Title: Air Conditioning Controller B'U'
1(No Transcript)
- Short development time
- Maximum flexibility for control algorithmand
user interface - Only one package for all programmable controllers
(standard and custom) - Use of solutions which have already been tested
and consolidated (MACROBLOCKS) - Modular and expandable structure
3Package overview
- WinFACE project manager
- WinCAD control algorithm
- WinMASK user interface
- WinNET local area network links (pLAN)
- WinSIM simulation / debug
- WinLOAD upload/download software to/from pCO2
Project manager
- Main functions
- Create a new project
- Add a new language
- Convert from pCO to pCO²
- Create EPROM image
- Create a customised keyboard layout
Control algorithm
- Main functions
- Graphical language (Function Control Blocks)
- Maximum flexibility
- Library of basic functional blocks (logic,
mathematical, timer, I/O read/write, etc.) - Library of complex functional blocks
(macroblocks) (compressor rotation, schedule,
pumpdown, defrost, etc) - Possibility to create your own macroblocks
User interface
- Main functions
- Graphical/Textual(menu-driven) language
- Maximum flexibility
- Possibility to easily
- - display text
- - display I/O status,
- parameters, alarms
- - define key function
- - define print-outs
- Links between screens are automatic
- Same tool for all display types (LCD/
Simulation / Debug
- Main functions
- Test of user interface
- Test of control algorithm
- Test of I/O
- Possibility to see/modify all values/parameters
(variable box) - Possibility to create several configurations of
variables boxes
Upload/download software to/from pCO²
- Main functions
- Local-RemoteUpload-Download of
- - firmware
- - application software
- - alarm history
- - logged data
9An example
10An example step 1 of 4
Control algorithm
1) Select the basic block that reads the analog
2) Define the number of the input and give a name
3) Select the functional block that realizes a
4) Define a changable setpoint and a fixed
5) Select the block that writes digital output
6) The control algorithm is complete!
11An example step 2 of 4
User interface
1) Create a new mask(screen layout)
2) Open it
3) Place description of values and parameters
4) Select visualization format of values and
5) Insert the names of values and parameters
6) The user interface is complete!
12An example step 3 of 4
Simulation / debug
- You have the simulation of display and keyboard
2) Create a listbox of values that represent
parameters, inputs and outputs
3) You can change temperature and check if the
cooling starts/stops
13An example step 4 of 4
Update controller
Now you can create the image file of the eprom
(software for pCO)
upload software to the controller(software for
Your software is complete!
14An easyprogramming way !