Title: Define:
1Linear Defects (Dislocations)
- Define
- slip between crystal planes result when
dislocations move - produce permanent (plastic) deformation.
Schematic of Zinc (HCP)
before deformation
after tensile elongation
slip steps
Adapted from Fig. 7.8, Callister 7e.
2Type of Linear Defects (Dislocations)
- Edge dislocation (?) -- occurs when an
_________________________________ inserted in a
crystal structure - a linear defect that centers around the line
that is defined by extra half-plane of atoms - Dislocation line the line that extends along the
end of the extra half-plane of atoms is
perpendicular to plane of page (for an edge
dislocation) - Leads to lattice distortion
- Burgers vector, b measure of magnitude and
direction of lattice distortion associated with a
dislocation - b is perpendicular to dislocation line (for an
edge dislocation)
Above dislocation line, atoms __________________
Below dislocation line, atoms _________________
Less lattice distortion as distance from
dislocation line increases
3Edge dislocation (?)
Lattice planes
Edge dislocation line
4Type of Linear Defects (Dislocations)
- Screw dislocation C
- A crystal is cut along a plane only ½ the way
through and ½ of crystal is twisted - Formed by shear stress
- __________________________________________________
___________ - b is parallel to dislocation line
Lattice planes
- Burgers vector, b measure of magnitude and
direction of lattice distortion associated with a
5Type of Linear Defects (Dislocations)
- Mixed Dislocation
- Most solids exhibit mixed dislocations exhibit
components of edge and screw dislocations.
6Edge, Screw, and Mixed Dislocations
Adapted from Fig. 4.5, Callister 7e.
7- Dislocations are visible by electron microscopy
- Dislocations are introduced via
- Dislocation density increases with plastic
(permanent) deformation - Due to dislocations, metals possess high
plasticity characteristics ductility and
Titanium Alloy TEM image
Adapted from Fig. 4.6, Callister 7e.
Magnification limit
1 nm
9Interfacial Defects
- Interfacial Defects
- Boundaries with 2 dimensions
- typically separate regions with
_______________ - two types
1. External Surface - crystal structure
terminates - surface atoms not bonded to
max nearest neighbors higher surface energy
10- 2. Grain Boundaries
- Separates two small grains or crystals having
different crystallographic orientations in
polycrystalline materials (p. 64, next slide) - the interface separating two adjoining grains
having two _______________________________________
High degree of crystallographic misalignment
Low degree of crystallographic misalignment
Adapted from Fig. 4.7, Callister 7e.
- Features
- Different degrees of atom misalignment
(depicted) - Atoms bonded less regularly along grain boundary
- Higher energy
- Higher chemical reactivity
- Impurity atoms tend to segregate along grain
11 Polycrystalline refers to crystalline materials
that are composed of more than one crystal or
grains (collection of small crystals) see pp
64-65. Two grains meet along a grain boundary
12- Grain Boundaries
- disrupt the motion of dislocations through a
material improve strength - - a dislocation passing into grain B will have
to _______________________________________________
_________ (p. 189)
Fig. 7.14
13- Grain Boundaries Formation via Solidification
- Solidification- result of casting (cooling) of
molten material - 2 steps
- Nuclei form
- Nuclei grow to form crystals grain structure
- Start with a molten material all liquid
- Crystals grow until they meet each other
- See also Fig. 3.17 (polycrystalline materials)
14Ceramic Defects (Sec. 12.5)
Point Defects in Ceramics a. Vacancy
Pair Schottky Defect - in an ionic solid, a
defect consisting of a ___________________________
____________________________ - maintains
charge neutrality b. Vacancy Interstitial
Frenkel Defect - in an ionic solid, a
______________ __________________________ cation
leaves normal position and goes to interstitial
site -maintains charge neutrality