Title: 20 Questions Directors Should Ask About Internal Audit
120 Questions Directors Should Ask About Internal
- Ingrid Loewen
- Director, Internal Audit
- Manitoba Liquor Control Commission
CAUBO 2005 June 21 1045 - 1200
2About . . .
- Manitoba Liquor Control Commission (MLCC)
- You
- Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA)
- Chief Audit Executive (CAE)
- CICA Risk Management Governance Board
- The 20 Questions Series
3(No Transcript)
420 Questions Directors Should Ask About Internal
- Liaison Committee
- Process
- Overview and advice on how to respond
- Internal Audit Role Mandate
- Internal Audit Relationships
- Internal Audit Resources
- Internal Audit Process
- Closing Questions
- Audit Committee Assessment
6Internal Audit Role Mandate
71. Should we have an Internal Audit function?
- Legal requirements
- Independent objective assurance on the adequacy
of internal control - Size of organization
- Distinction between external and internal audit
82. What should our Internal Audit function do?
- IIA Definition
- Determined by CAE in consultation with senior
management and the Audit Committee - Formal Internal Audit Charter
- Annual audit plan
9IIA Definition of Internal Auditing
- Internal Auditing is an independent, objective
assurance and consulting activity designed to add
value and improve an organizations operations.
It helps an organization accomplish its
objectives by bringing a systematic, disciplined
approach to evaluate and improve the
effectiveness of risk management, control, and
governance processes.
10Type of Internal Audit Work
- Documentation and testing of internal controls
- Efficiency, effectiveness, and economy of
operations - Review major projects and new computer systems
- Consulting services
- Fraud investigation
- Compliance with legislation
- Risk management
113. What should be the mandate of the Internal
Audit function?
- Established by written charter
- Compatible with role of Audit Committee
- Non-operational
- Unrestricted access to employees and records
12Internal Audit Relationships
134. What is the relationship between Internal
Audit and the Audit Committee?
- Audit Committee
- Appointment/replacement of CAE
- IA charter
- IA annual plan
- Internal Audit
- Attends AC meetings
- Reports on work performed
- Private meetings with Chair of AC and CAE
(unrestricted access) - Periodic meetings without management present
145. To whom does Internal Audit report
- Functional reporting to Audit Committee
- Administrative reporting to
- President CEO
- Chief Administrative Officer
- Chief Financial Officer
- Other
15IIA Standard 1110
- The CAE should report to a level within the
organization that allows the internal audit
activity to fulfill its responsibilities - The internal audit activity should be free from
interference in determining the scope of internal
auditing, performing work, and communicating
results - Practice Advisory Organizational Independence
16Internal Audit Resources
176. How is the Internal Audit function staffed?
- Resources required to complete the audit plan
- Number
- Skills
- Combination of staff and service providers
187. How does Internal Audit get and maintain the
expertise it needs to conduct its assignments?
- Qualifications
- Professional accountant, CIA, CISA, other
- Ongoing professional development
- Supplement internal expertise with service
198. Are the activities of Internal Audit
appropriately coordinated with those of the
external auditors?
- CAE to coordinate to avoid duplication of effort
- Audit Committee to monitor
- Avoid using IA to reduce external audit fees
20Internal Audit Process
219. How is the Internal Audit plan developed?
- Annual plan
- Based on Risk!
- Input from management
- Includes all IA activities
- Adequate resources
- Flexibility
- Approved by AC
- Changes during the year
2210. What does the Internal Audit plan not cover?
- Ensure adequate resources
- Areas of risk ranked just below those selected
for inclusion
2311. How are Internal Audit findings reported?
- In writing
- Scope, objectives, findings, recommendations
- Action oriented
- Balanced
- Recommendations rated (H, M, L)
- Summaries to Senior Management Audit Committee
2412. How are corporate managers required to
respond to Internal Audit findings and
- With action plans and implementation dates or
- Reasons for accepting risk
- Implementation monitored by senior management
- Periodic follow up by IA
- IA updates Audit Committee
2513. What services does Internal Audit provide in
connection with fraud?
- Management is responsible to prevent, deter,
detect fraud - IA should consider risk of fraud
- IAs role in investigations may vary
2614. How do you assess the effectiveness of your
Internal Audit function?
- Performance measures
- Benchmarking
- Quality assurance reviews
27Closing Questions
2815. Does Internal Audit have sufficient resources?
- Highly sensitive
- Quantity and quality
- If not, why not
- IA not respected by management
- Funding crisis
- IA resources diverted to special projects
2916. Does the Internal Audit function get
appropriate support from the CEO and senior
management team?
- Ensure good working relationship between CEO and
CAE - Support of audit findings
- CAE as member of executive team
- Ask CAE and CEO
3017. Are you satisfied that this organization has
adequate internal controls over its major risks?
- AC expectations
- CAE to summarize results of various audit
activities - IA is not the only source
3118. Are there any other matters that you wish to
bring to the Audit Committees attention?
- Trust!
- In-camera discussions are confidential
- Extreme caution is advised
3219. Are there other ways in which Internal Audit
and the Audit Committee could support each other?
33Audit Committee Assessment
3420. Are we (the Audit Committee) satisfied with
our Internal Audit function?
- CAE responds well to AC questions
- CAE respected by external auditors
- Frequency of surprises
- CAE assurance adequate
- IA raises significant issues
- CAE respected within profession
- www.theiia.org
- www.theiia.org/index.cfm?doc_id5175
- www.cica.ca
- www.rmgb.ca/index.cfm/ci_id/3083/la_id/1.htm