- IS4185 Session 15
- Prof. Mark Nissen
- Agent Motivation Functionalities
- Agent Background Definitions
- Conceptual Framework
- Agent Examples
- Inter-agent Cooperation Competition
- Acquisition Process Redesign
- Intelligent Supply Chain Agents
- Process Vision Challenges (demo)
3Agent Motivation
- People are limited, overworked
- Machines are deterministic, incessant
- Knowledge work factors
- Data collected by large enterprises 2x/year
- KWs can analyze only 5 of this data
- KWs spend time
- 60 trying to discover data patterns
- 20 interpreting patterns
- 10 acting on patterns interpretations
- Save time money, increase efficacy
4Agent Functionalities
- Overcome information overload
- Automate mundane info tasks
- Persistently vigilantly serve master
- Interface with complex systems
- Support/make decisions
- Cognitive prostheses
- Design keys
- Easy to build small, limited KBS
- Link together in cooperative federation
5Agent Background
- Early concepts
- Bushs memex - 40s
- McCarthys AdviceTaker - 50s
- DAI research - late 70s
- Distributed, expert systems technology
- Centralized design and architecture
- Remote action research - mid 90s
- From reasoning to doing
- Limited intelligence capability
- Decentralized, heterogeneous agents
Parallel processing
Expert systems
Remote programming
7Agent Definitions
- Disagreement on agent definition
- Classify by attributes (intel, mobility)
- Classify by intention (transact, represent)
- Useful abstraction (module, object)
- Many diverse agent examples
- Information filtering
- Information retrieval
- Advisory
- Performative
8Agent Examples
- Information filtering - I search
- User e-mail preferences (Maes, Malone)
- NetNews preferences (Sycara Zeng)
- FAQs search filtering (Whitehead)
- Arbitrary text (Verity)
- Information retrieval - I search
- Compact disks (Krulwich, BargainFinder)
- Computer equipment (uVision)
- Advertising rates (PriceWatch)
- Insurance services (Insurance)
9Agent Examples
- Information retrieval (cont)
- Web indexing robots (Etzioni Weld)
- Web report writing (Amulet)
- Web publishing (InterAp)
- Assisted browsing (Burke)
- Tech info delivery (Bradshaw)
- Info gathering (Knobloch Ambite)
- Books (BargainBot) http//www.ece.curtin.edu.au/s
10Agent Examples
- Advisory - I recommendations
- Music recommendations (Maes, Firefly)
- Electronic Concierge (Etzioni Weld)
- Campus visit host (Zeng Sycara)
- Manufacturing plans (Maturana Norrie)
- Strategic planning (Pinson)
- Software project coordination (Johar)
- Interface assistance (Ball)
- Reconnaissance (Bui)
- Portfolio management (Sycara)
11Agent Examples
- Performative - I behavior
- Agent2agent markets (Chavez Maes)
- Negotiation (Bui)
- Scheduling (Sen, Walsh)
- Cooperative learning (Boy)
- Digital services (Mullen Wellman)
- Software purchasing (Mehra Nissen)
12Inter-Agent Cooperation Competition
Agents Orientation Design Cooperative C
ompetitive Centralized Predetermined n/a
Distributed Trust-based Negotiation Job
specialization Game-theoretic
13Inter-Agent Cooperation Competition
- Inter-agent protocols
- KIF - Declarative - predicate calculus
- KQML - Standard communication types
- IIOP - Net inter-ORB protocol
- Negotiation - multiple bids quotes
- Game-theoretic reasoning
Unknown/Unfriendly Agent Friendly
Agent Cooperative Competitive
Cooperative 10 -5 Competitive 5 -10
14Acquisition Domain
- DoD term, mil/com/gov/org application
- Procurement planning, contracting,
program/project management logistics - Managing relationships materiel
- Attaining strategic importance
- Limit fleet/battlefield speed mobility
- Supply-chain integration IT, BPR, KM
- Virtual orgs, competition vs. cooperation
- Maintain dynamic inter-org networks
15Acquisition Pathologies
- Low level procurement/supply orgs
- Focus on products, not relationships
- Bureaucratic functions seldom integrated
- Manual, paper-based, labor-intensive
- Slow, expensive, rigid, unadaptable
- Complex laws, policies, international regs
- Dynamic, time-sensitive markets
- Unresponsive to users customers
- Process unable to meet user/customer requirements
market dynamics
16Acquisition Process Redesign
- Redesign S/W purchasing process
- Baseline transformation
- Model baseline process
- Measure diagnose pathologies
- Recommend redesign transformations
- Simulation, selection implementation
- Integrated supply-chain process
- NPS purchasing
- Gensym order fulfillment
17Baseline Process
18Baseline Digraph (partial)
ID Mkt PR Verify
Rsch Issue Prep rqmts survey
form form sources RFP quote
User User User SupO SupO
SupO Ktr
NPS NPS Ktr1... Web
DBMS ... Doc1
Doc2 Doc3 Doc4
Doc5 Doc6 ... P P
P etc.
19Baseline Measurements
20Agent Redesign Opportunities
- Intelligent, autonomous software agents
- Radical redesign acquisition reform
- Leverage AI, IT network advances (EC)
- Reduce cost cycle time
- Improve quality responsiveness
- Virtual re-intermediation of procurement
- Directly connect users contractors
- Follow all laws, regs, policies, rules, etc.
- Maintain deep product industry K
- Monitor markets, suppliers, prices, laws
21Intelligent Acquisition Agents
- Multi agent system - proof-of-concept
- 3 agent classes (user, supply, vendor)
- Distributed hosts processing
- Agent coordination along supply chain
- ADE - shell-like tool
- Grafcets --gt G2 environment or Java
- Distributed agent messaging classes
- Behaviors implemented via methods
- Autonomous, mobile, intelligent, cooperative,
multi-threaded agents
22ISCA Architecture
ADE - Agent Development Environment - Within
(networked) G2 systems (objects methods) -
Heterogeneous JVM platforms (JavaBeans) -
Multi-threaded agents, inter-agent messaging
23ADE Elements
- Agent - compound, mobile object
- Activity - agent behaviors (methods)
- Message - structured classes
- Host - machine environment
- Environment - federation environment
- Simulation - emulate physical envir
- Bridges - PLCs, networks, DBs, etc.
24Grafcet Specification
- Grafcet - international standard
- Unambiguous behaviors conditions
- Extension of Petri Nets
- Steps, transitions, tokens conditions
Waiting Enabled Fired
25User Grafcet
26Supply Grafcet
27Vendor Grafcet
28Intelligent Mall
- Mall metaphor
- More complex, robust than supply chain
- More demanding agent behaviors
- Virtual shops and shoppers
- Unique agents, nearly unlimited in number
- Represent sellers and buyers
- Autonomous, long-lived commerce
- Procurement domain obvious
- NPRDC officer billets market
29Grafcet behavior flows
Objects, methods messages
Virtual mall/supply chain Intelligent
procurement agents
30Web-based I/O
Suppliers register product data
Users specify requirements
Item, qty, budget, date, etc.
Items, specs, price, delivery, etc.
31Regulatory environment
Agents locate select suppliers, virtually,
arrange terms
32Agents complete transactions, return with
33Process Vision Challenges
- Direct acquisition V re-intermediation
- Paperless people-free process
- Agents manage routine work (80/20)
- People manage agents, relationships
- Some challenges
- Education vs. training, people agents
- Human/machine work sharing
- Acquisition agent knowledge engineering
- Agent designs, experiments, security, trust
- I-Mall demo