Title: Patient Safety Awareness Week 2006
1- Patient Safety Awareness Week 2006
2 Patient Safety Awareness Week 2006
- PSAW Planning Committee members
3 Patient Safety Awareness Week 2006
- Patient Safety Awareness Week (PSAW) theme
- Our Patients - Our Partners
- One Team, One Goal
- Patient and Family Centered Care
- Patients as members of the healthcare team
- Hospitals engaging their communities
4 Patient Safety Awareness Week 2006
- PSAW Toolkit
- Sent to all Stand Up hospitals as member benefit
- Content includes
- NPSF posters, buttons, tent cards, patient
brochure - AHRQ Medication Check your Medicines campaign
- JCAHOs Speak Up patient handout
- Patient and Family Involvement Resources
- NPSF Bibliography
- CD with all files for in-house or commercial
5 Patient Safety Awareness Week 2006
- PSAW Toolkit
- 20 Posters
- Able to insert Hospital Logo
- File available on CD
- Post in reception areas,
- admitting department, cafeteria
6Patient Safety Awareness Week 2006
- PSAW Toolkit
- 200 Buttons - provide to staff and leadership
- 50 Tent Cards use in waiting areas, cafeterias,
patient sign-in stations - Additional available on NPSF
- website www.npsf.org
7Patient Safety Awareness Week 2006
- 3 Areas of Focus of Toolkit
- Patient and Family Centered Care engaging
patient community - Medication Safety
- Infection Control
8Patient Safety Awareness Week 2006
- PSAW Toolkit - Engaging Patients and Family
- Patient Brochure Your Role in Making Healthcare
Safer - Beverley Johnsons Article Developing and
Sustaining Patient and Family Involvement in
Safety - Patient and Family Advisory Council Workplan from
the Institute of Family-Centered Care
9Patient Safety Awareness Week 2006
- PSAW Toolkit - Medication Safety
- Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)
Check Your Medicines campaign - Sample Bags in English and Spanish
- Check Your Medicines Poster and patient brochure
- File available on CD for reprinting
- Information on suppliers www.thomasregister.com
10Patient Safety Awareness Week 2006
- PSAW Toolkit - Infection Control
- JCAHOs Speak Up campaign
- Patient brochure and poster - Three Things You
Can Do to Prevent Infection - File available on CD for reprinting
11 Patient Safety Awareness Week 2006
- Ellen Siegel RN, MS, CPHQ
- Senior Clinical Quality Improvement Analyst
- MD Anderson Cancer Center
12M.D. Anderson Cancer CenterPatient Safety Week
13 M.D. Anderson Cancer Center Patient Safety Week
- Largest comprehensive cancer center in the US
- Outpatients Clinic Visits 500,000
- Admissions 20,000
- Average Daily Census 425
- Pathology/Laboratory procedures 5.7M
- Diagnostic Imaging procedures 300,000
- 5.8M sq. ft.
- 15,000 Employees
14 Patient Safety Week What We Have Learned
- Institutional Patient Safety Committee
Sponsorship - Creative physicians very involved in planning and
execution - Created a large inter-disciplinary planning
committee - - Established interest
- - Expanded involvement
- Ideal is 6 months lead time
- Used NPSF themes and materials
- - Customized for our institution added
hospital name and logo to poster - - Responsive with our current issues
- - Specific behavior based goals are key
15M.D. Anderson Cancer Center Patient Safety Week
- Example of a Specific Behavior Goal
- Hand Hygiene focus
- Created a reusable patient safety logo
- Adapted it for washroom mirror decals
16M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
- PSAW Event Ideas 2006
- Decorated basketball jersey display
- Our Patients, Our Partners. One Team, One Goal
- Traveling Safety Cart-
- Clinic waiting rooms, Hospital family areas
- Welcome Safety Stations at the doors
17M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
- Results
- Evolution of patient safety awareness in the
hospital - Ever expanding network of people and depts.
asking to be a part of patient safety week - Ongoing NPSF partnership - involvement in PSAW
Planning Committee
18What will be your area of focus during this
years PSAW?
(Only one answer allowed)
(Please leave this space free for the voting
Patient and Family Centered Care
Medication Safety
Infection Control
19What part of the Toolkit will you use?
(Multiple answers allowed)
(Please leave this space free for the voting
Tent Cards
Press Release
Articles, content
20Patient Safety Awareness Week 2006
- Community Event in a Box
- Presentation on CD
- Complete Script to conduct 1 hour meeting
- Patient Handouts
- - NPSF Safety Bracelets
- - Summary Card
21Patient Safety Awareness Week 2006
- Patient Safety is..
- Trust
- Patient Safety is built on trust. Â Trust is the
bedrock of patient and provider relationships.