Item Specifications on website
  • PDF Appendix B (dated October 2004)sent to
    District Assessment Coordinators also available
    via email request to me
  • Sample Test Materials have current version of the
    reference sheets and scoring rubrics

Setting Achievement Levels for FCAT Science
  • Summary of Process and
  • Timeline

What is Standard Setting?
  • Process of defining the frame of reference for
    the interpretation of test scores in
    criterion-referenced assessments, or
  • The matching of achievement levels to test
  • Involves both quantitative and qualitative
    judgment of test items and expected student

Standard Setting Process
  • Performance review meeting - January 2004
  • Grades 5 and 8 FCAT Science Standard Setting
    meeting held with educators - January 2005
  • Grade 11 FCAT Science Standard Setting meeting
    held with educators September 2005
  • Educator committees represented schools and
    districts from across the state

Standard Setting Process
  • Table and Group Discussions focused on
  • Desired student content knowledge and skills of
    the SSS benchmarks
  • How much content knowledge and skills are
    necessary for each of the achievement levels
  • Materials used during the meeting included
  • Performance descriptions from previous meeting
  • FCAT Achievement Level descriptions
  • Test items ordered by difficulty (based on
    student performance)

Setting of Achievement LevelsWhat Happens Next
  • FCAT Science Achievement Level Timeline
  • Business Panel meeting November 2
  • Staff review of input and recommendations
  • Draft of State Board of Education Rule
  • Regional workshops November
  • Rule development workshop
  • Workshop with State Board of Education
  • Advertisement of Rule
  • State Board of Education Rule Adoption - February
  • Reporting of student scores by Achievement Level
    - May 2006

Student Motivation
  • Previous discussions on Grade 11 student
    motivation included
  • Requiring a specific score on FCAT Science for
  • Requiring a specific score on FCAT Science OR
    four science courses for graduation
  • Science endorsement for students receiving a
    specific score on FCAT Science

  • Interpretive
  • Products

FCAT Interpretive Products
  • FCAT Handbook
  • A Resource for Educators
  • Program-level information about the FCAT
  • Posted to DOE website
  • Copies are now in districts

FCAT Resources
  • Department of Education FCAT Web Addresses
  • http//www.firn.edu/doe/sas/fcat.htm
  • or http//www.fldoe.org
  • FCAT Publications (General Public)
  • FCAT Publications (Educator)
  • FCAT Scores and Reports
  • Content Focus Reports for 2004 and 2005 tests
  • (2006 Report to be posted in May)

Some FCAT Publications Available
  • Test Design Summary
  • Details about the structure of the test,
    including number of items, time limits, and
    session breakdowns
  • See handout provided or check the DOE website
  • Content Focus Reports
  • For each content or reporting cluster
  • More specific description of benchmark content
  • in each reporting cluster, each year

FCAT Interpretive ProductsSpring Deliveries
  • Mid May 2006
  • Florida Inquires! (Grades 5, 8, 11)
  • Florida Reads! (Grades 4, 8, 10)
  • Florida Solves! (Grades 5, 8, 10)
  • Florida Writes! (Grades 4, 8, 10)
  • FCAT Results Folder for parents to keep track of
    various reports
  • See 2005 2006 FCAT Interpretive Products
    Shipment and Delivery Schedule handout for more

Released FCAT Tests
  • What is available now?
  • What are the plans for future release?
  • Where to find more information?

Tests Released in 2005
  • Reading and Mathematics
  • Grade 4 and 8
  • 2005 Operational Tests
  • Grade 10 Reading
  • March 2004 Retake version
  • Grade 10 Mathematics
  • 2004 Operational version

Future plans (if resources are available)
Where to Find More Information
  • Additional information about released tests is
    available at www.fldoe.org
  • Release includes
  • Fact Sheet How to use Released Tests and how
    not to use
  • Test questions formatted like the FCAT
  • Includes all test items that contribute to a
    students score
  • Answer Key
  • Frequently Asked Questions (and answers)
  • And more

2005-06 Testing Schedules
  • FCAT Writing February 7-8
  • FCAT SSS (Reading, Mathematics, Science)
  • February 27-March 10
  • same period as FCAT SSS
  • Summer Reading and Mathematics Retakes
  • June 19-23

FCAT Update
  • What is new for Writing, Reading, and

FCAT Writing
  • February 2006
  • Prompted Essay Test with
  • Multiple-Choice (MC) Items

FCAT Writing
  • Writing and Item Types
  • Cloze Selection
  • Conventions
  • 3-option MC
  • Stand-alone Structure
  • Conventions
  • 3-option MC
  • Writing Plan
  • Focus and Organization
  • 4-option MC
  • Writing Sample
  • Focus, Organization, Support
  • 4-option MC

FCAT Writing
  • Standard Setting no earlier than Fall 2006
  • FCAT Writing will count for graduation
    requirement beginning with the graduating class
    of 2010

Reading and Mathematics
  • Reading Test Item Specifications
  • on hold until the SSS revisions complete
  • Mathematics Test Item Specifications
  • Released on DOE Website in October

Cognitive Complexity
  • Prior to 2004 based upon Blooms Taxonomy
  • Level I and Level II
  • Considers instructional background and students
    approach to a problem
  • Movement to Cognitive Complexity to classify
    test items.
  • Low, moderate, and high
  • Based upon Webbs depth of knowledge and NAEP
  • Considers the cognitive demand of a test item

Low Complexity Items
  • Based on recall and recognition of previously
    learned concepts and principles
  • Examples include
  • Identifying common examples or recognizing a
  • Recognizing a standard scientific representation
    of a simple phenomenon
  • Retrieving information from a chart, table,
    diagram, or graph
  • Calculating or completing a familiar single-step
    procedure or equation using a reference sheet

Moderate Complexity Items
  • Require students to decide what to do using
    informal methods of reasoning and problem-solving
    strategies from various domains
  • Examples include
  • Applying or inferring relationships among facts,
    terms, properties, or variables
  • Describing examples and non-examples of
    scientific processes or concepts
  • Predicting the next logical step

High Complexity Items
  • Require students to solve non-routine or unique
    problems, require abstract reasoning, analysis,
    judgment, or creative thought
  • Example include
  • Generalizing or drawing conclusions
  • Analyzing an experiment to identify a flaw and
    propose a method for correcting it

FAST Conference Presentation
  • Florida Inquires! and the Grade 5 FCAT Released
    Performance Task
  • Presented by Roberta McDonald, FCAT Science
    Development Team
  • Saturday, November 5 900 a.m.

  • Contact Information
  • Linda Oravetz
  • FCAT Science Coordinator
  • Test Development Center
  • Florida Department of Education
  • oravetzl_at_mail.leon.k12.fl.us
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