Title: Chapter 4: Measurement Next time: Statistics Chapter 8
1Chapter 4 MeasurementNext time Statistics
(Chapter 8)
2University of FloridaPsychology ClubPsi Chi
Honor Society
- _at_ 720 IN NPB1001!
- Meeting Schedule
- 1/24, 2/7, 2/21, 3/6,
- 3/20, 4/3 and 4/17
- from 720PM
- 820PM in
- In NPB1001
- Email Shana at
- sls18_at_ufl.edu with
- Psychology Club Listserv
- in the subject line!
- First Speaker
- Dr. Carolyn Tucker
- Why Join?
- Engaging speakers
- Research Volunteer Opportunities
- Fun events
- Networking
- Helpful hints
- Friendship
- Free food prizes!
3Great Opportunities!
- Wanted Dedicated individuals looking for
hands-on Resume/Vitae building experiences and a
chance to make an impact - Who Psychology, Marketing, Business Majors
- What Our team aims to create, enhance and
maintain communities of effective and satisfied
individuals. We are train in three areas
relationship, persistence, and goal achievement
abilities. Currently involved in many schools and
communities across Northeast Florida.
- Research Experience
- Leadership Training
- Grant Writing
- Teaching Assistanceships
- A Quality Recommendation Letter
Lifesatisfactionandexcellence_at_gmail.com Heesacker
-Higley-Mistler Life Satisfaction Excellence
4I have been meaning to tell you to spread the
word down in the psych department that Div 41 of
APA (Psychology-Law) is having our annual meeting
in Jax this year from March 5th -8th
ml We probably still need some student
volunteers (they get free registration if they
work enough hours) for Tuesday and Wednesday
before the conference officially starts. If you
know of any who are interested, send them my way.
5Chapter 4 MeasurementNext time Statistics
(Chapter 8)
6Operational definition Definition of a variable
in terms of the operations used to produce or
measure the variable
7Level of Measurement
- Nominal
- Ordinal
- Interval
- Ratio
8Decisions about Measurement
- How to operationalize
- Which aspects (e.g., frequency, intensity,
duration) - Context (field, lab)
- Source (behavior, verbal report)
- Goal (state-trait)
10Reliability Consistency or repeatability of
- Test-Retest
- Internal Consistency
12Test validity Accuracy with which a test
measures what it is supposed to measure
13Forms of Test Validity
- Content validity
- Criterion validity
- Construct validity
14Convergent Validity
15Convergent ValidityDivergent Validity
16Shared methods variance Similarity among two or
more sets of scores that results from
similarities in the methods used to obtain the
17Multitrait-Multimethod (MTMM) Matrix
18 Trait A B C
1 A1 B1 C1 Method 2 A2 B2
C2 3 A3 B3 C3
19RegressionToward the Mean
20Regression toward the mean Tendency of initially
extreme scores to move toward the group mean upon
21Threats to Validity in Pretest-Posttest Designs
- Regression toward the mean
- Testing
- History
- Maturation
22 Mean Time 1 Time 2
- Grads 105 97 ?
- Dropouts 90 97 ?