Title: Major causes of low immunization coverage
1Increasing immunization Coverage Reaching
Every District or The Access approach
Presentation to the NESI Training Meeting,
Nairobi, 9 11 December 2002 Dr. Rose
Macauley WHO/AFRO
- Regional vaccination coverage objective
- Current status of vaccination coverage
- Progress towards achieving the regional objective
- The access approach
3Vaccination Coverage Objective of Regional EPI
Strategic Plan GAVI
- To achieve at least 80 vaccination coverage in
all the districts in 80 of the countries by 2005 - In the context of quality and sustainable
4Global situation
- Un-reached children
- 36 million globally
- 12 million in Africa
- District disparity reaching 80 coverage in all
districts - 27 of developing countries have achieved
- 7 of countries in AFR0 have achieve
- Disease control or eradication goals cannot be
achieved/sustained with low routine coverage
5Current Regional Situation (2)
- DPT3 coverage trend 2000 to 2001
- Increase 19 countries (42)
- Decrease 20 countries (44)
- District performance at least 80 DPT3 coverage
- 3 countries (7) in all districts (Gambia,
Mauritius, Seychelles) - 7 countries (16) in 50 of the districts
6Progress towards 80/80 Goal 2001
- Districts achieving at least 80 DPT3 coverage
- 3/46 countries all districts (Gambia, Mauritius,
Seychelles) but these are very small
countries - 2/46 countries 80-99 of the districts
- 2/46 countries 50-79 of the districts
- 31/46 countries 0-49 of the districts
- 8 countries data unavailable or not usable
7Reported DPT3 Coverage African Region, 2000 2001
8Reported DPT3 Coverage by Epidemiological Block -
Africa Region, 1996-2001
Still a long way to go
9In an effort to address this problem of low
vaccination coverage, partners have identified a
approach, called the Access Approach or
Reaching Every District (RED) Approach.
- District focus
- Assessment and problem solving
- Planning, budgeting, implementation, monitoring
- Adequate funding and capacity for implementation
- Annual milestones
- Prioritizing districts by un-immunized children
11Operational components (1)
- 5 operational components
- Re-establishing outreach vaccination
- Supportive supervision
- Links between community and service
- Monitoring for action
- Planning management of resources.
12Operational components (3)
- Re-establishing outreach vaccination for
under-served communities - Regular
- From fully operational and adequately equipped
health facility - By trained and motivated staff
- Ensuring appropriate transport
- Note Offer an integrated package
13Operational components (4)
- Supportive supervision to build capacity for safe
and high quality immunization services - Regular
- Combine with on-site training
- Offers opportunity to integrate with other
interventions (IMCI, RBM, deworming, Vit A, etc.) - Linking the community and health service to
ensure regular and meaningful interactions
between them - Regular meetings consultations, monitoring
- Use of community structure
14Operational components (5)
- Monitoring for action
- Critical review of data systems
- Availability of timely and quality data
- Strengthen monitoring systems
- Data to direct planning and managerial action at
district level - Use of tools for continuous self monitoring at
health facility level (wall charts, mapping
populations served)
15Operational components (6)
- Planning and management of resources
- Detailed plan at all levels to include human and
financial resources requirements - District level plans to include management of
resources - Country Financial Sustainability Plan
- Current situation
- Future funding prospects (GAVI definition)
16Putting the strategies into action at the various
- District detailed POA to include all 5
components for reaching every child - Sub-national focus for district capacity
building for training, supportive supervision,
monitoring, planning and implementation
17Putting the strategies into action at the various
- National focus on coordination and technical
assistance (national international) - Regional focus for technical assistance and
building capacity at national level monitoring
18Putting the strategies into action
- Milestones for DPT3 coverage in all districts
- 60 by 2003
- 70 by 2004
- 80 by 2005
- Phased implementation, prioritizing districts
- lowest coverage
- highest number of unvaccinated/partially
vaccinated children - Implement in a phased manner not neglecting
well-performers to avoid regression
19Linking with other health sector priorities
- Health sector priorities
- MI
- Partners strategies
- WHO Beyond Polio (NID, AFP, Lab)
- UNICEF Immunization Plus
20The problem - barriers to reaching every district
- Low quality of service
- Inadequate training and supervision
- outreach services, logistics and supply
unreliable - links with the community not systematic
- Global goal not reflected in financial
- commitment
- commitment to goals not yet matched
- by sustained financing commitments
21The problem - barriers to reaching every district
- Inadequate monitoring system
- national immunization coverage data
- unreliable
- national data does not show large
- district disparities
- Lack of district micro-planning
- national plans not reflected in
- district plans
22Challenges Eroded Gains due to vaccine
stock-out, 2001
23Challenge related to the Big 4 countries
- Comprise of 40 target population in the region
- Still lt50 DPT3 vaccination coverage
- huge left out target populations
- EPI environment
- post war weak district health system
- Special substantial support is needed
24Some examples of interventions in the region to
improve access and thereby improve coverage
25Couverture vaccinale DTC3 2001
26Couverture vaccinale DTC3 2001 au BĂ©nin
27Reported DTP coverage in 2001 by district,
DTP 1 coverage
DTP 3 coverage
28Social Mobilization network-Ethiopia
29Social Mobilization network --Angola
30Thank you!