Title: Update on Air Quality Modeling
1Update on Air Quality Modeling
- AQMP Advisory Group
- September 13, 2006
22007 AQMP Modeling Update
- Annual PM2.5
- Episodic PM2.5
- 8-Hour Ozone
- Rubidoux PM10
3Modeling Inventory Modifications
- PM2.5
- - Apportionment paved road dust - Updated VOC
emissions split files - Weekend VMT
redistribution in Riverside - Ozone
- - Weekend VMT redistribution in Riverside -
Pleasure Craft split exhaust and
evaporatives - - Weekend lawn garden equipment - Gridded
temperature profile adjustments
4PM2.5 Modeling Methodology
- Annual CAMx one atmosphere approach
- Speciated rollback on components
- Relative Reduction Factor (RRFs)
- RRF calculated from 2005-2014 simulations
- Validated using MATESIII speciated data
- Apportioned to reference method concentrations
- Corroborating analysis speciated linear
5Preliminary Emissions Scenarios Evaluated
- San Pedro Bay Clean Air Plan Estimated
- Goods Movement Plan (GMP) Estimated
- Combinations of GMP and additional NOx and SOx
emissions reductions
6Selected Inventories Evaluated to Determine PM2.5
Range of Carrying Capacity
7Preliminary Estimated PM2.5 Carrying Capacity
- MATES III Data Analysis and Measurement
Procedures - Scaling to reference method
- Annual Simulations - monthly emissions -
boundary conditions - MM5 5 Day simulation
linkage - Generic emissions reductions
9PM2.5 Episodic Simulations
- Currently conducting simulations
- Day specific emissions
- MM5 (no FDDA) 5-day simulations
- Evaluating results
10Ozone Simulations
- Multiple episodes
- RRF not split by weekend/weekday
- RRF calculated 2020-2002
- RRF site specific
- MM5 simulations with 4DDA
11Future Year 8-Hour Ozone Design Values
- Approximate average RRF 0.9
- Applied to 3-year average design values (2001,
2002, 2003) - Estimated maximum design 117 ppb
- Across the board emissions reductions to develop
12San Bernardino (August 1997 Episode)
482 Base
597 Base
Preliminary Estimated Carrying Capacity 300 TPY
13Rubidoux PM10
- Ambient data projects that station will not
attain standard this year - Evaluating fugitive and road dust source
contributions for potential local control --
paved road dust (no curbs gutters) --
dirt/gravel road usage -- open fields
(tilling soil dumping) - Rank best options for controls for possible
maintenance plan and/or 2008 AQMP update
14Next Steps
- Fine tune the base 2005 and 2002 simulations
- Simulate defined PM2.5 controls strategy to
refine PM2.5 carrying capacity - Reevaluate ozone control strategy and develop new
control factors - Refine ozone carrying capacity